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  • logarithmic function
  1. 基于对数函数的adhoc网络MAC退避算法

    Backoff algorithm of MAC protocol in Ad Hoc networks based on logarithmic function

  2. 在数学其他教学内容迁移方面,如指数函数、对数函数和反函数的概念、图像等教学环节,可借鉴或局部套用本课使用TI图形计算器等信息技术辅助幂函数教学的方法或手段。

    In other aspects of teaching content migration in mathematics , such as exponential function , logarithmic function and inverse function concept and image , we can borrow ideas and partially use the teaching methods of TI graphics calculator or information technology auxiliary power in this lesson . 4 .

  3. 遗憾的是,Java语言的(以及C、Fortran和Basic的)自然对数函数错误命名为log()。

    Sadly , the Java language 's ( and C 's and Fortran 's and Basic 's ) natural logarithm function is misnamed as log () .

  4. 引入单调平滑的对数函数,对原代价函数取以e为底的对数进行复合,提出了一种改进的非负限定性支持域算法。

    By introducing the monotone smooth logarithm and compounding it with the original cost function , we propose an improved nonnegativity and support constraints recursive inverse filtering algorithm ( NAS-RIF ) for image restoration .

  5. 讨论了具有扩散系数D(x)∝x-θ的整数阶方程,利用q-指数函数和q-对数函数的特性,求得了解析解。

    First , the integer equation is studied by considering the diffusion coefficient D ( x )∝ x θ . By using the q-exponential function and q-logarithm function , the analytical solution of the equation is derived .

  6. 与Euler微分算子的本质谱进行比较,可见对数函数系数对算子的谱产生了很大影响。

    The comparison of the essential spectrum of the operators concerned with that of the Euler differential operators showed that the logarithmic coefficients had a remarkable effect on the spectrum of the operators .

  7. log10()能正常终止对数函数执行:0或任何负数的对数返回NaN。

    Math . log10 () has the usual caveats of logarithm functions : taking the log of0 or any negative number returns NaN .

  8. 对于具有对数函数弱奇异性积分核的Fredholm型I类积分方程,解的性质主要取决于方程中已知函数的形式。

    The character of the solution depends on the known function of integral equation , as to the Type ⅰ Fredholm integral equation with logarithm function singular integral kernel .

  9. 通过田间试验和SPSS回归模拟,应用均值土壤一维垂直入渗Philip公式计算累计入渗量,研究田间尺度降雨排水中氮、磷浓度的变化规律,拟合控制排水氮、磷浓度对数函数模拟方程。

    Based on field experiments , SPSS regressive simulation , and the calculation of accumulative infiltration amount by the averaged 1-D Philip formula for vertical infiltration in soil , the variation law of nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in drainage of rainfall in farmland was studied .

  10. 不同土层土壤氮素矿化过程不同:在培养期间030cm土层氮素矿化量与培养时间符合线性关系,而3060cm和6090cm土层符合对数函数;

    Every soil layer had different mineralization process : mineralization process of 0 30 cm soil layer could be described with linear equation and 30 60 cm and 60 90 cm soil layers with logarithm equation during incubation .

  11. CORDIC算法通过简单的加法和移位操作就可以完成三角函数、指数函数和对数函数等超越函数的计算,且该算法是一种规则化的算法,结构简单,可以很容易在硬件上实现。

    CORDIC algorithm contain simple addition and shift operations to be completed on the trigonometric functions , exponential function and logarithmic function , such as calculation of transcendental function , and the algorithm is a rule-based algorithm , simple structure , can be easily achieved in hardware .

  12. 在论述防洪效益基本原则的基础上,将洪灾损失回归成对数函数,并采用Houghton不完全中值法积分计算防洪效益,方法精确简捷,可得满意的防洪效益计算成果

    On the basis of researching the fundamental principle of flood control benefits , the flood disaster loss regresses to logarithm function , and the Houghton incomplete mid value integration method is adopted to calculate flood control benefits A satisfactory result can be obtained by using this simple and precise method

  13. 用常用对数函数计算罗子山水库大坝漏测沉陷量

    Calculation of sinking displacement missing in measuring with common logarithm function

  14. 一种高精度指数、对数函数快速算法

    A quick algorithms of high precision on the exponential and logarithmic functions

  15. 关于指数函数、对数函数、幂函数的一种新的等价定义

    New Equivalent Definitions of Exponential , Logarithmic and Power Functions

  16. 现在,让我们的指数和对数函数的照顾。

    Now , let 's take care of exponential and logarithm functions .

  17. 关于实矩阵值对数函数(1)

    On the Real Matrix - Valued Logarithmic Function ( Prat One )

  18. 对数函数和指数函数的子程序方案

    Schemes of the subroutines for logarithmic and exponential functions

  19. 关于复变量对数函数的一点注记

    Remarks on the Logarithm Function of a Complex Variable

  20. 对数函数是作为指数函数的反函数来定义的。

    The logarithmic function is defined as the inverse of the exponential function .

  21. 可能会是对数函数,或者是负指数函数。

    It might be logarithms or negative exponents .

  22. 黄土隧道变形符合对数函数规律。

    The deformation accords with the law of logarithmic function . ( 2 ) .

  23. 高准确度对数函数电路的探讨和实现

    Research on high precision logarithmic amplifying circuit

  24. 指数、对数函数的优化算法

    Optimized Algorithms on Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

  25. 对数函数的多种公理化定义

    Multiple Axiomatic Definition for Logarithm Function

  26. 精油萃取率与萃取压力、萃取时间呈对数函数关系。

    The extracting rate of the essential oil was logarithmically increased with extracting pressure and time .

  27. 用对数函数做非线性变换函数来修正中间灰度区域。

    And the grey level in middle domain is revised with logarithm function as nonlinear transformation function .

  28. 首先研究了辐角函数的一些性质,进而对对数函数的多值性进行了分析,最后讨论了多值函数的应用问题。

    We firstly discuss the properties of the argument function and the single-valued analytical branch of logarithmic function .

  29. 常用的回归分析函数有以下三种:对数函数、指数函数、双曲线函数。

    The regression analysis used the following three functions : logarithmic functions , exponential functions , hyperbolic functions .

  30. 此外,还提出了半对数函数型式剪切变形本构模型反映结构面剪切变形特性。

    Besides , a half-logarithm function model is adopted to represent the shear deformation curves of sandstone discontinuities .