
  • 网络Multimedia Information Retrieval
  1. 基于内容的3D模型检索是多媒体信息检索的热点研究问题之一。

    The content-based 3D model retrieval is one of the hot research problems in the multimedia information retrieval .

  2. 基于QoS的网络多媒体信息检索系统

    The QoS-based Network Multimedia Information Retrieval System

  3. 本文基于这种思考提倡建立一个基于QoS的网络多媒体信息检索系统。

    Based on this idea , this paper proposes to construct a QoS based network multimedia information retrieval system .

  4. 提出了基于内容的图像检索技术CBIR应用于数字图书馆中多媒体信息检索的一些方法。

    CBIR applies to digital library searching Multimedia information .

  5. MPEG-7促进多媒体信息检索领域的革命

    MPEG-7 Advancing the Revolution of Multimedia Information Retrieval

  6. 在未来的多媒体信息检索服务中,MPEG-7将发挥主导作用。

    MPEG-7 will play an important role in the future service of recalling information .

  7. 基于Multi-Agents的多媒体信息检索引擎探讨

    The Research of Multi-Agents Based Multimedia Information Retrieval Engineer

  8. 并应用GIS、虚拟现实、多媒体信息检索和数据挖掘技术于网络会展之中,使其能更加全面而有效的传播会展信息,最后实现了原型系统。

    And by using GIS 、 virtual reality 、 multimedia information retrieval and data mining technology , the online exhibition can spread information more generally and effectively , finally we realize the prototype digital-exhibition-system .

  9. 当用户在网络上进行多媒体信息检索的时候,考虑服务质量(QoS)标准问题,会显著提高检索的质量和效率。

    When the users retrieve multimedia information on the network , if the Quality of Service ( QoS ) standard is taken into account , the retrieval quality and efficiency will be obviously enhanced .

  10. 在多媒体信息检索和数据挖掘等应用领域,实现高维矢量的K近邻搜索是非常具有挑战性的研究课题,为此人们提出了很多种索引结构。

    K nearest neighbor ( KNN ) search is a very challenging research topic in many application areas , such as multimedia information retrieval and data mining . Lots of index structures have been proposed to solve this problem .

  11. 应健全文献资源共享的协调机构,完善政策法规,推进文献数字化建设和文献资源网络建设,实行国际和国家的有关标准。本文基于这种思考提倡建立一个基于QoS的网络多媒体信息检索系统。

    Hence , the author proposes to establish coordination institutions , draft policies and laws , and implement national and international standards . Based on this idea , this paper proposes to construct a QoS based network multimedia information retrieval system .

  12. 利用本文的研究成果,特别是多主体环境MAGE,初步实现了并行多媒体信息检索、群体智能决策系统、虚拟市场等若干应用系统。

    The research results , especially Multi-Agent Generation Environment MAGE , are used in some representative MAS application domains , including parallel multi-media information retrieval , group intelligence decision support system , and E-commerce .

  13. 图像检索是多媒体信息检索的一个重要研究分支。

    Image retrieval is an important research branch on multimedia retrieval .

  14. 音频信息检索就逐渐成为多媒体信息检索的研究重点之一。

    Audio information retrieval is becoming one of research emphases in information retrieval .

  15. 多媒体信息检索的有效性度量方法研究

    Studies on validity mea-surement of multimedia infor-mation retrieval systems

  16. 多媒体信息检索:技术与实例分析

    Multimedia Information Retrieval : Technologies and Example Analyses

  17. 基于模糊语义距离的多媒体信息检索方法研究

    Fuzzy Semantic Distance-based Information Retrieval in Multimedia Databases

  18. 基于内容的多媒体信息检索

    Content - based Retrieval for Multimedia Information

  19. 多媒体信息检索是当今计算机科学的一个研究热点。

    Media information retrieval is a heated spot in domain of computer science at present .

  20. 数字图书馆的发展,对多媒体信息检索技术提出了新的要求。

    With the development of digital libraries , there is an increasing need for new multimedia information retrieval technologies .

  21. 基于本文的研究成果,实现了北京图书馆的基于特征的多媒体信息检索系统的子系统。

    Based on the above research , we develop a system that is a subsystem of Content-based Multimedia Information Retrieval System .

  22. 视频信息的分析、引和检索是多媒体信息检索研究领域的难点和热点问题之一。

    Analysis , indexing and retrieval of video information is one of the difficult and hot spots in Multimedia Information Retrieval .

  23. 随着矢量量化技术的逐渐成熟,基于矢量量化器的多媒体信息检索算法越来越成为学者们研究的热点。

    With the perfect development of VQ technique , more and more scholars are interested in the VQ based multimedia information retrieval algorithms .

  24. 因此,近年来,网络图像的检索成为多媒体信息检索的研究热点之一。

    So , the retrieval of the Web image has become one of the hotspots of the multimedia information retrieval in recent years .

  25. 试图从多媒体信息检索方法角度,对电子商务中信息检索的问题做一个概要说明。

    In this paper the author try to explain briefly the information retrieval problems at the point of view of multimedia information retrieval methods .

  26. 基于用户自定义草图的图像检索的研究具有重大研究意义且将成为未来多媒体信息检索的必然发展趋势。

    Based on user-defined sketch image retrieval research is of great research significance and will be the inevitable future of multimedia information retrieval trends .

  27. 本文介绍了多媒体信息检索的原理与特点,着重阐述了基于内容的图像检索、视频检索和音频检索技术。

    This paper introduces the principle and characteristics of multimedia information retrieval and elucidates content-based multimedia retrieval technology of image , video and audio .

  28. 介绍了基于文本信息检索的搜索引擎分类和基于内容的多媒体信息检索的搜索引擎技术现状,并介绍了每种技术类型的特点。

    The article presents the class of search engine based on texts and the multimedia information retrieval reality of search engine technology based on contents .

  29. 在这样的条件下,多媒体信息检索技术于20世纪90年代开始蓬勃发展起来,成为信息检索技术研究的一个重要分支。

    Therefore , multimedia information retrieval has been rapidly developed from the 1990s and become one of the most important areas in the information retrieval .

  30. 从基于内容检索的角度出发,多媒体信息检索系统由组织媒体输入的插入子系统,媒体特征提取子系统,储存插入获得特征和相应媒体数据库,以及支持对该媒体的查询子系统等组成;

    In the terms of content-based retrieval , multimedia information retrieval systems consist of insert subsystem , media characteristics extraction subsystem , multimedia databases and query subsystem ;