
  • 网络platform mode;Platform Model
  1. 中小型制造企业物流管理ASP平台模式与实施技术研究

    Research on ASP-based Platform Mode and Implementing Technology of Logistics Management for Small and Middle Manufacturing Enterprises

  2. 评估沟通平台模式在医患沟通中的应用

    Application of " Evaluation-communication " platform mode in doctor-patient communication

  3. 对目前流行的管理信息系统(MIS)开发平台模式:客户机/服务器模式(C/S)和浏览器/服务器模式(B/S)进行比较。

    A comparison between the two popular models of management information system , namely Client / Server and Browser / Server is made .

  4. 网络学习平台模式创新研究

    Innovative Research on the Model of the Network Study Platform

  5. 网络协同商务平台模式及系统架构研究

    Research on Network-based Cooperative Commerce Platform Model and System Architecture

  6. 图书馆自动化系统三种平台模式比较分析

    An Analysis of Three Platform Models in Library Automation System

  7. 福建省专业镇技术创新平台模式的构建机理及其模式研究

    The Study of Model and Built Mechanism of Professional Town 's Technological Innovation Platform in Fujian

  8. 结合目前网络技术的普及以及现代企业的特点,研究提出了以B/S和C/S相结合的系统平台模式下的信息设备管理系统。

    Combined With the Permeation of the Network Technology and the Characteristic of the Modern Project .

  9. 第三方平台模式。

    The third-party platform mode .

  10. 本文第一部分提出了分布式结构化知识资源集成平台模式;

    The first part of this thesis is to achieve the integrated platform of distributive structural knowledge ;

  11. 多处理器硬件平台模式在工业控制系统中应用广泛。

    In the design of industrial control system , the multiple processor hardware platform is used widely .

  12. 再有,对以太组织的运行模式进行了分析,构建了服务平台模式和生产平台模式。

    The operation pattern of Ether Organization is analyzed which includes a service platform model and production platform model .

  13. 然后分析了钢铁制造业的成本管理模式及云平台模式的应用意义,为后续的研究奠定了基础。

    It analyzes the iron and steel manufacturing cost management model and cloud platform to prepare for the follow-up study .

  14. 论文论述了多媒体文件分组上传系统的总体设计方案以及模块设计,体系结构采用了C/S结构的系统平台模式。

    This paper discusses the overall scheme and module design , this system is based on C / S structure .

  15. 上述三种模式是基于理论分析的需要归纳出的典型的产品创新平台模式,在实际的产品创新活动中要复杂得多。

    These three models are divided and concluded by the need of theoretic analysis , the real product innovation activities are much more complicated .

  16. 通过该企业网络化销售管理系统的应用,验证了本论文提出的网络化销售管理系统开发平台模式的合理性及其实现系统开发的可行性。

    The application of the networked sales management in this enterprise validates the rationality and feasibility of the development platform of networked sales management .

  17. 将现代城市林业与网格化管理相结合,构建了一个完整的城市林业网格化管理模式,包括业务原型模式、三级平台模式、体系建设模式和系统构架模式。

    Combining the modern urban forestry with the grid-based management , we build up a integrated model of the grid-based management of urban forestry .

  18. 并给出在全国联网平台模式下,全国业务利用不同联网方案来进行业务开展的策略。

    And gives under the national networking platform pattern , the national service use different networking plan carries on the service development the strategy .

  19. 本文结合装备制造业的特点,就同一技术平台模式下的整合创新问题进行了系统研究。

    Combing with the characteristics of the equipment manufacturing industry , the paper conducts a systemic analysis on the technology integration based on technology platform theory .

  20. 开放的产业链导致产业边界模糊化,基于平台模式的终端+应用将打穿、覆盖、颠覆很多传统行业。

    Openness of industry chain leads to blur of industry boundaries , and platform-based model of " terminal + application " will disrupt , cover and subvert many traditional industries .

  21. 理论分析和实践证明,该评价体系可以帮助企业选择合适的信息支持平台模式,提升核心竞争力,在国际竞争中占据高端位置。

    It was proved by theory and facts that this measurement system could aid enterprises to select the suitable pattern to built and operate this platform , increase enterprises ' core competitive power .

  22. 在严格根据对当前客户的影响来衡量业务价值的环境里,很难去激励团队和个人去接受平台模式。

    In an environment where business value is defined strictly by the impact on the current customer , it is a challenge to motivate certain teams and individuals to buy into the platform .

  23. 本文把免费模式分为四类,分别为增值产品模式、免费收费版本模式、价值再造模式和平台模式。

    In this paper , the free pricing pattern is divided into four categories , which are called : pattern of value-added products , pattern of free and charged versions , pattern of value recreation and pattern of platform .

  24. 再次,在现行政府融资平台模式下,我国主要从承贷主体、融资模式、运行结构、贷款类型四个角度进行贷款风险管理。

    It has different condition 、 advantages and disadvantages . Thirdly , under the current government financing platform mode , China manage loan risk mainly from four directions , financing mode , loan subject , the commitment shall run structure .

  25. 首先,网络学习平台模式创新,要从现代远程教育的本质内涵出发,从基层站点学校实际需求出发,运用创新思维,形成新的构建思路;

    First , the innovation of the model of the network study platform should base on the nature of the distance education and the actual requirements of the branch schools , and use innovative thinking method to form new organizing concept ;

  26. 对网络学习平台模式进行创新研究,是现代远程教育改革和发展的需要,也是远程教育教学质量创新题中应有之义。

    To make innovative researches on the model of the network study platform is not only essential to the reform and development of modern distance education , but also an indispensable part of the innovative programmer of the distance education quality .

  27. 它的基本形态主要有链式模式、联盟模式、虚拟平台模式、网络创新模式、横向虚拟一体化外包模式和网络企业孵化器、技术实验室联合体等;

    Its fundamental form has the chain pattern , alliance pattern , suppositional platform pattern , network to wrap up the pattern and network enterprise incubator , technology laboratory complex etc. besides the pattern , transverse direction being innovative suppose integration mainly ;

  28. 谷歌(Google)电视采用开放平台的模式,但刚一上路就宣告失败。

    Google TV embraced the idea but failed with its first pass .

  29. 基于Java平台MVC模式的流程企业分析检测数据管理系统

    Assaying Data Management System Based on Java Platform and MVC Pattern

  30. AUTOCAD数据文件的跨平台应用模式

    AUTOCAD Data Files Independent Platform Application Method