
  • 网络Mayan civilization;maya civilization
  1. 玛雅文明是古代美洲的伟大文明之一,它发祥甚早。

    Maya is one of the great ancient civilizations in the Western Hemisphere .

  2. 在危地马拉的丛林深处,埋藏着失落的玛雅文明遗迹。

    Deep in the jungles of Guatemala lie the ruins of a lost Maya civilization .

  3. 该地的部分区域在17世纪被西班牙占领前曾是玛雅文明的所在地。

    Parts of the region were inhabited by the ancient Mayan civilisation3 before the Spanish conquest in the 16th century .

  4. 托土盖罗铭文描述了一些设想会在2012年发生的事情,其中涉及到BolonYokete&玛雅文明中,与战争和创世相关的,一个神秘的神灵。

    The Tortuguero inscription describes something that is supposed to occur in2012 involving Bolon Yokte , a mysterious Mayan god associated with both war and creation .

  5. 玛雅文明给人最直观的印象就是其无所不在的神祗。

    The direct impression of Mayan civilization is that God is omnipresent .

  6. 玛雅文明是哥伦布之前历史上最令人叹为观止的文明之一。

    The Mayan civilisation was one of the most spectacular in pre-Columbian history .

  7. 研究人员表示,这些图像将为玛雅文明展开新的曙光。

    The researchers say the images will shed new light on the Mayan civilisation .

  8. 玛雅文明最伟大的建筑时期是公元4世纪到公元11世纪。

    The Mayan civilization 's greatest building periods fall within the4th to the11th century .

  9. 一千年前饥荒和旱灾引发了玛雅文明的失落;

    Hunger and drought led to the collapse of Mayan civilisation a millennium ago .

  10. 淳朴之永恒&玛雅文明中的工艺美术

    The Industrial Arts of Maya Civilization

  11. 这个国家的北部是几千年前玛雅文明的家园。

    The northern part of this nation was home to Mayan civilizations thousands of years ago .

  12. 在西班牙侵略者入侵之前,玛雅文明已经持续了千年。

    The Mayan Society of Mesoamerica lasted for millennia until the Spanish conquistadors brought about its collapse .

  13. 玛雅文明在十六世纪衰落了,它曾经的辉煌令人慨叹的同时更多的是遗憾。

    Maya civilization had decayed after 16 century , whose civilization brought people exclamation , especially regretting .

  14. 中美洲的玛雅文明过去曾是,目前还是时间-科学领域知识中最先进的。

    The Mayan civilization of Central America was and is the most advanced in relation to time-science knowledge .

  15. 玛雅文明使用三个独立的历法,并且没有一个预言过世界末日的存在。

    The Mayas used three separate calendars , and no one of them predicts the end of the world .

  16. 帕伦克是位于墨西哥尤卡坦半岛,是玛雅文明的考古的最早发现地。

    Palenque is located in the Yucatan Peninsula , Mexico , the Mayan civilization was first discovered in the archaeological .

  17. 殊不知,由于洪水灭世计划的泄露,人类早已从玛雅文明得知且做好准备。

    As everyone knows , the disclosure of the flood program , from the Mayan civilization , human beings had learned and prepared .

  18. 这同玛雅文明的衰亡时间不谋而合,也同唐朝的没落时间一致。

    This coincided with the downfall of the Mayan civilisation , around the same time period as the end of the Tang Dynasty .

  19. 玛雅文明的开始可以回到公元前1500年,公元300年进入古曲期,公元600至公元900年走向繁荣期。

    The culture 's beginnings have been traced back to1500 BC , entering the Classic period about AD300 and flourishing between AD600 and AD900 .

  20. 后生物由金属构成,就像古玛雅文明的箭头或中世纪欧洲的剑。

    Artifacts are formed from metal , such as an Arrowhead from an ancient Mayan civilization , or a Metal Sword from Medieval Europe .

  21. 玛雅文明有许多共同的特点与其他中美洲文明由于高度的互动和文化传播的特点是区域。

    The Maya civilization shares many features with other Mesoamerican civilizations due to the high degree of interaction and cultural diffusion that characterized the region .

  22. 奇琴伊察可能是最富盛名的玛雅文明寺庙之城。

    Chich é n Itz á is possibly the most famous temple city of the Mayas , a pre-Columbian civilization that lived in present day Central America .

  23. 不管你是想躺在迷人的海滩上还是探索令人惊奇的玛雅文明遗迹,玛雅河(公司)都会让你满意而归。

    Whether your definition of adventure is lying on the beach or exploring the wonderful ruins of the lost Maya civilization , the Mayan Riviera has you covered .

  24. 黑曜石,是火山石的一种形态,因其坚固耐久而别具价值,在古代中美洲文明,包括萨巴特克和玛雅文明中,都是一种重要的资源。

    Obsidian , a form of volcanic rock valued for its strength and durability , was an important resource for ancient Mesoamerican cultures including the Zapotec and Maya .

  25. 气候模式的微小变化会导致降雨量减少,玛雅文明的毁灭就是因为无法应对几次严重的干旱以及随之而来的持久的干燥天气。

    A subtle shift in weather patterns brought less rain and the Mayan civilization was simply unable to cope with a prolonged dry period punctuated by several severe droughts .

  26. 玛雅文明的突变式发展和倏然消失至今仍是难以破解的谜题,这使得她成为最引人入胜的古代文明之一。

    Mayan civilization and the development of mutations Shuran disappear is still difficult to crack the puzzles , which makes her the most fascinating one of the ancient civilization .

  27. 利莫里亚大陆的构想最先出现在奥古斯塔斯(1826&1908)的作品里,一个十九世纪的研究员和作家,指导了尤坦卡半岛的玛雅文明废墟研究。

    The idea of the Lemurian continent first appeared in the works of Augustus Le Plongeon ,( 1826-1908 ) a19th century researcher and writer who conducted investigations of the Maya ruins in the Yucatan .

  28. 1月4日刊登在《自然》杂志上的一篇文章称,弱冬季季风降雨可能是加速中国的唐朝和墨西哥玛雅文明衰亡的共同因素。

    Weak winter monsoon rains may have contributed to the decline of both China 's Tang Dynasty and the Mayan civilisation in Mexico , suggests an article published in Nature ( 4 January ) .

  29. 结束了对高地玛雅文明的参观后,我们转而去拜访他们在低地的旁支。低地玛雅人生活在一片浩瀚的热带雨林中,由墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛一直延伸至危地马拉的最北方。

    We left the highland Maya for their cousins in the lowlands , a vast area of thick tropical forests stretching down from Mexico ` s Yucatan peninsula into the most northerly area of Guatemala .

  30. 虽然阿兹特克文明,玛雅文明和印加文明之谜也开始逐渐知晓如秘鲁这样的国家中出现的超自然灵异现象。

    Although the mysteries of the Aztec , Mayan , and Inca civilizations have been known for centuries , now the public is also becoming aware of unusual , paranormal phenomena in countries such as Peru .