
  • 网络The Bard;Troubadour;minstrel;Il trovatore
  1. 吟游诗人风行于12世纪至14世纪的继承游吟诗人传统的德国抒情诗人和歌手。

    One of the German lyric poets and singers in the troubadour tradition who flourished from the12th to the14th century .

  2. 有一次她的丈夫外出打仗,一位年轻的游吟诗人来到她家里,两人成了好朋友。

    Once her husband to go out to fight a young Troubadour came to her home , the two became good friends .

  3. Deadline是这样描述这部美剧的:“用现代的表现方式来阐述《游吟诗人》这部喜剧,莎士比亚著名作品中的角色和故事情节都会出现在这部美剧中。

    Deadline describes the project this way : " a modern take on the plays of The Bard , building on the existing characters and plots from several of his most notable plays . "

  4. 我要唱“我是一个游吟诗人”

    I would Iike to sing " a wandering minstrel i. "

  5. 歌剧《游吟诗人》中女性人物形象塑造及演唱特点的研究

    Study for Female Image Building and Performance Characteristics in Opera

  6. 游吟诗人创作了新浪漫诗歌。

    Troubadours were the authors of the new romance poems .

  7. 这是一个所有游吟诗人必学的把戏。

    A must-have cantrip for all Bards .

  8. 由游吟诗人演唱的民歌。

    Ballads sung by minstrels .

  9. 然而,精明的游吟诗人可以只靠讯息术这个把戏就可以一直达到这个效果。

    Meanwhile , canny Bards have been able to do this the whole time simply by using the Message cantrip .

  10. 很多游吟诗人能够成为全职诗人而糊口谋生,中世纪时期这些诗人应该会告诉你某些关于该职业的价值所在。

    many troubadours were able to make a living being full time poets which should tell you something about the value of that profession during the medieval times .

  11. 政治气候已经够平稳了,这样游吟诗人便可以奢侈得享受将大部分时间花在创作,精心制作或谱写献给观众的爱情之歌。

    The political climate shave settle down enough so that troubadours had the luxury being able to spend most if not all of their time , creating , crafting or composing their love songs for their audiences .

  12. 而我们对游吟诗人的理解比对香颂诗人的理解要多得多,因为他们经常会在诗歌后面附上自己的传记概述,这些概述给我们提供了更为详细的信息,关于他们社会地位,地理环境和职业掠影。

    And we know a lot more about the troubadours than we do about the Chanson authors , because they often had small biographical sketches added to their poems that gives more specific information about their social status , geographical location and small outlines of their career .