
nónɡ yè qì xiànɡ xué
  • agrometeorology;agricultural meteorology
  1. 基于农业气象学原理的林地生态需水量估算&以泾河流域为例

    Estimation of forests ' ecological water requirement based on agrometeorology : Taking Jinghe Watershed as an example

  2. 《农业气象学》实验教学改革的探讨

    Study on the reform about the experimental teaching on agrometeorology

  3. 利用气象学、天文学和农业气象学知识建立了用日总辐射量反演辐射日变化过程来推算玉米冠层光分布状况的农业气象模型。

    An agrometeorological model simulating the radiation change within canopy during a day based on agrometeorological knowledge was established in this paper .

  4. 以植物生理学、农业气象学和土壤环境学的基本原理为基础,建立了稻麦作物净初级生产力模型。

    On the basis of the principles of plant physiology , agro-meteorology and soil environment , net primary production of rice and wheat crops was modeled .

  5. 通过对棚室中温度、湿度等多项小气候要素的测定,运用农业气象学、作物生理生态学、农业统计学、应用数学等不同方法,分析研究棚室小气候特征及其调控效应。

    The characteristic microclimate inside the greenhouse and the effects of the treatments were researched analyzed by means of Crops culture , Agricultural meteorology , physiology and Ecology , Agricultural statistics , Applied mathematics and so on .

  6. 农业气象学是研究农业生产与气象条件之间相互关系及其规律的科学,是农业科学的基础学科之一,也是气象学科中应用气象学的重要分支。

    Agricultural Meteorology studies on the interrelationship between agricultural production and meteorology conditions and the law of science , is one of the basic discipline of agricultural science and important branch of applied meteorology of meteorology disciplines .

  7. 本文应用农业气象学原理和方法,根据实测资料,计算分析了枣麦间作系统中枣树带遮荫宽度及荫影内的相对光照度的时空变化规律;

    On the basis of the field observation data , with the principle and method of agricultural meteorology , the daily variation laws of the shadow width of the jujube tree belts and the relative sunshine intensity were analysed in the system of jujube-wheat interplanting ;