
  • 网络tropopause;troposphere
  1. 我国对流层顶的时空分布特征及其影响因子

    The characteristics of temporal and spatial variation of Tropopause over China and its controlling factors

  2. 热带对流层顶气温在两个不同时期的差别与大气气温以及位势高度的异常变化有较好的关系。

    The differences of tropical tropopause temperature between these two periods are intrinsically related to the anomalous variations of air temperature and the geopotential height in the troposphere .

  3. 利用1958~2001年的臭氧垂直分布和NCEP资料,计算出全球对流层顶的气候场,并对其空间分布、季节、年际和年代际演变进行了分析。

    Using the 44 years ( 1958 & 2001 ) NCEP data and ozone mixing ratio data , calculating the global ozone distribution at tropopause .

  4. 分析大气监测资料、TOMS臭氧总量资料和NCEP大气环流资料表明,大气臭氧总量随着对流层顶的低一高一低变化呈高一低一高的变化过程。

    Analysis of the observational data , the TOMS total ozone , and NCEP circulation , shows that the atmospheric ozone amount experienced a high-low-high variation with low-high-low tropopause altitude .

  5. 根据2001~2003年期间获得的大气臭氧探空资料,揭示了北京地区上空对流层顶高度的某些变化特征及其对上对流层(UT)和下平流层(LS)区域内大气臭氧含量变化的影响。

    Based on ozonesonde data for 20012003 , some variation characteristics of the tropopause height and its influence on ozone variation in upper troposphere / lower stratosphere ( UT / LS ) region over Beijing are discussed .

  6. 强大的西风气流有时曾在离赤道大约9个纬度的巴西Recife上空的对流层顶附近观测到过。

    Strong westerlies , at times , have been observed near the tropopause over Recife , Brasil , approximately9o from the equator .

  7. 相对30hPa和50hPa,新的指数可以更加好的反映出QBO对对流层顶高度以及热带垂直环流的影响。

    By comparison with the performance of zonal wind at 30 hPa and 50 hPa , we can find the new index can better describe the influence of QBO in tropical troposphere .

  8. 分析了40a来新疆第一对流层顶年平均高度变化空间分布差异,用Mann-Kendall法和移动t检验法进行了突变检验。

    The change trend of average height and difference in the spatial distribution of the first tropopause for 40 years were analyzed , and the test of abrupt change was conducted by means of Mann-Kendall and running t-test .

  9. 南北半球的极地对流层顶温度结构在不同的季节有不同的变化趋势;

    Polar tropopause temperature structure has different trend in two hemisphere ;

  10. 大气对流层顶的臭氧时空分布变化

    Change The variation of spatial-temporal distribution of the global tropopause ozone

  11. 臭氧层季节变化与对流层顶的关系

    The Seasonal Variation of Total Ozon and Its Relationship with the Tropopause

  12. 对流对热带对流层顶附近观测到的温度的作用。

    Convective impact on temperatures observed near the tropical tropopause .

  13. 辽宁地区第一对流层顶高度变化特征分析

    Climatic characteristics of the first tropopause height over Liaoning province

  14. 北京地区极地对流层顶与地面要素之间的关系

    The Relationship Between Arctic Tropopause Height and Surface Air Temperature in Beijing Area

  15. 必须通过对流层顶的热输送来建立平衡。

    The balance must be made up by heat transported through the troposphere .

  16. 平流层是从对流层顶向上延伸到50千米高空的界层。

    The stratosphere is the layer above the troposphere and extends to about50km .

  17. 全球对流层顶温度场演变的气候学特征分析

    Statistics of the global tropopause temperature change

  18. 从偏冷期到偏暖期,整个热带对流层顶显著变暖。

    The whole tropical tropopause has been warmed up from cold period to warm period .

  19. 武汉与海口地区对流层顶的变化特征

    Characteristics of Tropopause Over Wuhan and Haikou

  20. 沈阳地区对流层顶气候特征分析

    Climatic characteristics of tropopause over Shenyang

  21. 新疆1960-1999年第一对流层顶高度变化及其突变分析

    Change Trend and Analysis of Abrupt Change for the First Tropopause Height over Xinjiang in 1960 - 1999

  22. 热带类对流层顶年平均高度变化呈上升趋势,年平均温度变化呈下降趋势。

    The annual mean height ( temperature ) of tropic type tropopauses shows an increasing ( decreasing ) tendency .

  23. 北京地区对流层顶变化及其对上对流层/下平流层区域臭氧变化的影响

    Variation of the Tropopause Height and Its Influence on Ozone Variation in Upper Troposphere / Lower Stratosphere over Beijing

  24. 最大偏差主要发生在近地面大气层、对流层顶附近和地形复杂的陆地区域。

    The largest differences are near the ground and in tropopause region , particularly over the land with complicated topography .

  25. 极地各季节对流层顶的臭氧分布和高度场特征相似,低纬则与温度场分布较一致;

    In the low-latitude and equator regions , the global tropopause ozone distribution is similar to the temperature distribution to some extent .

  26. 夏季全球平均的对流层顶气压和气温在分析时段内均呈下降趋势,表明对流层顶高度有所上升。

    Both the global mean tropopause pressure and temperature have been decreasing since 1979 , indicating that our tropopause has been moving higher and higher .

  27. 利用北京地区1977&1990年的高空、地面资料,讨论了极地对流层顶与地面温度的关系。

    The relationship between arctic tropopause height and surface air temperature is discussed by using the aerological sounding and surface data during 1977-1990 in Beijing area .

  28. 其中云顶高度可达对流层顶的上冲强对流云对对流层与平流层之间的空气交换有重要的影响。

    The convective overshooting is the deep convective clouds which penetrating the tropopause layer . They affect the air exchange between the troposphere and the stratosphere .

  29. 在偏冷期和偏暖期热带对流层顶气温一致下降,引起后期秋季热带地区海温持续升高。

    The tropical tropopause temperature decreases in both cold and warm periods , which possibly relates to the increase of the tropical SST in the following falls .

  30. 质量环流引起中高纬度对流层顶下沉并使高空锋区加强。

    The enhancement of mass meridional circulation induces a little fall of the tropopause in the middle-high latitude , and steepens the slope of the upper level front .