
  • 网络Foreign Trade Policy;external trade policy
  1. 在WTO规则下中国应当定位于何种对外贸易政策,以迎接加入WTO后全球竞争的挑战?

    In the basis of obeying the rules of WTO , which foreign trade policy China should choose to meet with the challenge after joining the WTO ?

  2. 各国的对外贸易政策无不遵循“国家利益原则”,WTO规则的运行也是建立在正视国家利益的客观性差别的基础上的。

    Foreign trade policy of all countries follows the principle of national benefit . The implementation of WTO rules is established on the basis of objective difference of national benefit .

  3. 中外WTO技术性贸易壁垒的绩效差异分析我国对外贸易政策经济绩效的实证检验

    Analysis of the Differences of the Performance of Technical Barriers to Trade between Foreign Countries and China Empirical Test on the Economic Performance of China Trade Policies

  4. WTO多边贸易体制内的成员不仅在对外贸易政策的制定方面受到WTO各项规则的约束,在其他国内政策和法律的制定方面也受到WTO制度的影响。

    Members in WTO multi-lateral trading system are not only regulated by WTO in their foreign trade policies , but also influenced by the WTO institution in their national policy and law making process .

  5. 随着加入WTO以后中国农业国际化与贸易自由化程度的提高,以及国内农产品市场供求结构的变化,中国在实行农业生产结构战略性调整的同时,也进一步深化农产品对外贸易政策。

    As the promotion of Chinese agriculture internationalization and trade liberalization after entering WTO , adding to the Chinese agricultural products market structure reform , the agricultural trade policy are developing while the inter agriculture structure are modified .

  6. 中国加入WTO,必将加快其融入经济全球化的步伐,因而农产品对外贸易政策体系的建立及其调整是21世纪我国农业经济和贸易经济发展的战略选择。

    China will join WTO , it must accelerate this process under economic globalization , so establishing the system of international trade policy on agricultural products is the strategic alternative of agricultural and trade economic development in 21st century .

  7. 本文运用新型的多元统计数据分析方法&偏最小二乘(PLS)回归方法,分析了影响出口贸易的相关因素及其影响程度,为我国对外贸易政策的制订提供了有益的定量依据。

    This paper analyzes the impact factors of exports in China , by applying a new method-Partial Least-Squares ( PLS ) Regression and the conclusion can offer beneficial quantitative basis to work out the foreign trade polices in China .

  8. 20世纪80年代日本对外贸易政策调整研究

    A Study on Japan 's Foreign Trade Policy Adjustment in 1980s

  9. 印度独立后的对外贸易政策与当前的改革

    India s international trade policies since independence and the current reform

  10. 晚近美国对外贸易政策的法律分析

    A Legal Analysis of the USA Foreign Trade Law in Recent Years

  11. 我国对外贸易政策经济绩效的实证检验

    Empirical Test on the Economic Performance of China Trade Policies

  12. 对外贸易政策类型的实证研究

    An Empiric Study of the Types of Policies Foreign Trade

  13. 内外贸一体化中的对外贸易政策调整

    Trade Policy Adjustment in the Course of Domestic and Foreign Trade Integration

  14. 美国利益集团与对外贸易政策的法律思考

    The Legal Thinking of American Interest Group and the Foreign Trade Policy

  15. 布什政府对外贸易政策调整对中美贸易关系的影响

    The Effects of Bush 's Trade Policy on the China-U.S. Trade Relationship

  16. 美国对外贸易政策的转变与区域经济一体化新浪潮的兴起

    The Change of America 's International Trade Policies and the Rising of Regionalism

  17. 对外贸易政策的选择与我国二元经济的形成

    ON China 's Foreign Trade Strategy and the Forming Of lts Dual Economy

  18. 美国对外贸易政策的历史考察

    A Historical Investigation of American Foreign Trade Policy

  19. 战略性贸易政策:新世纪对外贸易政策的发展趋势

    A Tendency for the Development of the Foreign Trade Policy in the New Century

  20. 自20世纪90年代以来的美国对外贸易政策,应当引起特别关注。

    The USA foreign trade polices since 1990s should be paid special attention to .

  21. 环境贸易措施是国际贸易领域广泛应用的一种国家对外贸易政策手段。

    Environmental Measures in International Trade is a usual instrument of national diplomatic policy .

  22. 论美国多轨制对外贸易政策的形成与经济效应

    On the Unite States ' Multi-way Foreign Trade Policy : Formation and Economic Effect

  23. 金融危机背景下我国对外贸易政策的现实选择

    The Realistic Choice of China 's Foreign Trade Policy under the Background of Financial Crisis

  24. 新环境新变化&日本对外贸易政策动向评析

    New Changes in New Environment-Review of the New Trends of Japan 's Foreign Trade Policies

  25. 美国对外贸易政策分析

    On the American Policies of Foreign Trade

  26. 金融危机与中国对外贸易政策和产业政策的思考

    On the Influence of Financial Crisis and China 's Response of Trade and Industrial Policies

  27. 行商是清政府对外贸易政策的产物。

    Abstrac : The Cohong is the product of opening trade policy of Qing government .

  28. 自明朝晚期至鸦片战争前,中国逐步形成了闭关锁国的对外贸易政策。

    In modern China , the close door foreign trade policy took its shape gradually .

  29. 20世纪90年代以来美国对外贸易政策的调整

    Adjustment of USA Trade Policy After 1990s

  30. 美国现行对外贸易政策剖析

    America 's current foreign trade policies