
  • 网络zeroing
  1. 归零法在多边贸易体制中的法律地位变动研究

    The Study on the Transformation of Zeroing 's Legal Status in the Multilateral Trading System

  2. 迄今为止,WTO争端解决机构一共受理了十几起就美国反倾销归零法提起的磋商与请求。

    So far , WTO Dispute Settlement Body has accepted more than a dozen consultation and requests on US anti-dumping ' zeroing ' .

  3. 归零法是美国等少数WTO成员方在反倾销程序中使用的倾销幅度计算方法。

    Zeroing , which is the dumping margin calculation method , is used by the United States and a few other WTO members in the anti-dumping procedures .

  4. 归零法是近年来反倾销实务中备受争议的一个问题,已经被多次诉诸WTO争端解决机制。

    In recent years , Zeroing methodology is a controversial issue in anti-dumping proceedings and has been challenged in WTO Dispute Settlement Body ( DSB ) for several times .

  5. 当今经济全球化背景下,美国等少数国家在反倾销调查中使用归零法来计算产品的倾销幅度,引发WTO其他成员方强烈不满,归零法是否符合WTO框架下的相关规则成为目前争议的焦点。

    Under the background of economic globalization , the United States and a few countries use the zeroing to calculate the dumping margin in anti-dumping investigations , which aroused other WTO members ' strong dissatisfaction .

  6. 世贸组织专家小组和上诉机构已作出不止一项裁决,反对美国贸易法中涉及归零法的多个层面。

    WTO judicial panels and the appellate body have issued rulings against a range of aspects of zeroing in US trade law .

  7. 但是,东京回合《反倾销守则》却没有规定具体的比较方法,这给适用归零法提供了空间。

    However , the specific method of comparison is not provided by the Tokyo Round Anti-dumping Code , which provides Zeroing with applicable space .

  8. 在这些案件中,专家小组和上诉机构对于归零法在美国反倾销调查不同程序阶段中的合法性进行了深入分析。

    In those cases , the panel and appellate body analyzed the legality of ' zeroing ' used in different process stages of US anti-dumping investigation .

  9. 有多宗申诉寻求制止美国采用有争议的归零法,即在计算反倾销关税时剔除对自己不利的数据。

    A volley of litigation has sought to prevent the US from using controversial zeroing , which permits it to disregard inconvenient data when calculating anti-dumping duties .

  10. 首先明确反倾销中归零法的基本概念、基本分类,然后举例分析归零法在各种倾销幅度计算方法中的应用,最后总结反倾销中适用归零法的沿革。

    First of all , clear the basic concepts and the classification of the zeroing in anti-dumping . Then take examples to analyze its application in kinds of calculation methods to dumping margin .

  11. 上诉机构维持了世贸组织一个专家小组的裁决,即美国在计算反倾销税尺度时,没有遵守禁止其使用“归零法”的裁决。

    The appeals body upheld a ruling by a WTO judicial panel that the US had failed to comply with rulings against its use of " zeroing " when calculating the size of antidumping duties .

  12. 所有其它世贸组织成员均反对美国的归零法,但美国国会、钢铁制造商等面临进口产品竞争的企业大力支持这一方法。

    The US zeroing methodology is opposed by all other members of the WTO , but it commands strong support in the US Congress and among companies such as steel producers that compete with imports .

  13. 通过实验表明,石英弹簧重力仪配上光学测微器后,由归零读数法获得重力读数的观测精度,一般要高于直接用重力仪计数器的零位观测(摆杆水平)法精度。

    It is showed from experiment that the observed accuracy of gravity reading obtained by the reduction-to-zero method is generally superior to that of observation by the zero-set method of gravimeter 's counter ( levelling off pendulum ) after equiping the additional micrograph on the quartz spring gravimeter .

  14. 鉴于“归零”争端的历史及其不公平性,于现阶段DSB裁决的效力的局限及国际贸易自由化的缓慢进程,“归零”法的完全消除之路仍然漫长。

    The paper points out that due to the limited validity of award by the DSB and the slow progress of the global trade liberization , it still has a long way to go for the abolishment of the zeroing .