
  • 网络MMO;MOG;MMOG;Online Multiplayer Game
  1. 今天暴雪放出了一部正在制作中的为即将到来的大型多人在线游戏魔兽世界准备的预告片。

    Today Blizzard 's unvieling a trailer-in-the-making for the upcoming MMO World of Warcraft .

  2. 其中,以大规模多人在线游戏(MassiveMultiplayerOnlineGames,简称MMOG)最为流行。

    Among these , the most popular are the massive multiplayer online games , or MMOG .

  3. 许多新型业务如远程协作,分布式存储,多人在线游戏等正被应用到P2P网络中。

    Many new applications such as remote collaboration , distributed storage , multiplayer online games are applied to the P2P network .

  4. IP组播有助于多媒体应用如:远程教育,移动电子商务,多人在线游戏,视频传输等在带宽资源有线的无线网络环境中开展起来。

    IP multicast can be very useful in helping multimedia applications , such as : distant education , mobile commerce , multi-user online game and video delivering deploying in bandwidth limited wireless network .

  5. 在中国,基于互联网的多人在线游戏MMO很流行。

    Here , Internet-based MMOs ( massively multiplayer online ) games are popular .

  6. 这种游戏已在亚洲风行了数年,但screendigest本周的数据显示,在2006年,亚洲以外的所谓“大型多人在线游戏”市场收入首次达到10亿美元。

    These have been popular in Asia for several years , but figures from screen digest this week showed that the market for so-called " massively multiplayer online games " outside Asia hit $ 1bn for the first time in 2006 .

  7. 在第六章中,对MMORPG游戏服务器设计相关技术做了深入的分析,并提出了一种多人在线游戏服务器的构架模型。

    In the sixth chapter , we discussed the technologies for MMORPG game sever design , and present a standard framework for massive online game server .

  8. 这非常类似于“大型多人在线游戏”(MMO),不过它具有一些与众不同的特性:几乎所有的内容都是用户提供的。

    It is somewhat similar to various " massively multiplayer " online games ( MMOs ) but has the unusual quality that nearly all of the content is user-provided .

  9. 随着互联网的普及以及人们对虚拟社会的追求,网络游戏应运而生,从最初相对简单的单机游戏到现在大型多人在线游戏(MMOG)。

    With the spread of the Internet and people to the pursuit of virtual society , network game arises at the historic moment , from the relatively Single-Player Games to now massively multiplayer online game ( MMOG ) .

  10. 它是迄今为止地球上最成功的大型多人在线游戏。

    It 's the most successful massively multiplayer game on Earth right now .

  11. 《矮人要塞》就像这种大型多人在线游戏的圣杯。

    Dwarf Fortress is like the holy grail of this kind of massive multiplayer online game ,

  12. uga-agga这个项目的名字不是在开玩笑,这是一个有很多人在玩的多人在线游戏。

    Uga-agga-the name of this project is not a joke , but the name of a massively multiplayer online game playing in the time of the Homo errectus .

  13. 产业中的常识是愿意付费玩大型多人在线游戏的玩家绝不会超过100万。

    The conventional wisdom in the industry then was that there could not possibly be more than a million people who would pay to play a massively multiplayer online game .

  14. 商业模拟设计公司learningdynamics的主管彼得卡德韦尔(petercardwell)表示,这些多人在线团队游戏是教授商业技能非常有效的方式。

    Peter Cardwell , a director at the business simulation design company , learning dynamics , says these multi-player online team games are a powerful way to teach business skills .

  15. 完整参与并负责过至少一个多人在线网路游戏的制作;

    Participate in at least one full production process of a MMO project ;

  16. 这类游戏的玩家数量不断增长,而传统的大型多人在线付费游戏的日子已经屈指可数。

    While these games are growing their audiences , the days of the traditional paid MMO games could be numbered .

  17. 最近,多人同时在线游戏《天龙八部》正在最后测试阶段。该游戏专门为美国市场设计,已经在欧洲做了测试。

    And it 's currently in the final testing stages of Dragon Oath , an MMO designed for the US market .

