
  • 网络Public Information Resources Management
  1. 基于E-Participation的公共信息资源管理模式研究

    The Mode Research of Public Information Resources Management Based on E-Participation

  2. 对公共信息资源管理几个基本问题的探讨与反思

    The Discussion and Reflection for a Few Basic Questions of Public Information Resources Management

  3. 公共信息资源管理研究

    The Management of Public Information Resource Study on the Information of Public Security Decision

  4. 关于公共信息资源管理的探讨

    Discussion on Public Information Resources Management

  5. 加强公共信息资源的管理与服务,将直接关系到整个社会信息资源的开发利用深度与广度,同时也关系到每个公民、各个社会组织乃至整个国家的切身利益。

    Therefore , reinforcing the management and improving the service quality of public information resources has a close bearing on the depth and extent of the exploitation of information resources , and also on the interests of each citizen , social organization and even the whole society .

  6. 公共图书馆参与公共信息资源管理的理性思考

    The Rational Thought of Public Library 's Participation in Public Information Resource Management

  7. 对公共信息资源开展行之有效的管理是信息化社会发展的必然要求。

    The essential requirement for the development of information society is that the effective management of public information resources is carried out .

  8. 信息资源能否成为公共信息资源以及公共信息资源管理的进程在很大程度上取决于法律的限制,而最主要的限制来源于知识产权法。

    The information resource can become the process of public information resources and the public information resources management depends largely on the legal restrictions , and the most important restriction on intellectual property law .

  9. 论文阐述了信息资源管理系统在公共危机管理中的必要性,以及建立公共危机信息资源管理系统在政府危机管理中的重要作用。

    This article elaborates the necessity of the existence of information resource management systems in public crisis management and the important roles played by the establishment of public information resource management systems in government crisis management .

  10. 并在此基础上,提出政府在这一过程中应坚持公共性、绩效性、竞争性等原则,以使政府在公共信息资源管理方面更好地发挥作用。

    Then , this paper puts forward the principles of publicity , validity and competitiveness , in order to make government a better performance in public information resources management .

  11. 同时,探讨公共信息资源的内在结构,旨在揭示政府信息资源与公共信息资源的关系,廓清公共信息资源管理的基本框架,明确政府、非营利性组织和企业等多元主体的参与方式与作用空间。

    Lastly , it deduces public information resources ' structure and management framework , specifies the ways and influencing space of multiple management system among government , non-profit organizations and enterprises .

  12. 从公共信息资源的概念入手,探讨了公共信息资源的类型、特征,针对我国公共信息资源管理中存在的问题,提出了发展的战略。

    Proceeding from the concept of public information resources , this article discusses the types and characteristics of public information resources . It puts forward some development strategies in the light of the problems in public information resources management in China .

  13. 探讨公共信息资源的概念、类型及其重要的战略地位,从信息技术、信息政策、信息资源开发利用、信息素质培养等方面讨论公共信息资源管理的策略。

    The paper discusses the concept and types of public information resources and their important strategic position , and puts forward the measures for the management of public information resources from the aspects of information technology , information policy , information resources development , and utilization and training information literacy .