
mǎ yǎ wén huà
  • Mayan Culture
  1. 加勒比海的风光和神秘的玛雅文化深深吸引了你们?

    Were you sucked in by the Caribbean scenery and mysterious Mayan culture ?

  2. 这种断言是一种愚蠢的现代深意,它显示了对玛雅文化的无知。

    This assertion is a foolish modern over-interpretation , which shows ignorance of the Mayan culture .

  3. “GMT常量”是为了纪念早期三位研究玛雅文化的著名学者约瑟夫·古德曼、胡安·马丁斯·埃尔南德斯和J艾瑞克S汤普森而命名,“GMT常量”部分是基于天文学事件。

    The GMT constant , named for early Mayan scholars Joseph Goodman , Juan Martinez-Hernandez and J.Eric S.Thompson , is partly based on astronomical events .

  4. “GMT常量”是为了纪念早期三位研究玛雅文化的著名学者约瑟夫古德曼、胡安马丁斯埃尔南德斯和J艾瑞克S汤普森而命名,“GMT常量”部分是基于天文学事件。

    The GMT constant , named for early Mayan scholars Joseph Goodman , Juan Martinez-Hernandez and J. Eric S. Thompson , is partly based on astronomical events .

  5. 可可豆和巧克力是玛雅文化重要的部分。

    Cacao and chocolate were an important part of Maya culture .

  6. 这里的设计带着浓厚的玛雅文化风格。

    The design here exhibits a strong style of Maya Culture .

  7. 玛雅文化;古罗马文化。收藏。

    Mayan civilization ; the civilization of ancient Rome .

  8. 你们参观墨西哥的玛雅文化历史的遗迹吗?

    Did you guys visit the Mayan cultural ruins ?

  9. 她在玛雅文化遗址得到那些东西的。

    She got those at the Mayan ruins .

  10. 我摔倒在宣传上的防尘套和玛雅文化的类型作品内。

    I fell for the hype on the dust jacket and the Mayan type artwork within .

  11. 研究玛雅文化,对认识人类社会和科学技术的发展都具有重要意义。

    Studying the Mayan civilization will be very important for understanding the evolution of human society .

  12. 他们更接近古代苏美尔人的水平,或者是美洲玛雅文化的水平。

    They were nearer the level of the ancient Sumerians or of the Maya civilization of America .

  13. 我喜欢去参观玛雅文化,浏览玛雅金字塔,探索玛雅遗址。

    I love going out to Chichen Itza and climbing the pyramids and seeing the ancient ruins .

  14. 尼克是绝对的灵感玛雅文化,并利用几次东方乐器,使这张专辑。

    Nick was definitely inspired by Mayan culture and used several oriental music instruments to make this album .

  15. 这些早期的玛雅文化学者在很大程度上依靠殖民档案文件中数据,这些数据是用玛雅文字书写和拉丁字母记录的。

    Those early Mayanists relied heavily on dates found in colonial documents written in Mayan languages and recorded in the Latin alphabet .

  16. 本文介绍了《东方辩证法》一书中有关《易经》对西亚圣经文化、美洲玛雅文化的影响。

    This text introduced the book Eastern Dialectics and discussed the influence of The Yi King to the Bible culture in the West Asia and to the MaYa 's culture in America .

  17. 经典的玛雅文化在公元250-900年间在中美洲盛行。但考古学家现在发现了一个玛雅社会,它在那之前已经存在了整整一千年,他们称之为前古典时期。

    The culture thought of as the classic Maya flourished across Central America between 250-900 AD. But archeologists are now discovering a Maya society that existed a full thousand years before that , in a time they call the Preclassic .

  18. 他们从玛雅天文学和文化的角度创造的一些预言根本是无稽之谈。

    They invented some prophecies that from the point of view of Mayan astronomy and culture are simply nonsense .

  19. 玛雅与贵州的文化与文明就是起源、成长于这样的生境中。

    It was such living environment that Maya and Guizhou civilization originated in .

  20. 了解这些具有挑战性的时代是进化的动力变化,正所带来的这种转变,因为预言的玛雅和许多其他文化几千年前。

    Find out how these challenging times are part of the evolutionary impetus for change that is being brought on by this shift , as prophesied by the Maya and many other cultures thousands of years ago .