  18. 《英雄联盟》和《遗迹保卫战2》都是多人在线竞技游戏,这种动作策略战争游戏通常由五人小组对战。

    League of Legends and DOTA 2 are both Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas or Mobas , action strategy war games typically involving two opposing teams of five individuals .

  19. 其突出的优点是离线完成训练、基于知识、计算效率高、及占用资源少,因此适用于大型多人网络在线游戏。

    It has the advantage of trained offline , knowledge-based , high performance and resource efficient , so knowledge-based CI is more feasible for Multi-player Online Games ( MOGs ) .

  20. 该研究的首席作者、约克大学的博士生阿塔纳西奥斯·科基纳基斯说:“和《第一人称射击》游戏不同,多人在线竞技游戏更多的依赖记忆力和考虑多种因素的战略决策能力,而前者更注重速度和射击的精准度。”

    York PhD student Athanasios Kokkinakis , the study 's lead author , said : " Unlike First Person Shooter ( FPS ) games where speed and target accuracy are a priority , Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas rely more on memory and the ability to make strategic decisions taking into account multiple factors . "

  21. 文章的中心是如何起步开发你自己的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(原文:MassiveMultiplayerOnlineRolePlayingGames)(MMORPG)(译者注:俗称:网络游戏,网游)。

    This article will focus on the first steps in building your own Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games ( MMORPG ) .

  22. 主流网络游戏仍然是大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)。

    The mainstream remains the awkwardly named sector of Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games , or MMORPGs .

  23. 随着互联网的发展和游戏技术手段的成熟,越来越多的在校学生成为大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)玩家。

    With the development of the Internet and gaming technology , more and more college students become massively multiplayer online role-playing game ( MMORPG ) players .

  24. 在网络游戏发展如火如荼的中国市场,免费大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)在各类网游模式中异军突起,引起了业内的注目。

    In the ever-developing market of online game in China , free Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game ( MMORPG ) is becoming an eye-catching model of online games .

  25. 但是,年龄稍长的中国玩家还喜欢能产生更多收入的大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG),这是很多东南亚玩家不太接触的领域。

    However , older Chinese gamers still embrace higher revenue generating MMORPGs [ massively multiplayer online role-playing games ] , a segment that many Southeast Asian gamers shy away from .

  26. 手机游戏的网络化成为今后发展的主流趋势,MMORPG(大型多人在线角色扮演游戏)是手机网络游戏的主要发展方向。

    Cell phone network game has become a trend in the future development . MMORPG ( Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game ) is the main direction of cell phone network games .

  27. 据悉,游戏类应用程序的收入占iOS总收入的75%。中国在收入上的领先主要得益于本土大型多人在线角色扮演游戏爆炸性的增长。

    It said with the iOS Games category taking home about 75 percent of all revenue , the country 's leap to the top is attributed to explosive growth for locally developed massively multiplayer online role-playing games ( MMORPGs ) .

  28. 韩国网络游戏制造商长期在全球大型多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)市场占据主导地位,但随着玩家日益接受在智能手机上玩游戏,这些制造商失去了领先地位。

    The country 's online game makershave long dominated the global market for massively multiplayer onlinerole-playing games ( MMORPG ) but have lost their edge as gamers haveincreasingly embraced playing on their smartphones .

  29. 牌类游戏等休闲类游戏在10大热门游戏中占据了三席,仅次于大型多人在线角色扮演游戏;而腾迅QQ游戏等网页游戏正逐渐成为一个新的增长领域。

    Casual games -- simple games such as card games -- take second place with three ranked among the top 10 game list , while Web page games -- such as Tencents ' QQ games -- are emerging as a new growth area .

  30. 随着MMORPG(大型多人在线角色扮演游戏)在线玩家人数的剧增,MMORPG的服务端负载问题已经成为制约MMORPG发展的重要因素之一。

    With the rapid increase in the number of MMORPG ( massively multiplayer online role-playing games ) online gamers , MMORPG server load problem has become one of the important factors in constraining MMORPG development .