
  • 网络average yield;Average rate of return;average rate of return ,ARR
  1. 但3年期美国国债的平均收益率目前为0.375%。

    But the average yield on a 3-year treasury bond is currently 0.375 % .

  2. 上周一的国债拍卖中,德国售出了49.6亿美元的6个月国债,平均收益率为-0.0122%。

    In an auction Monday , Germany sold $ 4.96 billion of six-month bills with an average yield of negative 0.0122 % .

  3. 同时,根据中国银行(bankofchina)的数据,点心债券平均收益率(与价格走势相反)从去年2月的4.75%跳升至6月的5.6%。

    Meanwhile , average dim sum bond yields , which move inversely to prices , jumped from 4.75 per cent in February last year to 5.6 per cent in June , according to Bank of China .

  4. 在财务评价中使用了新的评价指标体系,增加了平均收益率(R)来更精确的对建设项目进行财务评估。

    Has used the new evaluating indicator system in the financial appraisal , increased the average returns ratio ( R ) to carry on the financial appraisal precisely .

  5. 中国银行(BankofCHina)编制的数据显示,二级市场也出现大幅抛售,平均收益率从4.35%,升至5月底的5.71%。

    There has also been a steep sell-off on the secondary market , with average yields rising from 4.35 per cent to 5.71 per cent at the end of May , according to data compiled by Bank of China .

  6. 结果显示,目前我国的IPO询价制度并未使IPO效率获得大幅提升,IPO的首日与首周平均收益率仍处于较高水平。

    Studies reveal that IPOs efficiency is not markedly improved with the implementation of the new system as reflected in the high first-day and first-week return .

  7. 有些州的市政债利率更高。举例而言,纽约州发行的市政债目前平均收益率为3.23%,其在标普的投资等级为AA级。

    Some states are even more generous : The average bond issued by New York state , for example , now yields 3.23 % . New York is rated double-A by S & P.

  8. 周内效应(day-of-the-weekeffect)指股票市场在一周内的某一天的平均收益率比一周内其他任何一天的平均收益率高或者低,且在统计上有显著性。

    The day of the week effect means that in the stock markets , the yield rate on one day is significant higher or lower than the rest other day during a week .

  9. 另外,杠杆收购(LBO)基金的平均收益率(除去管理费)低于标准普尔500指数。

    In addition , on average LBO ( leveraged buy-out ) funds returns net of fees are lower than those of the S & P 500 .

  10. 根据晨星(morningstar)的数据,在截止6月30日的3年中,该基金组别的累积平均收益率为80.1%。

    Over three years on a cumulative basis to June 30 the average return was 80.1 per cent , according to Morningstar .

  11. “安邦共赢3号”之所以受到欢迎,是因为它保证3年后给付5.1%——CNBenefit的数据显示,这一收益率高于2.75%的3年期银行存款基准利率,也高于去年12月银行直接发行的理财产品3.99%的平均收益率。

    The popularity of Win-Win \# 3 is due to its guaranteed payout of 5.1 per cent after three years - higher than the benchmark three-year bank deposit rate of 2.75 per cent and the average 3.99 per cent yield on WMPs issued directly by banks in December , according to data from CN Benefit .

  12. Friesen等(2007)认为,通过将基金持有人的现金流加权收益率与基金资产组合平均收益率进行对比分析,可以判断研究基金持有人的选时能力。

    Friesen et al . ( 2007 ) suggested that the timing ability of fund shareholder can be judged by comparing the dollar weighted return with portfolio average return .

  13. 点心债券平均收益率仍远远高于2011年的低点。

    Average yields are still far off the lows of 2011 .

  14. 因此平均收益率为25%。

    The average return is therefore 25 per cent .

  15. 这意味着年化平均收益率为18.1%。

    That 's an annual return of 18.1 % .

  16. 我认为定期储蓄的平均收益率将会和基金的差不多。

    I think the Interest rate of the fixed deposit is very close to that of funds .

  17. 确实如此,离岸人民币债券平均收益率的变动与在岸市场收益率的变动并不同步。

    Indeed , on average , offshore renminbi bond yields have not moved in line with onshore yields .

  18. 本文还对具有止损策略的长期持有风险资产的平均收益率的均值和方差进行研究。

    This paper also studied the average rate of return and its variance of long-term investment with stop-loss strategy .

  19. 看看国内证券的收益,2000年公报的平均收益率是负3.1%

    If you looked at the domestic equity return-the average return that was posted in2000 & it was-3.1 % .

  20. 相比之下,据巴克莱指数,美国公司出售的优质债券平均收益率为2.7%。

    By contrast , high-grade bonds sold by US companies yield 2.7 per cent on average , according to a Barclays index .

  21. 在投资过程中,投资者一般仅能够观察到资产的价格,不能直接观察到资产的平均收益率和波动率。

    The investor can in general not directly observe the mean return rate processes and the volatility process of the asset price process .

  22. 冠军国家股票的平均收益率为10%,而亚军国家的收益率为负的25%。

    On average there was a positive return of10 % for the world champion and a negative return of25 % for the losing finalist .

  23. 截至4月14日,该指数反弹了13点,而截至当日的3个月内,科技基金平均收益率为7%。

    The index gained 13 points to April 14 and the average technology fund returned 7 per cent over three months to that date .

  24. 我计算了那个时间段的股票平均收益率,和债券平均收益率。

    I computed the average return on stocks over that time period and I computed the average return on bonds over that time period .

  25. 因为即使把不良贷款考虑在内,这些债券的平均收益率约为7%,是30年期美国国债收益率的一倍以上。

    Once bad loans are accounted for , their yields average about 7 % , more than double the yield on a 30-year Treasury bond .

  26. 在收益率的计算上.对货币加权收益率、时间加权收益率、累计收益率和平均收益率进行了分析研究。

    In the calculation , on the return of weighted profitability , time currency weighted profitability , total return and average yield were analyzed and studied .

  27. 我国的月交替效应是每个月的前6个交易日和上个月的最后一个交易日的平均收益率高于其他交易日的平均收益率。

    In china , the average rate of returns between the first six trading days and the last trading day is higher than those of other trading days .

  28. 与全球房地产公司债券约4%的平均收益率相比,收益率达到两位数的中国房地产公司债券非常具有吸引力。

    Compared with an average yield of about 4 per cent on the bonds of property companies globally , the double-digit returns offered by Chinese developers are extremely attractive .

  29. 该国十年期债券目前的收益率低于欧洲部分国家,也低于过去60年美国国债平均收益率。

    The 10-year bond is now trading at lower yields than parts of Europe , and lower too than the average the US has paid over the past 60 years .

  30. 如果一个特定行业在一段时间内挣取了2或3倍的长期平均收益率,我们应该期待一段回报率低于平均值的抵消时期。

    If a particular industry earns two or three times long-run average returns for a while , one should expect an offsetting period when returns will be below that average .