
  • 网络state finance
  1. 在法国,增值税,是国家财务的最重要来源,约占国家收入的52%。

    In France , it is the most important source of state finance , accounting for52 % of state revenues .

  2. 本文以国家财务理论为依托,认为国有资本经营预算属于国家财务管理范畴,在此基础上对国有资本经营预算的主体、目标和内容进行了探讨。

    The paper , according to state finance theory , think State-owned Capital Operation Budge is part of state finance management , and study its subject , aim and content .

  3. 提出了关于国家财务分配若干基本范畴的新认识。

    It also puts forth some newcognitions on the basic realms of national financial distribution .

  4. 助理会计师职称,熟悉国家财务制度和相关政策法规。

    I got my assistant accountant title , and be familiar with national finance system and relating policy laws .

  5. 首先叙述了西方国家财务公司近年来金融化、综合化、产业化的发展趋势,为分析我国财务公司的进一步发展提供了可资借鉴的经验。

    At first , the trend of western Finance Companies is analyzed , which can be learned from by Chinese Finance Companies .

  6. 2年以上财务工作经验,能独立制作各类报表,熟悉国家财务制度,一定的会计师资格。

    At least 2 years accountant working experience . Able to finish different kind of excel and familiar with nation accounting rule . Professional in accountant .

  7. 本文拟对英美国家财务再保险的监管进行对比分析,提出针对我国的监管建议。

    This essay intends to compare and analyze the US supervision system for financial reinsurance with that of the UK ; then the author would make suggestions for our supervision .

  8. 财务管理是企业财务机构和财务人员根据国家财务制度和财务目标,对企业资金运动所实施的计划、组织和控制,并有机地协调企业与其他经济组织和经济个体之间的财务关系。

    Financial management is scheme , organization and control that enterprises ' financial institution and staff execute to the funds flow according to national financial system and financial target and coordinate financial relations of enterprises with the other organizations and economy units .

  9. 结果证明稳健型营运资本筹资政策比较适合我国当前整体环境下企业的发展和绩效的提高,而国外一些比较发达国家财务管理理论及经验并不适合目前情况下我国企业的发展实践。

    The results prove that the sound model of operating capital financing policy is suitable for Chinese current overall environment of the enterprise development and performance , and some developed foreign countries ' financial management theory and experience is not suitable for the present circumstances of Chinese business practice .

  10. 之后通过分析国外主要国家的财务公司模式对我国得出启示。

    After major foreign countries by analyzing the financial company in China .

  11. 第一部分,概述风险的定义、风险管理理论、财务风险的界定和特点、财务风险管理的基本框架,介绍了西方发达国家对财务风险管理的理论和经验。

    It also gives out the definitions of risk , risk management and financial risk , which basic of my opinion .

  12. 针对发达国家开展财务诊断有关情况,介绍了我国开展企业财务诊断工作的概况。

    Starting with describing of enterprise financial diagnosis in developed countries , the article introduces briefly the situation of enterprise financial diagnosis in China .

  13. 由于不同国家的财务报表所依据的会计准则及影响会计的环境因素不同,不同国家具有不同的财务报表体系,所传递出的财务信息缺乏可比性。

    Because the financial statements of different countries are based on the different accounting standards and different accounting environment , different countries have different financial statement systems , so the financial information lacks comparability .

  14. 国家电力公司财务信息实时系统设计与实施

    Design and implementation of the state power company financial information realtime system

  15. 国家机关行政财务管理改革探讨

    Study on the Reform of the Financial Management in the Government Organizations

  16. 还要监测国家红十字会财务资源的多样化、稳定性。

    It will also measure the diversity and stability of financial sources .

  17. 国家所有的财务转变为私人所有称作私有化。

    The conversion of state-owned property to privately owned property is called privation .

  18. 向东欧国家赊销没有财务风险。

    There is no financial risk in selling to east European countries on credit .

  19. 对于共和党争论的不断增加的联邦赤字导致了不可持续水平的国家债务,财务部长没有进行争论。

    The treasury secretary did not dispute Republican contentions that mounting federal deficits are creating an unsustainable level of national debt .

  20. 加强国家机关行政财务管理对于节约经费开支、提高办事效率和资金的使用效益具有重要的意义。

    It is very useful for the financial management to cut down the government expenditure , to improve the working efficiency and the benefit of using funds .

  21. 分析理念上的落后,职能上的割裂,导致了我国商业银行与发达国家相比在财务分析和管理水平上存在较大差距。

    There 's no complete and integrated analysis system . The lag concept and divided function cause a great gap between our bank and the western 's in financial analysis and management .

  22. 了解国家规定的财务及税务制度,每年的工商年检及税务清缴,会开具增税发票及税务核销等。

    Knowing well the national system of finace and taxation , industrial & commercial annual survey and tax payment ; Knowing how to draw up the value added tax invoice and how to write off tax .

  23. 我们可以看出,只要企业认真钻研税法和国家相关的财务政策,认真踏实合理合法的搞好企业税收筹划工作,将有助于企业达到价值最大化的目标。

    We can see that so long as enterprises seriously study the tax law and the relevant state fiscal policies and improve the business tax planning work reasonably and legitimately , they can achieve the maximization of enterprise value targets .

  24. 第三部分:认真分析了英美法系与大陆法系有代表性的国家对保险财务监管法制的分歧与融合,得出我国宜借鉴美国、日本等国先进的财务监管制度的结论。

    Part three analyzes the difference and infusion between the financial supervision legal system of Anglo-American law system and that of continental law system , drawing the conclusion that our country should learn from the advanced financial supervision system of - America and Japan .

  25. 自2005年起,越来越多的国家开始实施国际财务报告准则(IFRS)。

    More and more countries have been adopting international financial reporting standards ( IFRS ) since 2005 .

  26. 比如,很多国家采纳了国际财务报告准则(IFRS),但不是所有的能够完全按照它来做。

    For example , many jurisdictions are adopting International Financial Reporting Standards ( IFRS ), but not all find that they can do so completely .

  27. 许多国家竞相追随国际财务报告准则,要么完全使用国际财务报告准则,要么部分借鉴国际财务报告准则,我国也努力使企业会计准则与那些实施IFRS国家和地区的会计准则等效。

    Many countries pursuit the International Financial Reporting Standards , or totally the use of International Financial Reporting Standards , or in part from the International financial reporting standards , China has to make business accounting standards equivalent with IFRS ' countries and regions accounting standards .

  28. 国家粮食储备库财务管理系统的研究与开发

    Development of the financial management system of national grain storage

  29. 严格执行国家及公司相关财务制度;

    Strictly abide by the State or the company 's financial system ;

  30. 而当银行纷纷倒闭时,盈余国家拒绝提供紧急财务援助,更是加剧了萎缩状况。

    The contraction was exacerbated by surplus countries ' refusal to offer emergency financial help when banks failed .