
duì ǒu hūn
  • pairing marriage, with the man marrying into and living with the wife's family, and their children belonging to the mother
  1. 对偶婚给家庭添加了一个新的因素。

    Pairing marriage had brought a new element into the family .

  2. 这种家庭形式表示着从对偶婚向一夫一妻制的过渡。

    Such a form of family shows the transition of the pairing family to monogamy .

  3. 所有这些都是远古蒙昧、野蛮时代遗留下来的群婚与对偶婚的习俗。

    Those were all traces of communal marriage and dual marriage in the uncivilized and savage age .

  4. 在对偶婚之下,通例是由母亲给自己的子女安排婚事的;

    In the pairing marriage it was customary for the mothers to settle the marriages of their children ;

  5. 如前所述,婚姻的形式是逐渐接近一夫一妻制的对偶婚制。

    The form of marriage , as already said , was a pairing marriage which was gradually approaching monogamy .

  6. 归反映的婚嫁习俗&兼谈家、室与对偶婚制

    Marriage Customs Reflected by " Gui " & also on " Jia " " Shi " and Paring Marriage System

  7. 中国古代婚姻制度曾经历了原始群婚、血缘群婚、亚血缘群婚、对偶婚等形态。

    Chinese ancient marriage institutions once went through the patterns of original group marriage , consanguineous group marriage , sub-consanguineous group marriage and duality marriage etc.

  8. 婚姻自古至今的发展,其大体经历了乱婚期、群婚制、对偶婚制、一夫一妻制四个阶段。

    Marriage is a product of social development , which generally experienced the four stages : chaotic marriage , group marriage , dual marriage , monogamy .

  9. 差不多在这一切方面,德意志人都是与斯巴达人相一致的;正如我们已经看到的,在斯巴达人中间,对偶婚也还没有完全消失的。

    In almost all these points the Germans agree with the spartans , among whom also , as we saw , pairing marriage had not yet been completely overcome .

  10. 在斯巴达,是一种由国家根据当地的观点而改变了的对偶婚制,这种对偶婚制在有些方面还像群婚。

    The recognized form of marriage in Sparta was a pairing marriage , modified according to the Spartan conceptions of the state , in which there still survived vestiges of group marriage .

  11. 随着父权制代替母权制,婚姻形式也随之发生了变化,对偶婚和一夫一妻制婚姻形式出现,女性在婚姻关系中沦为被奴役的一方。

    Patriarchy instead of matriarchy , the form of marriage had changed . The dual marriage and the monogamous form of marriage appeared . Women reduced to slavery party in the marriage relationship .

  12. 然而,威尔士以及爱尔兰的材料却直接证明,在11世纪时,克尔特人的对偶婚还根本没有被一夫一妻制所代替。

    But what is directly proved by the Welsh sources and by the Irish is that among the Celts in the eleventh century pairing marriage had not by any means been displaced by monogamy .

  13. 从群婚状态到对偶婚制,从母系氏族到父系氏族,姓氏与婚姻的关系经历了根本性的演变,逐步走向伦理规范。

    From the state of communal marriage to the institution of antitheses marriage , from matriarchal clan to paternal clan , the relationship between surname and marriage had gone through foundamental development , and it goes to ethical standard progressively .

  14. 土司统治时期,土家族出现了一些特殊婚俗,如初夜权、入赘婚等,但对偶婚仍然占据主导地位,这与当时土家族地区落后的经济相关。

    During the period of toast , Tujia had some special marriage customs , such as the first night right , uxorilocal , but the pairing marriage was still dominant . This is related to the backward economy of the Tujia areas .

  15. 《诗经》所反映的时代已经进入专偶婚时期,但远古群婚、对偶婚等遗俗依然在一定范围内存在,出现了婚姻形态多元化的特点。

    In the stage of the Book of Songs has already entered the single marriage period , but the ancient reliques such as communal marriage and antithesis marriage even existed in a certain range . It appeared a characteristic of diverse marriage forms .