- 名playground;amusement park;funfair;play park;pleasure garden

There was a sandpit , a seesaw and a swing in the playground .
In summer , many kids will go to the playground in that park .
Fairground rides are intended to frighten the life out of you .
An amusement park is the perfect locale for a bunch of irrepressible youngsters to have all sorts of adventures .
Children jammed the entrance to the fair .
Disneyland is in Los Angeles suburb .
At age eight , she started raising money to build a playground .
One day , I took my two kids to the local playground .
For example : I 'll take an honest expression of disapproval1 over the smug , passive-aggressive mom-shaming that goes on every day on the playground and in the comments sections of every parenting blog .
As an amusement park employee , I am often asked for direction to specific attractions .
Brooklyn contains the Botanical Gardens , Coney Island ( a beach with an amusement park ), and J.F.K.International Airport .
Most of the tourists come here to see the pleasure grounds , which were landscaped by Capability Brown in the 18th century .
The boarding gate in Taipei 's Taoyuan International Airport is pink and features a Hello Kitty playground .
And the part of LG where friends come from is " the LG playground . "
On Sunday , San Francisco 's parks and downtown were crawling with " Pok é mon Go " players who trained their phone cameras at trees and playgrounds as they looked for characters to pop up on their screens .
He notes that Victorian-era fairground rides helped people come to terms with the mechanical culture of the industrial revolution at a time when many were still terrified of the escalators on the new London Underground .
Playground shoes made by talented footwear designer Kobi Levi .
LED light source safe and reliable , low power consumption , long service life , is mainly used in hotels , restaurants , bars , park , square , playground and public places such as color lamplight ornament .
Biggest outdoor amusement center east of Rye Playland .
Children 's play areas known as Aquafina Junior Flyer 's Club are located in Terminals A , B and C. XpresSpa offers spa services in Terminals A , B , D and E. Terminals A and B have nursing rooms .
RESTEasy is a playground for new ideas .
Yes , go to AZ company , they have many children 's products , educational centers as well as indoor playgrounds .
The Oriental DreamWorks studio , now a temporary space in a glass office tower , looks like a creative playground , decorated with colorful toys and Lego blocks .
The machine can do a lot of instant-foam , Formation of snow scenery , Like the vast snow carnival , Applications can playground , DISCO dance halls , private clubs party .
The company once had an ambition to become a new-age Walt Disney , building Angry Birds playgrounds and theme parks , selling Angry Birds fishing rods and sodas as well as making games and cartoons .
Tina : No one wanted me . I put out twenty resumes and had ten interviews . This was my last resort . It 's kinda fun , don 't you think ? Jason : I guess so , but a dancing bear ?
He created an event on Facebook , called a " flash mob . " He set up a date and time and invited people to come out to help him fill " Caine 's Arcade " with customers . The event was also published on the websites Hidden LA and Reddit .
Laura Kipnis wrote about her " profound dread of being conscripted into the community of other mothers - the sociality of the playground and day-care center , and at the endless activities and lessons that are de rigueur in today 's codes of upper-middle-class parenting . "
The device is constructed on the same platform as T310 , there are no many changes : improved screen , new games set and couple of new functions .
A woman is captured by the photographer at a gas station in Hamhung , North Korea , while a pre-school playground set is shaped like the North Korean Unha-3 rocket , which was successfully launched in 2012 , near Pyongyang .