
tái qiú
  • billiard;billiards;table tennis;billiard ball;ping-pong
台球 [tái qiú]
  • (1) [billiard]∶台球游戏,一种游戏。俗称弹子戏。在长方形桌上用球杆捅一个球撞另一个球,或将另一个球撞进球台边上的球袋或用主球接连撞两个宾球得分

  • (2) [billiard ball]∶台球游戏中使用的球

  • (3) [table tennis;ping-pong] 〈方〉∶乒乓球

台球[tái qiú]
  1. 这里不流行台球。

    Billiards isn 't popular in here .

  2. 尽管台球已经风靡世界各地,ESPN也时常转播职业球队的公开赛,但却始终未能赢得世人尊重的目光。

    Despite its universal popularity and frequent airtime on ESPN with professionally organized tournaments , billiards has rarely enjoyed universal respect .

  3. “水手”是供台球玩家和酒徒消遣的酒吧。

    The Seaman was a bar for pool players and hard drinkers

  4. 他在和另外两个男人打落袋台球。

    He was shooting pool with two other men .

  5. 人们仍聚在那里喝啤酒,可能还会打会儿台球。

    People are still hanging out drinking beer , maybe shooting some pool .

  6. 我们一起打过台球,是好哥们儿。

    We played pool together and were good mates

  7. 明天他将迎战同是台球大师俱乐部出道的球手。

    Tomorrow he will play his Cuemasters stablemate .

  8. 打台球、打牌,还有午饭晚饭吃什么,以这种方式了解到的信息比调查问题更有效。

    " Playing pool , playing cards , having dinner , having lunch , " all work better " than going through a survey of questions . "

  9. 他们叫我“害群之马”,因为我不想去酒吧和他们打台球。

    They called me the black sheep as I didn 't want to go to the pub and play billiards13 with them .

  10. 在学校里,学生可以参加足球、无挡板篮球以及其他体育运动(sports),也可以加入国际象棋、落袋台球等各种室内文娱(games)社团。

    At school children can play football , netball and other sports and there are clubs for playing indoor games such as chess or snooker .

  11. 第四章计算了逼近圆形台球系统的三种多边形逼近的Lyapunov指数,这三种方式以不同的速率逼近圆形台球。

    Lyapunov exponents are computed for three polygonal approaches to the circular billiard , and three approaches mimick the corresponding circle in different rates .

  12. 据LidoveNoviny日报称一开始来自捷克西部城市KarlovyVary的两名台球玩家觉得他们的手都被卡在了台球桌上是一件滑稽的事情。

    At first , the two players in the western Czech city of Karlovy Vary thought it was funny when both of their hands became trapped inside the table .

  13. 三楼海湾娱乐宫设有多功能歌舞厅、台球房、健身房、棋牌室、KTV包厢、网球场、美容美发室。

    Haiwan recreational centre on the third floor consists of dance and Karaoke hall , billiards room , gym , Chess & Cards room , KTV BOX , tennis court and beauty salon .

  14. 第三章利用Dyson方程和考虑扭结效应分别讨论了开放矩形量子台球和正三角形量子台球的输运性质。

    In the third chapter , we discuss the transport property of the open square billiard and the open triangular billiard by Dyson equation and considering the Kink effect separately .

  15. 对不同磁场下的能量本征值进行能级统计分析发现最近邻能级间隔分布符合Poisson分布,说明对称性比较高的圆形量子台球即使在加外磁场以后仍然是可积体系。

    In the different magnetic field , we calculated the nearest energy space level statistic , we find that the nearest energy level spacing follow the Poisson distribution , so it is still an integrable system when applied external magnetic field for the higher symmetry circular quantum billiard system .

  16. ChristopherStampfer小组利用赝路径半经典近似和衍射散射的Dyson方程研究量子台球体系的传输问题,解决了在导线出口和入口处的尖角效应。

    The Christopher Stampfer group have studied the transport problem in the quantum billiard system with the pseudo path semiclassical approximate and the Dyson equation and solved the sharp edge effect in the input and output mouth .

  17. 本文围绕台球比赛视频分析系统,对其中的一些关键技术进行了研究,并设计实现了一个实验系统,具体如下:1提出了一种基于局部峰值边缘的Snooker比赛台面自动分割方法。

    In this thesis , we design and implement the billiards video analysis system , and study some of key issues . The details are as follows : 1 . We proposed an automatic segmentation method of Snooker board using local peak edges .

  18. 这间屋子里不仅有台球桌、弹珠台和自动点唱机,它的墙上还挂满了镶着金框的老式画像,画的是Mojang最初的20来位员工,每个人都装扮成不同的身份。

    In open-necked shirt with sleeves rolled up , he is sitting in a leather chair in a room that not only has a pool table , pinball table and jukebox but a wall covered in gilt-framed , old-fashioned portraits of the first 20 or so Mojang employees in different guises .

  19. 今天晚上我们打台球好吗?

    Shall we play a few games of billiards this evening ?

  20. 那么台球的角色究竟是什么呢?

    What 's the role of the billiard balls at all ?

  21. 当按下某个按键时,退出台球运动程序。

    When you press a button , exit billiards sports program .

  22. 与某人比赛彩色台球、壁球、网球等

    Take sb on at snooker , squash , tennis , etc

  23. 周期驱动的一维台球模型的量子扩散特性

    The quantum transport properties of a 1-dimensional kicked billiards model

  24. 我和乔治每周三都在一块玩彩色台球。

    Play snooker together every Wednesday , I and George .

  25. 我还喜欢特殊的象台球,然后就是喝啤酒了!

    I enjoy the odd game of snooker and the pint afterwards !

  26. 我们去哈里家打会儿台球吧。

    Let 's go over to harry 's and shoot some pool .

  27. 你要和杰瑞去打台球吗?

    Are you going to go shoot pool with jerry ?

  28. 但他赌台球赢了一大笔钱,现在他是一个百万富翁。

    But he won the pools and he is a millionaire now .

  29. 其实我羽毛球和台球也打得不错啦!

    I 'm also fond of billard ball and shuttlecock .

  30. 台球运动已有近600年的历史了。

    Billiards sports have already had a history of nearly 600 years .