
  • 网络basic public service system
  1. 保险在基本公共服务体系建设和风险管理等方面发挥着很大的作用。

    It will able to play a greater role in the risk management and basic public service system construction .

  2. 为此,国家先后出台了建设服务型政府、基本公共服务体系的建设构想、建立健全基本公共服务体系等政策文件。

    To this end , the state has promulgated the " service-oriented government ", basic public service system construction ," theestablishment of a sound system of basic public service " government documents .

  3. 加强农村基本公共服务体系建设对于从根本上解决三农问题,加快全面小康社会建设具有重要意义。

    It is important and significant to develop rural basic pubic service system , which will help fundamentally solve rural issues so as to accelerate the construction of a well-off society .

  4. 摘要基本公共服务体系的社会性、基础性、均等性、结构性等特征,决定了政府在构建全民均等享有的基本公共服务体系中的主导作用。

    The characteristics such as sociality , foundation , equality and framework for basic public service system , decide the government 's leading role in the construction of universal equal basic public services system .

  5. 必须从维护最广大人民根本利益的高度,加快健全基本公共服务体系,加强和创新社会管理,推动社会主义和谐社会建设。

    We must intensify our efforts to improve the basic public service system , strengthen and make innovations in social management , and boost the building of a harmonious socialist society in order to uphold the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people .

  6. 近年来,虽然我国农村基本公共服务投入力度在不断加大,但总体还不完善,制约农村基本公共服务体系发展的因素还有很多。

    In recent years , it is not perfect although the rural basic public service system has developed in intensity .

  7. 本文以政府公共服务基本职能为基础,从需求层次理论、公民价值理论出发,提出政府基本公共服务绩效评估体系,弥补了当前评估体系的缺陷。

    Based on function of government , hierarchy of needs , civic value theory , this paper propose a performance evaluation system of government basic public services , making up for the shortcomings of the current assessment system .