
  • 网络SSB;spontaneous symmetry breaking;spontaneous break;spontaneously symmetry breaking
  1. 研究得出稳定过程存在对称性自发破缺。

    It founds that there is spontaneous symmetry breaking in the stabilization process .

  2. 详细研究了一个力学系统的对称性自发破缺,以及由此引起的能量简并。

    The spontaneous symmetry breaking of a mechanical system and its energy degeneracy is discussed .

  3. 带费米子2+1维SU(2)群格点规范理论中的真空和手征对称性自发破缺

    Vacuum of 2 + 1 dimensional su ( 2 ) LGT with fermions and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking

  4. 3+1维格点QCD的手征对称性自发破缺

    Spontaneous Chiral Symmetry Breaking of 3 + 1 Dimensional Lattice QCD

  5. 中子星中的对称性自发破缺与声速

    The Spontaneous Broken Symmetry and Acoustic Speed in The Neutron Stars

  6. 对称性自发破缺重正化方法的简单应用

    Simple Application of Method of the Renormalization to Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

  7. 对称性自发破缺的历史发展

    The study on the development of spontaneous symmetry breaking

  8. 对称性自发破缺与引力红移的极限

    Spontaneously Broken Symmetries And Limitation On Gravitational Redshift

  9. 当拉格朗日量的形式使系统发生对称性自发破缺时它就成为一个线性σ模型。

    When the Lagrangian shows the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry , it becomes the linear a model .

  10. 尤其瞬子液体模型是一个非常成熟的半经典唯象理论,而且它会引起一个非常有趣的机制&手征对称性自发破缺。

    The instanton solution was used as a basis for developing a rather successful semiclassically-motivated phenomenology , instanton liquid model .

  11. 任教芝加哥大学的美国科学家南部阳一郎因为发现次原子物理的对称性自发破缺机制而获一半奖金。

    American scientist Yoichiro Nambu of the University of Chicago won half of the prize for the discovery of the mechanism called spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics .

  12. 简述了已知的粒子质量公式,由动力学的对称性自发破缺机制导出粒子的动力学模型和振动-转动模型,其简化形式是谐振子模型。

    The dynamical model and the oscillation-rotation model of particle are derived from the dynamical mechanism of spontaneously break symmetry , and its simplified form is a harmonic oscillator model .

  13. QCD的一个基本性质就是手征对称性及其自发破缺。

    One basic feature in QCD is chiral symmetry and its spontaneousbreaking .

  14. 结果表明,对二维情况不存在U(1)对称性的自发破缺,对三维情况,在弱耦合区看到了明显的U(1)对称性的自发破缺。

    The results indicate that in the two-dimensional case U ( 1 ) symmetry is not broken but in the three-dimensional case a clear evidence of spontaneous breaking of the U ( 1 ) symmetry is observed in the weak coupling region .

  15. 由于对称性的自发破缺,在标量场的真空期待值近似为常数时,得到各向不同性的DeSitter解,这种真空暴胀将自行导致早期宇宙空间的各向同性化。

    When the vacuum expectation value of the scalar field is approximately equal to a constant owing to the spontaneous symmetry breaking , we find a anisotropic de Sitter cosmological solution . The expansion isotropization is automatically obtained by this vacuum inflation .

  16. 方程具有两组解,一组解保持手征对称性,另一组解使手征对称性自发破缺。

    There exist two sets of solution , the chiral-symmetry solution and chiral-breaking solution .

  17. 对称性对物理发展有巨大的作用,论述物理学的守恒定律与对称性,以及不守恒的发现和对称性自发破缺产生的变化。

    Symmetry plays an important role in the development of Physics . This paper discusses symmetry , conservation law in physics , as well as the finding of non_conservation and the change of symmetry breaking .