
yóu tǐnɡ jù lè bù
  • yacht club
  1. 哈札尔群岛由55个分离的岛屿组成,拥有自己的机场、游艇俱乐部、F1赛道以及被800万的人口塞满的不计其数的公寓。

    Consisting of 55 separate islands , the archipelago will have its own airport , yacht club , Formula One track , and an 800000-strong population crammed into its thousands of apartment blocks .

  2. 你能现在到游艇俱乐部来吗?

    Listen , can you meet me at the yacht club ?

  3. 罗杰与安妮是悉尼一家游艇俱乐部的会员。

    Roger and Anne are members of a yachting club in sydney .

  4. 游艇俱乐部的人们穿着带有金钮扣的海军运动夹克衫。

    The men in the yacht club wear navy Blazers with gold buttons .

  5. 明天晚上,在游艇俱乐部有一场为他举办的派对。

    There 's a party for him tomorrow night at the yacht club .

  6. 这里有喜欢乘船出游的人;有港口和游艇俱乐部。

    There are people who like boating ; there are harbours and yachting clubs .

  7. 一年一度的游艇俱乐部赛船大会

    The annual regatta of the yacht club

  8. 没有游艇俱乐部和5百万美圆的沿海视野的房子。

    There are no yacht clubs and no $ 5 million homes with coastal views .

  9. 在游艇俱乐部问任何人。

    Ask anyone at the yacht club .

  10. 游艇俱乐部是近些年在我国逐步兴起的高档体育娱乐项目。

    As a new recreation item , yacht club has been gradually appearing in China .

  11. 游艇俱乐部的规划设计

    The planning and design of Yacht Club

  12. 游艇俱乐部是国内休闲运动领域继高尔夫运动之后的一个新天地。

    Yacht club opens a new field in domestic leisure sports market after golf club .

  13. 游艇俱乐部还保留着皇家的名号,正午的炮声仍会在附近响起。

    The yacht club retains its royal monicker and the noonday gun still stands guard nearby .

  14. 集团公司下属的游艇俱乐部二期工程正在建设中。

    The second phase of International Yacht Club of our Group company are in building , which is managed as international rules .

  15. 将从以下四个部分予以论述:第一部分为游艇俱乐部概述。

    This paper would be divided into four parts : The first part would be the general introduction of yacht club and its members .

  16. 游艇俱乐部是高档的休闲消费项目,它与高级跑车、私人飞机一起正成为显示身份和尊贵的一种象征。

    The super recreational Yacht Club , along with high-level sports car , private jets , is becoming a symbol of identity and dignity .

  17. 独一无二的地理位置,使所有入住青岛海尔洲际酒店的宾客都有机会与青岛海港及游艇俱乐部零距离接触。

    With the hotels unique positioning , all our guest will have direct access to the Marina as well as the International yacht club .

  18. 项目建设内容包括生态湿地公园、特色风情度假小镇、海景高尔夫球场、五星级度假酒店、滨水排屋别墅、住宅开发、游乐园、游艇俱乐部等。

    Constructions mainly involve ecological wetland park , distinctive resort town , golf course with ocean view , waterfront townhouse villas , residential development , amusement park and yacht club .

  19. 居民对这些落满了灰尘的不雅豪车怨声载道,它们停在机场的停车场、与他们的豪华游艇俱乐部格格不入,简直太难看了!

    Residents complain about the unsightly vehicles hogging parking spaces at the airport and sitting slumped outside their fancy yacht clubs - it 's like , so not a good look .

  20. 本文根据现阶段以及游艇俱乐部的发展态势分析,对游艇俱乐部的民事法律责任进行初步研究。

    Based on the analysis of the development of yacht industry at the present stage , this paper aims to study the legal relationship of the yacht clubs and its members .

  21. 一期投资额约18亿元,建成后的美食城里面有风情小镇、乡村旅游、游艇俱乐部、山地迷你高尔夫练习场、攀岩俱乐部等设施。

    The food city will be consisted of a small town , yacht club , mountain mini-golf driving range , rock climbing clubs and other facilities while provide rural tourism service .

  22. 在游艇俱乐部,男孩们被逮捕,警卫告诉他们有很多游艇已被打破且财物被偷,并且窃贼使用了一条小船。

    At the yacht club , the boys are apprehended by the security guard who tells them that a lot of yachts have been broken into and property stolen and that the thieves had used a boat .

  23. 在分析三峡库区资源条件的基础上,初步提出了发展三峡库区游艇俱乐部的创办条件、一般程序和游艇俱乐部的经营模式。

    Based on the analysis of the resources in the Three Gorge reservoir area , this paper puts forward the founding conditions 、 the procedures and the patterns of the pleasure-boat club in the Three Gorges reservoir area .

  24. 但在中国,类似于南沙码头和一洋国际游艇俱乐部这样的游艇码头寥寥无几。此外,中国仍然缺少某些支持超级游艇的基础设施,比如修理厂。更不用说也没有像地中海那样美丽的海岸线。

    While China has a few key marinas like Nansha Marina in Guangzhou and Ocean One International Yacht Club , it still lacks some of the infrastructure to support superyachts , such as repair yards , as well as the Mediterranean 's pretty coastline .

  25. 游艇码头含游艇俱乐部、栈桥、观景平台、游艇码头四部分。

    The yacht dock project includes four parts such as yacht club , trestle , viewing platform and dock .

  26. 除游艇码头外,滨海新区还将建造游艇制造基地、维修中心、交易中心、游艇俱乐部、五星级酒店和顶级商业设施。

    A yacht manufacturing base , a maintenance center , a trade center , yacht clubs , five-star hotels and top-class commercial facilities are under construction in the TBNA .