
yóu xì
  • game;play;recreation;amusement;amuse one self
游戏 [yóu xì]
  • (1) [amuse one self;play]∶嬉戏

  • 游戏酒食。——宋· 苏轼《教战守》

  • 托儿所的游戏时间

  • (2) ;游乐;玩耍

  • (3) [recreation;game]∶娱乐活动

  • 网球游戏

游戏[yóu xì]
  1. 浅析儿童文学游戏精神的内涵

    The Intension Research of Children 's Literature Recreation Spirit

  2. 儿童文学欣赏的游戏特质及其表现

    On the Recreation Characteristics in Appreciating the Children 's Literature and its Manifestation

  3. 玩好电子游戏手要灵巧。

    You need manual dexterity to be good at video games .

  4. 他冒险把自己所有的钱都押在了一场纸牌游戏上。

    He risked all his money on a game of cards .

  5. 这游戏的售价为每套15元。

    The game 's selling price was $ 15 per unit .

  6. 这种游戏为什么具有经久不衰的吸引力呢?

    What is the reason for the game 's enduring appeal ?

  7. 我没有耐性做拼图游戏。

    I don 't have the patience to do jigsaw puzzles .

  8. 首先我要说明一下游戏规则。

    First , I 'll explain the rules of the game .

  9. 她觉得他们的笑声和吵吵闹闹的游戏趣味低下,俗不可耐。

    She found their laughter and noisy games coarse and rather vulgar .

  10. 电脑游戏市场已达到饱和。

    The market for computer games has reached saturation point .

  11. 研究显示,电脑游戏可能引起好斗情绪。

    The research shows that computer games may cause aggression .

  12. 玩球类游戏,手和眼的动作要协调好。

    You need good hand-eye coordination to play ball games .

  13. 我们得有个平面才能玩这个游戏。

    We 'll need a flat surface to play the game on .

  14. 一种游戏玩得特别好是一桩惬意的事。

    It 's satisfying to play a game really well .

  15. 通货膨胀严重,货币变得跟“大富翁”游戏钞票无异。

    Inflation was so high that the notes were like Monopoly money .

  16. 他看见她玩这个游戏十分认真的样子,觉得好笑。

    He was amused to see how seriously she took the game .

  17. 游戏可以帮助儿童学会组合字母。

    Games can help children learn to form letters .

  18. 萨姆说:“咱们来玩假装的游戏吧。”

    ' Let 's play make-believe , ' said Sam.

  19. 在至关重要的表决临近时,下院议员们玩起了数字游戏。

    MPs were playing the numbers game as the crucial vote drew closer .

  20. 他发明了一种新的游戏,但从未真正流行起来。

    He invented a new game , but it never really caught on .

  21. 这个圣诞节电脑游戏很畅销。

    Computer games are a popular buy this Christmas .

  22. 他们声称有些电脑游戏助长儿童的暴力行为。

    They claim that some computer games encourage violent behaviour in young children .

  23. 这种游戏玩起来非常有趣。

    It 's a very amusing game to play .

  24. 这个游戏的目的是什么?

    What 's the idea of the game ?

  25. 这是他们最喜爱的游戏。

    It 's a favourite game of theirs .

  26. 游戏者用游戏杆之类的触觉设备玩游戏。

    Players use a haptic device such as a joystick to control the game .

  27. 恐怖分子故意要同平民百姓做死亡游戏。

    The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population .

  28. 国际象棋有时就是一场引人入胜的游戏。

    Chess can be an extremely absorbing game .

  29. 通过游戏,孩子们演出了成年人生活的缩影。

    Through play , children act out in miniature the dramas of adult life .

  30. 65%的孩子玩电脑游戏。

    65 % of children play computer games .