- group marriage;communal marriage;comunal marriage

(1) [group marriage]∶一种婚姻形式,出现在原始社会,几个女子一同与另一族的几个男子结婚,同一氏族之内禁止通婚
(2) [comunal marriage]∶共婚、杂婚;假设的原始乱婚,在那里一个社会集团的一切女人共同属一切男人
We will return to this point when discussing group marriage .
In fact , for men group marriage actually still exists even to this day .
They were displaced by the pairing family .
Communal marriage is the first form of human family instead of consanguineous family .
The increasing complication of these prohibitions made group marriages more and more impossible ;
Those were all traces of communal marriage and dual marriage in the uncivilized and savage age .
Noyes decided that group marriage was the best way for men and women to live together .
Along with the appearance of individual marriage family , group marriage system without envy was destroyed .
At the time Morgan wrote his book , our knowledge of group marriage was still very limited .
What seems strange here to civilized people is simply the rule according to mother-right and in group marriage .
In the later forms of group marriage similar relations probably existed , but with the group continually contracting .
On the contrary , as Giraud-Teulon has already pointed out , it is a specialized form of group marriage ;
The pairing family is the form characteristic of barbarism , as group marriage is characteristic of savagery and monogamy of civilization .
This hetaerism derives quite directly from group marriage , from the ceremonial surrender by which women purchased the right of chastity .
A certain amount of pairing , for a longer or shorter period , already occurred in group marriage or even earlier ;
Chinese ancient marriage institutions once went through the patterns of original group marriage , consanguineous group marriage , sub-consanguineous group marriage and duality marriage etc.
Marriage is a product of social development , which generally experienced the four stages : chaotic marriage , group marriage , dual marriage , monogamy .
Since then we have become acquainted with a number of other forms of group marriage , and we now know that Morgan here went too far .
Group marriage , the form of family in which whole groups of men and whole groups of women mutually possess one another , and which leaves little room for jealousy .
At any rate , all traces of it have not yet disappeared . The community succession was on the comedown phase rapidly , and the evidence of degeneration was naked .
The recognized form of marriage in Sparta was a pairing marriage , modified according to the Spartan conceptions of the state , in which there still survived vestiges of group marriage .
The increasing complication of these prohibitions made group marriages more and more impossible ; As intermarriage in the gens was prohibited , it withdrew its members from the evils of consanguine marriages .
However , in his punaluan family he had had the good fortune to strike the highest , the classic form of group marriage , from which the transition to a higher stage can be explained most simply .
From the state of communal marriage to the institution of antitheses marriage , from matriarchal clan to paternal clan , the relationship between surname and marriage had gone through foundamental development , and it goes to ethical standard progressively .
In the stage of the Book of Songs has already entered the single marriage period , but the ancient reliques such as communal marriage and antithesis marriage even existed in a certain range . It appeared a characteristic of diverse marriage forms .
Marriage between entire sections , as it prevails in australia , is in any case a very low and primitive form of group marriage , whereas the punaluan family , so far as we know , represents its highest stage of development .