
  1. 在研究JAVA蓝牙通信模型,利用JAVA蓝牙API实现蓝牙通信的基础上,设计了一款蓝牙对战游戏。

    On the above basis a Bluetooth game is designed with JAVA communication model and the Java Bluetooth API .

  2. 引入了蓝牙无线局域网的概念,并在Android移动平台下搭建了能够实现移动平台对战游戏的蓝牙无线局域网。

    Introducing the concept " Bluetooth WLAN ", and built a Bluetooth WLAN , on which can run Android competitive played games . 3 .

  3. 今年2月,RiotGames举办了其第一届北美大学生锦标赛(NorthAmericanCollegiateChampionship),它类似于该公司人气对战游戏《英雄联盟》(LeagueofLegends)的四强决赛。

    Last February , Riot Games hosted its first North American Collegiate Championship , something like the Final Four for League of Legends , Riot 's popular online battle game .

  4. 五子棋是两个人的对战游戏。

    Gomoku is a game for two people playing in opposition .

  5. 修正了一个在多人对战游戏时会发生的崩溃错误。

    Fixed a crash that could happen in multiplayer games .

  6. 它不是一个对战游戏,而是一种全新的社交方式,而且把科技推到了前沿。

    It 's not a fighter game , but it 's a different way of socializing and bringing technology to the forefront .

  7. 文章以一个网络对战游戏为背景,介绍了其中导弹发射的算法及命中目标的坐标,把万有引力定律应用到了游戏程序的设计中,因此使游戏看起来生动逼真。

    According to the background of the network battle game system built , the paper introduces the design and realization of the missile shooted system and the processes of hit the target , the game is lifelike and reality because the program uses the universal gravitation law .

  8. Facebook用户也已经玩了超过200亿盘俄罗斯方块对战版游戏(TetrisBattle)。

    More than 20 billion games of Tetris Battle have been played on Facebook , too .

  9. 去年12月,在拉斯维加斯的一场活动上,索尼旗下的圣地亚哥工作室推出它的首款免费增值游戏《KillStrain》,这是一款“5V2V5”的多人对战射击游戏。

    At an event in Las Vegas in December , Sony 's internal San Diego Studios debuted its first free-to-play game , Kill Strain , which pits teams of five verses two verses five players in shooting action .

  10. 本论文旨在研究在Android移动平台下,基于蓝牙无线通信技术组建的无线局域网中,设计和开发一款对战类游戏模型的关键技术。

    This paper aims to study the key technology of design and develop a competitive played game model , based on a wireless local area network built with Bluetooth communication technology .

  11. 另外,回合同步的新特性将大大提升网络对战的游戏速度。

    In addition , the simultaneous turn feature will speed up online games .

  12. 因此,基于局域网的对战类游戏将成为以后手机游戏发展的主要方向。

    Therefore , another kind of phone-based games , competitive played via LAN , will lead to another major trend of development of the future phone-based games .

  13. 人们在互联网中可以进行网络远程教育,可以在网络游戏对战平台上玩游戏,也可以通过网络收看电影和电视节目。

    Through Internet , People can use Distance Education Network , play computer game on the Internet Game Battle Platform , and watch movie and TV .

  14. 认同体验和反思体验是对直接体验的进一步深化和提升。另外,回合同步的新特性将大大提升网络对战的游戏速度。

    Identical experience and introspective experience further deepen direct experience . In addition , the simultaneous turn feature will speed up online games .