
  1. 当事人未办理抵押物登记的,不得对抗第三人。

    If a party does not register the mortgaged property , he may not defend against the claims of third party .

  2. 制版权之让与或信讬,非经登记,不得对抗第三人。

    Assignment or placement in trust of plate rights shall not be effective against third parties unless it has been recorded .

  3. 第9条船舶所有权之移转,非经登记,不得对抗第三人。

    Article9no transfer of the ownership of a ship can be set up against a third person , unless such transfer has been registered .

  4. 在物权法上,期待权除了可以对抗第三人外,在一定条件下还可以对抗所有权人。

    In the reality of laws , anticipated the power besides may resist the third person , also may resist owner under the certain condition .

  5. 经预告登记的权利是法律出于保护交易安全的考虑,赋予其对抗第三人的效力的特殊债权。

    The rights to register notice are given effectiveness against the third person of the special claims for consideration the protection of transaction security by laws .

  6. 抵押权是为了保障债权人实现债权,因而凡是已经登记的抵押权具有对抗第三人的效力。

    Hypothec is to ensure creditor to realize creditor 's rights , the hypothec that always has registered consequently has confrontation the effectiveness of the3rd person .

  7. 至于占有改定和指示交付则可以通过当事人来约定,但是这种约定能否对抗第三人,值得我们去探讨。

    As for possession may be changed and instructions delivered by the parties to contract . But this can act against a third party agreed upon , but also often problem .

  8. 相反,登记要件主义当事人之间未经登记不发生物权变动之效果,也无对抗第三人的效力。

    On the contrary , register , want pieces of doctrine register biological right result of change between the party , there is no effect of the third person of face-off .

  9. 由于法律规定的模糊和缺失,司法实务部门对登记与否是否影响租赁合同的效力、能否发挥对抗第三人的效力问题认识不统一,出现了同案异判的现象。

    Because of the fuzzy and the lack of legal regulations , the judicial practice have different understanding of affecting the validity of the leasing contract whether give a registration or not .

  10. 受益证券之转让,非将受让人之姓名或名称记载于该受益证券,不得对抗第三人。

    The transfer of the beneficial securities shall not be held valid against any third party , unless the name or title of the transferee has been recorded on the beneficial securities .

  11. 特别是保险人能否以对被保险人、投保人主张的抗辩对抗第三人,这在理论和实践中存在着一定争议。

    However , there are some controversies both in theory and in practice on the issue that whether the insurer shall defend against the third party with its grounds of defense against the insured and policy holder .

  12. 因债权为请求权,债权人对于债务人的财产没有直接的支配权只能请求债务人履行义务;不能以债权对抗第三人。

    The creditor has no right to dominate the property of the debtor directly , because his right is a claim . He is only allowed to request that the debtor performs his obligations and not claim his rights against the third party .

  13. 租赁合同经登记备案后,当发生重复预租、出租、租赁期间房屋转让或设定抵押后被处分等事实时,可以对抗第三人。

    After the lease contract is registered and recorded , where repetitive pre-leasing occurs , or the house is transferred during rent or lease , or the house is at disposal after it was mortgaged , the contract can be used to conflict with the third party .

  14. 这部分,首先介绍了优先购买权的效力之争,主要围绕在债权效力和物权效力上,区分的标准是能否对抗第三人。

    In this part , the article firstly introduces the disputes of the effect of the right of preemption which mainly upon the effect of real right and the effect of creditor right . The standard to differentiate these is to see whether it can resist anther person or not .

  15. 动产抵押权经过公示的可以对抗善意第三人,未经公示的不可对抗善意第三人。

    With publicity , chattel mortgage right may challenge the bona fides third party .

  16. 未经登记,不得对抗善意第三人。

    Without such registration , neither party may challenge any third party with good faith .

  17. 购买价金担保权的公示是其获得对抗所有第三人效力的条件。

    The publicity of purchase money security interest is the requirement of gaining the validity of against the third person .

  18. 公司对董事会权限的限制,不得对抗善意第三人。同时通过对董事责任的追究来避免公司滥设担保之风险。

    The company 's inside restrictions to the rights of board of directors shall not oppose to the bona fide third party .

  19. 投资人对受托人或者被聘用的人员职权的限制,不得对抗善意第三人。

    Any restriction by the sole proprietor on the authority of the agent or employee shall not constitutes a defense against a third person in good faith .

  20. 商标使用许可合同未在商标局备案的,不得对抗善意第三人。

    Where the trademark license contract fails to filed with the Trademark Office for the record , the said contract shall not be used against any bona fide third party .

  21. 关于债权禁止让与的特约之效力,各国立法不相一致,本文认为有效但不能对抗善意第三人。

    Effect of agreement on the prohibition of the transfer provisions is different in various countries . This thesis holds that it is effective , but can not be against bona fide third parties .

  22. 第三,虚伪表示的无效不得对抗善意第三人,善意第三人被赋予了选择权,这种做法无疑有利于对第三人的救济。

    Third , the false expression shall act against a third person in good faith is invalid , the third person in good faith was given the option , this kind of practice is to a third person for the relief .

  23. 保险人的抗辩上,强制责任保险的保险人不得以对抗被保险人的事由对抗第三人,任意责任保险中的第三人则要受到保险人与被保险人约定的抗辩事由之限制。

    On its encountered defense , the third party in non-required liability insurance is restricted by the defense agreed between the insurer and the insured .

  24. 但法律既然承认其为担保物权,应赋予其一定的对抗力,应对不得对抗的第三人的范围加以限制。

    Now that the law admits the right of guaranteed goods , the law should give certain defeating force and restrict the scope of implementation force of the third person who can not participate in .