
  • Margaret;Marguerite;Margarita
  1. 玛格丽特总是调皮捣乱,而且一意孤行。

    Margaret was always mischievous and set on her own individual course

  2. 玛格丽特公主那条青绿色的印花裙子与她很相配。

    Princess Margaret toned with her in a turquoise print dress .

  3. 每个俄罗斯人都知道这本寓言式小说,《大师和玛格丽特》。

    Every Russian knows the allegorical novel The Master And Margarita .

  4. 玛格丽特已到了青春期。

    Margaret had reached the age of puberty .

  5. 玛格丽特证明了自己是个好妈妈。

    Margaret proved herself to be a good mother

  6. 玛格丽特公主与斯诺登勋爵离婚了。

    Princess Margaret is divorced from Lord Snowdon

  7. 玛格丽特一直是个早熟的孩子。

    Margaret was always a precocious child

  8. 据说玛格丽特女士的鬼魂常在这个教堂出没。

    The ghost of Lady Margaret is supposed to haunt this chapel .

  9. 玛格丽特有学烹调的才能,如果受过适当的训练,她应该能成为合格的厨师。

    Margaret had a natural aptitude for cooking and , with proper training , should be able to make the grade as a qualified chef .

  10. 例句住在兰道夫和玛格丽特的隔壁简直太烦了。

    Randolph and Marguerite are extremely1 annoying people to live next to .

  11. “快乐饮料”是一种让人心情变好的有趣的烈性酒精饮料,比如玛格丽特鸡尾酒和莫吉托鸡尾酒。

    Happy drink is a fun , strong , alcoholic drink to put you in a happy mood , such as margeritas and mojitos .

  12. 梅芙的妈妈玛格丽特•摩根(MargaretMorgan)说,给孩子们创造这样的机会是已有五年历史的“周五晚间俱乐部”创立的初衷之一。

    Creating that kind of opportunity is part of the goal of the five-year-old Friday Night Club , says Margaret Morgan , Maeve 's mother .

  13. 玛格丽特•撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)因中风去世,享年87岁,在世界各地引发了一阵哀悼浪潮。撒切尔是英国任职最长的首相,也是唯一的女首相。

    Margaret Thatcher , Britain 's longest-serving and only woman prime minister , has died aged 87 after suffering a stroke , prompting a flood of tributes from across the globe .

  14. 玛格丽特公主医院(PMH)乳腺癌专家正在使用一种新方法治疗乳腺癌,该法在手术的同时给予一次剂量的放疗。

    Princess Margaret Hospital ( PMH ) breast cancer specialists are using a new way to treat patients by delivering a one-time dose of radiation during surgery .

  15. 玛格丽特•撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)生前认为是的,用她的话来说,抚养孩子相当于一份管理工作。女王显然也这么认为,她告诉凯特·温丝莱特(KateWinslet),抚养孩子是世上“最棒的工作”。

    Margaret Thatcher thought it was - according to her , bringing up children was a management job . The Queen apparently thinks so too and told Kate Winslet that it was " the best job " there was .

  16. 她看看信,又抬头看看玛格丽特。

    She looked at the letter , then up at margaret .

  17. 玛格丽特公主:我要听企鹅的故事。

    Princess Margret : Now I want to a penguin story .

  18. 玛格丽特订了她在新加坡最喜欢的饭店。

    Margaret made a reservation at her favorite hotel in Singapore .

  19. 玛格丽特•特纳为会议纪要撰写者。

    Margaret Turner acted as the minute taker for the meeting .

  20. 玛格丽特从车上下来,一个人回到家里。

    Marguerite got out and went up to her apartment alone .

  21. 狄克逊说着,对玛格丽特的烟和同情非常感激。

    Dixon said , grateful for nicotine and support of Margaret .

  22. 为了玛格丽特酒,是吧?

    It was the Margarita that did it , wasrt it ?

  23. 玛格丽特和她有病的妈妈住在西雅图郊区。

    Margaret resides with her invalid mother in a Seattle suburb .

  24. 鲍勃没有跟玛格丽特跳过舞,他对此觉得高兴。

    He was glad that Bob hadn 't danced with margaret .

  25. 您从玛格丽特姐姐家里回来吗?

    ' Have you come from Marguerite 's sister 's ? '

  26. 玛格丽特缺乏自信,我们见面时,她行了屈膝礼。

    Margaret has little self-confidence ; she curtseyed when we met .

  27. 玛格丽特阳光一直做为白人士兵的罪犯。

    Margaret light shines remained a prisoner of the long knives .

  28. 玛格丽特:为什么你说,你很穷?

    Margret : Why did you tell me you were poor ?

  29. 嗨!我叫玛格丽特,但是大家都叫我佩吉。

    Hi . I 'm margaret , but everyone calls me peggy .

  30. 罗尼和玛格丽特是政治上的灵魂伴侣,并且都愿为自由献身。

    Ronnie and Margaret were political soul mates and committed to freedom .