
  • 网络The Correspondence Principle;principle of correspondence
  1. 在线弹性多层材料的渐近均匀化方法的基础上,应用弹性-粘弹性对应原理,在Carson域中求解粘弹性多层材料的问题。

    Based on the homogenization of linear elastic multi-layered media , the correspondence principle in viscoelasticity is applied and the problem in the Carson domain is solved .

  2. 利用对应原理和FFT技术计算出了无限均匀各向同性介质中双力偶点源产生的位移场,并结合若干实例进行了分析和总结。

    According to the correspondence principle and FFT , the author have calculated the displacement field of a double-couple point source in homogeneous , isotropic , unbounded medium . Correspondingly , some practical observation results have been summarized and analysed .

  3. Heisenberg对应原理下氢原子1/r矩阵元的量子-经典对应

    The quantum-classical correspondence of matrix elements of hydrogen atom 's inverse radius in Heisenberg principle

  4. 对于一般形式的含时电容和电感耦合电路,利用Heisenberg对应原理研究了体系的量子经典对应关系以及量子涨落。

    For the general time-dependent inductance-capacitance coupled circuits , quantum-classical correspondence and the quantum fluctuations are studied by using the Heisenberg correspondence principle .

  5. 给出了三维Stieltjes卷积形式的简化非线性粘弹性本构关系和三维本构关系的弹性回复对应原理。

    Simplified three-dimensional nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive relations in the form of Stieltjes convolution and the three-dimensional elasticity recovery correspondence principle in the constitutive relations are given .

  6. 由于位置矩阵元的结果较复杂,借助Heisenberg对应原理给出了它的一个很好的近似表达式。

    Since the result of expectation value for position is quite complicated , the Heisenberg correspondence principle is used to give one of its approximate expressions , and the expression proves to be very accurate by numerical calculations .

  7. 对应原理在近代物理发展中所起的作用

    On the functions of the correspondence principle in the modern physics

  8. 海森堡对应原理在含时介观耦合电路中的应用

    Application of Heisenberg correspondence principle in the mesoscopic time-dependent coupled circuits

  9. 对应原理在矩阵力学建立过程中的作用

    On the Correspondence Principle and the Foundation of Matrix Mechanics

  10. 利用对应原理求解粘弹性体力学问题,可将线弹性与粘弹性力学有机地结合起来。

    The principle can combine elastic and viscoelastic mechanics together .

  11. 应用反配极对应原理解决透视学中的基本度量问题

    Solution of Basic Measure in the Perspective with the Principle of Anti-polarity

  12. 弹性回复对应原理在非线性粘弹性本构理论中的应用

    Application of the elastic recovery correspondence principle in nonlinear viscoelastic constitutive theory

  13. 对应原理的推广和应用

    Generalization of correspondence principle and it 's application in teaching

  14. 对应原理在遗传学教学中的渗透与应用

    The permeation and use of corresponding principle in genetics teaching

  15. 基于三维模型和仿射对应原理的人脸姿态估计方法

    Face Pose Estimation Based on 3D Models and Affine Correspondences

  16. 这样的结果通称为玻尔对应原理。

    This result is known as the Bohr correspondence principle .

  17. 粘弹性力学的对应原理及其数值反演方法

    Correspondence principles and numerical methods of inverse integral transformation in viscoelastic mechanics

  18. 用弹性-粘弹性对应原理求解材料力学问题

    Solve Mechanic Problems of Materials with Elastic-Viscoelastic Correspondence Principle

  19. 科学与伪科学的一个重要界限&对应原理与科学创新

    An Important Distinction Between Science and Pseudoscience & Correspondence Principle and Scientific Creation

  20. 非线性振动理论中的非线性模态对应原理探讨

    Nonlinear Mode Correspondence Principle in Nonlinear Vibration Theory

  21. 对应原理对氢原子辐射频率应用的一个误解

    A misunderstanding of applying the correspondence principle to the radiation frequency of hydrogen atom

  22. 非均匀湿热黏弹性拟静态问题的对应原理

    Correspondence Principle for Nonhomogeneous Hygro-thermo-viscoelastic Quasi-static Problems

  23. 一个是海森堡对应原理在半空间谐振子中的应用的问题。

    One is the use of the Heisenberg correspondence for the harmonic oscillator in half space .

  24. 对应原理的普遍性

    The generality of correspondence principle

  25. 微观力学中的对应原理

    The Correspondence Principle in Micromechanics

  26. 为讨论这个波动性质,利用对应原理的一种形式是有好处的。

    To discuss this wave aspect , it is useful to invoke a form of the correspondence principle .

  27. 提出了非线性振动理论中的非线性模态对应原理,并给出了该原理的证明。

    In this paper , the nonlinear mode correspondence principle in nonlinear vibration theory is proposed and proved .

  28. 通过对改性聚丙烯材料的实验验证了该对应原理的正确性和对此类材料的实用性。

    It is shown by the experiments for improved polypropylene that these principles are valid and are applicable to such class of materials .

  29. 本文详细介绍了对应原理,概念首次引入的波尔在1913年适用于结构的光谱。

    This paper elaborated on the correspondence principle , a concept first introduced by Bohr in1913 that applied to the structure of spectra .

  30. 玻尔提出的对应原理就具有这种性质,它为科学创新提出了一种制约性的要求,使得能够把科学同伪科学区别开来。

    The correspondence principle put forward by Pier possesses this quality which gives a restrictive demand for scientific creation , telling science from pseudoscience .