
yóu lí shén jīnɡ mò shāo
  • free nerve ending
  1. 结论:1.游离神经末梢在正常关节与骨关节炎关节滑膜中均有分布,骨关节炎组的分布密集,可能是其疼痛的原因。

    The free nerve endings was distributed in the normal and osteoarthritis of the knee joint synovium , the distributions of the free nerve ending concentrated in the synovium of osteoarthritis , it may be the cause of the pain . 2 .

  2. 在牙周膜内存在两型神经末梢:游离神经末梢及Ruffini终末。

    Two types of nerve terminals were recognized in the periodontal ligament : free nerve endings and Ruffini endings .

  3. 结论:ACL残端中存在的机械感受器有:Ruffini小体、Pacinian小体、Golgi样腱器官、非典型感受器及游离神经末梢,这是ACL保残重建的物质基础。

    Conclusion : There were Ruffini corpuscles , Pacinian corpuscles , Golgi tendon organ like corpuscles , atypical mechanoreceptors and free nerve endings in the remnant of ruptured ACL . It is material base of remnant preservation during ACL reconstruction .

  4. 结果滑膜皱折、韧带部均具有游离神经末梢。

    Results Free nerve endings could be seen at both synovial folds and ligaments .

  5. 猴手指神经皮下再植触觉小体和游离神经末梢形态学动态观察

    Morphologic study of monkey finger Meissner corpuscles and free nerve endings after nerve implantation

  6. 结果失神经后2周,游离神经末梢和感觉小体开始溃变;

    Results The degeneration changes of free nerve endings and sensory corpuscles were observed after 2 weeks .

  7. 目的:研究作为痛觉感受器的游离神经末梢的存在部位及数量分布特征,探讨其定量分析方法。

    Objective : To study the location , number and characteristic distribution of the nerve endings with exploring its quantitative analysis methodology .

  8. 结果如下:8周后感觉小体萎缩.游离神经末梢有断裂现象;第12周感觉小体萎缩和断裂更加明显;

    Atrophy of the sensory bodies and split of free ends of nerves were found at 8 weeks , which was more obvious at 12 weeks .

  9. 神经节两端被膜中游离神经末梢的分布量最多,其他部位较少。

    Free nerve endings were distributed in the proximal and distal portions of DRG sheath more extensive than that in other parts of the dural root sheaths .

  10. 结论颈神经节两端被膜中大量存在的游离神经末梢在颈神经根性疼痛发病机制中可能起到的重要作用。

    Conclusion The free nerve endings in the dural root sheaths especially those in the DRG sheath are thought to play an important role in cervical radicular pain .

  11. 结果神经根、神经节及脊髓神经被膜内存在游离神经末梢等多种神经末梢;

    Result There were several kinds of nerve endings such as free nerve endings in the nerve sheath of the root , the dorsal root ganglion , and the spinal nerve .

  12. 研究方法:游离的神经末梢突触体,是研究药物突触前作用的良好工具。

    Methods : The synaptosomes , isolated nerve terminals , is a good tool to study drug effects on presynapse .

  13. 仅在结缔组织和肌组织中,见到游离的神经末梢,尤以小血管旁较为明显。

    Free nerve endings may be seen in the subepidermal connective tissue and muscular tissue , especially prominent near small blood vessels .