
  • 网络Taitung;taitung county;Taidong
  1. 尼伯特在台东县登陆后,风力减弱,降至中度台风。

    After the storm made landfall in Taitung County , it weakened to a medium-strength typhoon .

  2. 一只台湾猕猴一月十一日在台东县一座公园吃水果,背景中有两位女性。

    Formosan macaque eats fruit at a park while two women look on in Taitung County , Jan.11 .

  3. 根据震源深度的分布,在台湾台东县东南部海域,即东经120°120°30′、北纬22°23°范围,存在一个V字形地震震源带底面。

    Based on the distribution of focal depths , there is a ' v - shaped ' focal zone bottom beneath southeastern sea area of Taidong county , Taiwan , that is , in the area of 123 ° 30 - 123 ° 00E , 22 ° - 23 ° N.

  4. 其他3人被冲到东南部的台东县,包括两名帮助疏散村民的警察在内。

    Three others were swept away in southeastern Taitung county , including two policemen helping to evacuate villagers .

  5. 这次台风造成近40万户人家停电,受影响的主要是屏东县和台东县。

    Nearly 400000 homes lost power due to the storm , with most of them coming from Pingtung and Taitung counties .

  6. 排湾,是台湾少数民族中人口数字居第二的族群,主要分布在屏东县、台东县。

    The Paiwan is currently the second largest of Taiwan 's indigenous tribes , and is distributed in Pingtung and Taitung counties .