
  1. 健康影响评估(HIA)已被建议作为为公共政策制定者提供决策依据的一种机制。

    Health impact assessment ( HIA ) has been proposed as one mechanism that can inform decision-making by public policy-makers .

  2. 然而,要减轻这些风险就要靠公共政策制定者的行动,或许还要联合公共和私人合作。

    However , the mitigation of these risks requires mainly action by public policymakers , perhaps in combination with a public-private partnership .

  3. 政府作为公共政策制定者和国有资产所有者之间的角色冲突以及传统的行政思维严重干扰了改革措施的制定。

    Government has conflict as a constitutor of common policy or as an owner of state capital . The traditional administration thoughts disturb the reform .

  4. 在这些情况下,公共政策制定者在制定和实施旨在保护公众的政策时,必须努力在最大限度地提高效率和创新之间建立平衡,同时应避免市场出现新的不确定性。

    In such cases , public policy makers must strive to create a balance that maximizes efficiency and innovation while avoiding the creation of a new source of uncertainty in the marketplace as they develop and implement policy designed to protect the public commons .

  5. 产品的使用问题将与公共政策的制定者、采购商和国家卫生系统协商而定。

    Use would be agreed with public policy-makers , purchasers and national health systems .

  6. 这些新数据也许可以帮助国家公共政策的制定者针对这些要素改变他们的政策,比如打击腐败,以此来增强人民的幸福感。

    The new data could help public policy-makers tweak their policies to impact those factors , such as cracking down on corruption , to boost people 's happiness .

  7. 正文的第一部分是对本课题主要理论进行了梳理,解释了文章中的核心概念,并对大众传媒与公共政策制定二者之间相互作用的实现进行了简述。

    The first part of the text is the main theories of this project , explains the comb the core concept of the mass media , and with public policy both the realization of the interaction between the brief .

  8. 总部位于西雅图的微软以强硬的态度应对欧洲监管者,谷歌则采取了软实力战略,试图利用私下游说、慈善项目和公共活动影响政策制定者。

    Where the Seattle group adopted an aggressive approach towards European regulators , Google has employed a soft power strategy using private lobbying , philanthropic initiatives and public events to try to influence policy makers .

  9. 总部位于西雅图的微软以强硬的态度应对欧洲监管者,谷歌则采取了“软实力”战略,试图利用私下游说、慈善项目和公共活动影响政策制定者。

    Where the Seattle group adopted an aggressive approach towards European regulators , Google has employed a " soft power " strategy using private lobbying , philanthropic initiatives and public events to try to influence policy makers .

  10. 政府是公共服务的提供者,公共政策的制定者,公共权力的行使者,因此有效的进行公共危机管理,也是政府责无旁贷的责任和必须履行的职责。

    Government is a provider of public services , a maker of public policy and a executants of public power , therefore it is their responsibility to provide effective public crisis management .

  11. 在这一特殊转型期,政府作为管理的主体、公共事务的管理者、公共服务的提供者、公共政策的制定者和公共权力的行使者,其是否能扮演好这些角色显得尤为重要。

    In this special period , it is particularly important for our government to play roles of the main body of public management , public affairs manager , public service provider , public policy maker and the administrator of public power .

  12. 所以,政府作为公共事务的管理者、公共服务的提供者、公共政策的制定者和公共权力的行使者,必须进行公共危机管理,以最大限度的控制和降低公共危机给社会带来的危害。

    So , as the administrator of public affair , provider of public service , drawer of public policy and executive of public power , government should carry on the public crisis administration , with utmost lower losing that crisis brings .

  13. 摘要公共政策执行系统是一个复杂的巨系统,主要由公共政策制定者、执行者、目标群体以及执行监督主体等要素组成,各要素价值取向各不相同。

    As a complex mega-system , system of public policy implementation consists of policy makers , policy executors , objective groups and implementation supervisors , whose value orientations differ from each other .