
  • 网络rural communes
  1. 社会的主要组织形式是农村公社。

    The main forms of social organization in rural communes .

  2. 农村公社高度组织化。

    The rural communes were highly regimented .

  3. 平均主义与俄国的农村公社密切联系在一起。

    Egalitarianism and the Russian rural commune were closely related .

  4. 残存农村公社制度的平均主义缓和了傣族社会的阶级矛盾;

    The egalitarianism of remaining primitive rural commune mitigated the class contradictions .

  5. 俄国的农奴制度与农村公社

    The Serf System and the Primitive Commune in Russia

  6. 试论恩格斯对俄国农村公社的看法

    Engels ' Viewpoint about Agricultural Commune in Russia

  7. 我能亲自和农村公社,贫困团休,处在不幸中的人会面。

    I was able to personally meet rural communities , disadvantaged groups , persons in distress .

  8. 俄国农村公社与平均主义传统&俄国村社与传统系列研究之一

    The Russian rural commune and egalitarianism

  9. 马克思关于俄国农村公社命运的思考与历史唯物论的深化

    On Marx 's Consideration of the Fate of Russion Rural Communities and the Maturation of Historic Materialism

  10. 对资本主义怀着厌恶和恐惧,企图通过被理想化的农村公社,绕过资本主义,直接过渡到社会主义。

    Disgusting with Capitalism , they keened on the direct tran-sition from Feudalism to Socialism by ideal rural commune .

  11. 古代印度的农村公社,同样经历了共同耕作到各个家庭长期使用的发展阶段。

    The agricultural community of ancient India underwent the process from cooperative working to long-term use by individual families .

  12. 跨越是指俄国在落后的农村公社土地公有制的基础上直接进入社会主义。

    Overpassing refers to that Russia could directly go into socialism on the base of the backward countryside commune .

  13. 古代东方农村公社内部关系的显著特点是村社成员对村社共同体的依附性。

    The notable feature of inner relation in ancient east community is the community members ' attachment to the community .

  14. 农村公社是亚细亚生产方式的基础,对此,经典作家已有明确的阐释。

    The rural commune is the base of the Asian mode of production , which has been clearly expounded by classics .

  15. 本文阐述恩格斯运用历史唯物主义原理研究俄国的农村公社问题及其对后人的启示。

    This paper explains the essence and meaning of the theory of value and effectiveness upon a dialectical deliberation over them .

  16. 晚年,马克思的农业发展理论发生了转变,特别是对农村公社,以及自耕小农土地所有制和资本主义大农业的发展问题产生了新的认识。

    - as the only way of agricultural development in the human society . In the later days , Marx changed his agricultural development theory .

  17. 经过反复思考,马克思认为俄国农村公社不经过资本主义制度的核心问题,是生产力落后的俄国农村公社如何达到高度发达。

    Through turning over the questions of Russian rural community , whose level of productivity was less developed , Marx thought that the core was how it would obtain high development .

  18. 西双版纳傣族领主制经济的外在形式是传统的农村公社,但农村公社已经完全异化为维护农奴主阶级经济剥削的工具。

    The external shape of Dai lords system economic of Xishuangbanna was the rural commune . But it was alienated completely a kind of tool that defended the economical leadership of lords .

  19. 马克思根据俄国农村公社的特殊属性,提出经济文化比较落后国家可能跨越资本主义的卡夫丁峡谷这种思想。

    From the peculiarities of rural community in Russian , Marx put forward the idea that a backward country on the economy and culture can leap over the Carffdin Canyon of capitalism .

  20. 在俄国社会发展问题上,民粹派将俄国农村公社理想化、俄国农民神圣化、少数知识分子的作用绝对化,企图使俄国不经过生产力的累积而直接进入社会主义。

    In their discussions on the issue of the Russian social development , the populists idealized the Russian village communes , deified the Russian farmers and exaggerated the role of the intellectual minority .

  21. 俄国农村公社在种种前提条件下,可以“大大缩短自己向社会主义发展的过程”,但并不是跨越资本主义直接进入社会主义。

    Countryside commune of Russia , under all sorts of precondition , can " shorten its own course of socialist 's development greatly ", but does not cross over capitalism and enter socialism directly .

  22. 但在俄国农奴制度16世纪末确立之后,农村公社本身也为封建主义所改造,反过来它又成为维护和加强俄国农奴制度的有力工具。

    However , with its establishment by the end of the16th century , the primitive communes had been changed by the feudalism and became powerful tools in defensing and enforcing the serf system in Russia .

  23. 本文认为,俄国传统的农村公社制约和延缓了俄国农奴制度的形成,迫使俄国封建主阶级以国家立法的形式,造成了独具特点的俄国农奴制度;

    The traditional Russian communes restrained and relegated the formation of the serf system in Russia and forced the Russian feudal class to have set up the unique serf system by means of the national legislations .

  24. 二者论争的焦点在于,如何看待农村公社与俄国资本主义的发展,根本分歧实际上是历史唯物主义与历史唯心主义、科学社会主义与空想社会主义两种思想体系的对立。

    The focus of their contention is how to look at the development of village communes and Russian capitalism . Their fundamental differences are those between historical materialism and historical idealism and between scientific socialism and utopian socialism .

  25. 马克思、恩格斯晚年提出,俄国可以不通过资本主义制度的卡夫丁峡谷,即认为俄国可以走一条不同于西方资本主义发展道路的新道路,以农村公社为基础进入社会主义。

    Marx and Engels advocated that Russia might not through the capital of the socialist system " kafuting " valley and walk on a different road from western capitalist , with " rural commune " as the foundation to socialism .

  26. 制约水稻种植的关键因素是水利灌溉,正因为水利灌溉的需要,又对过去傣族社会农村公社的形成起着至关重要的作用,且又影响到傣族文化的其他特征。

    Irrigation is the key factor to restrict rice planting , and because of the requirement of irrigation , it played vital role on forming primitive commune of Dai society , and also influence on other characters of Dai culture .

  27. 早期,马克思强调西欧,特别是英国的经验,将农奴制下的农村公社自耕小农土地所有制资本主义雇佣型大农业社会主义集体合作制大农业的发展序列作为人类社会农业发展的唯一道路。

    In the early days , he attached more importance to the Western-European experience , particularly the British experience , and identified the order-the rural community affected by the serf system-small land owned by peasants-the great capitalist agriculture-the great socialist agriculture managed by the collective cooperation .

  28. 过去,医疗(以及教育和养老金)由城市中的国有企业和农村公社买单。而最近几年,政府的这两大堡垒已经瓦解,留下了一个由用者自付体系来填补的真空。

    Health ( along with education and pensions ) used to be provided through government enterprises in cities and communes in the countryside , both bulwarks of the state that have disintegrated in recent years , leaving a vacuum to be filled by a user-pays system .

  29. 农村人民公社所有制述论

    Comment on the Ownership of the Rural People 's Commune

  30. 关于农村人民公社的分期

    The Periodization of The People 's commune History