
pínɡ hénɡ yù suàn
  • balanced budget;balance a budget
  1. 再说联邦政府,它甚至都不必假装要平衡预算。

    As for the Federal government , well , it doesn 't even have to pretend to balance a budget .

  2. 这让你们有机会学习工作面试技巧如何平衡预算烹制健康餐甚至换轮胎

    With the opportunity to learn things like job interviewing skills how to balance a budget , cook a healthy meal and even change a tire

  3. 据花旗集团全球市场(CitigroupGlobalMarkets)大宗商品研究的负责人爱德华·莫尔斯(EdwardMorse)估计,连沙特阿拉伯都需要每桶98美元油来平衡预算。

    Even Saudi Arabia needs $ 98-a-barrel oil to balance its budget , estimated Edward Morse , head of commodities research at Citigroup Global Markets .

  4. 此外,一个正常情况下名义GDP年增幅不超过5%的国家,没有理由去平衡预算。

    Moreover , there is no reason to balance budgets in a country whose nominal GDP grows at up to 5 per cent a year in normal times .

  5. 他表示,如果布什(GeorgeW.Bush)政府像自己一样,重视平衡预算及国际合作,情况可能会有所不同。

    He says things could have been different if George W. Bush 's administration had observed his devotion to a balanced budget and co-operating with other countries .

  6. 在欧盟(EU)促进增长的峰会召开前夕,德国出台削减支出、提前平衡预算的计划,无视欧元区伙伴国增加经济刺激的呼声。

    Germany has ignored calls from its eurozone partners for more economic stimulus by tabling plans to cut spending and balance its budget ahead of schedule on the eve of an EU summit dedicated to growth .

  7. 年度平衡预算的政策是一种刻板的束缚。

    The policy of the annually balanced budget represents a rigid straightjacket .

  8. 中国延长退休年龄的财务平衡预算及其方案设计

    Balanced Budget and Project Design to Prolong the Retirement Age in China

  9. 政府每年年初平衡预算。

    The government balances the budget in the beginning of every year .

  10. 要平衡预算就需要削减130亿英镑的政府开支。

    Balancing the budget would entail public spending cuts of thirteen billion pounds .

  11. 我真的需要平衡预算并改善我的用钱方式了。

    I really need to balance my budget and handle my money better .

  12. 对平衡预算的长期信念遭到抛弃。

    Long-cherished beliefs in balanced budgets have been abandoned .

  13. 总裁正在为平衡预算作策划。

    The president be plan for a balanced budget .

  14. 你会削减什么开支来平衡预算?

    What cuts in spending you would make in order to balance the budget ?

  15. 财政平衡预算能有效控制人造资源&钱财的支出。

    Balanced budget theorem can efficiently control the disburse of man-made resource & money .

  16. 我们要平衡预算,而不削减社会保险和医疗保险。

    We will balance the budget without making cuts in Social Security and Medicare .

  17. 对平衡预算乘数的新探讨

    An Alternative Probe into Balanced Budget Multiplicator

  18. 达沃斯的共识是:欧洲需要更多结构性改革来平衡预算并刺激增长。

    The Davos consensus is that Europe needs more structural reform to balance budgets and spur growth .

  19. 这个艰巨的任务可以通过说服国会采用欧盟授意的平衡预算规则实现。

    One way to square the circle would be to convince parliaments to adopt EU-inspired balanced-budget rules .

  20. 关于节约和平衡预算的事,他谈了许多,这是他后来必定要懊悔的。

    He said many things about economy and a balanced budget that he must have regretted afterward .

  21. 因为为了平衡预算却牺牲孩子们的教育是错误的。

    Because it would be a mistake to balance the budget by sacrificing our children 's education .

  22. 打击逃税将使意大利得以推进平衡预算的努力。

    This last move would allow the country to continue in its effort of balancing its budget .

  23. 辩论的焦点是削减预算赤字的重要性和平衡预算的目标。

    The debate is over the importance of reducing the budget deficit and the goal of a balanced budget .

  24. 第一节,从基本原理、实际模拟数据和经验分析角度对平衡预算归宿分析进行概述。

    At first , the incidence is outlined in respects of fundamental theory , real simulation and empirical analysis .

  25. 假如美国不想通过削减开销办法来平衡预算,那么美国可以选择增加产出。

    If the US doesn 't want to cut expenditure to balance its books , it can increase production .

  26. “上帝词汇”,就是一些包含正面评价的词,例如进步,事实,家庭价值观,收支平衡预算以及批判性思维等。

    God terms are good terms like progress , fact , family values , balanced budget and critical thinking .

  27. 制定企业范围内的资金平衡预算,含项目开发、合作、融资等重大决策;

    Budgeting the fund balancing within the enterprise , including major decisions such as project development , cooperation and financing ;

  28. 如今,平衡预算修正案成了党内的正统纲领,而桑托勒姆成了总统候选人尽管可能性微乎其微。

    Today the balanced budget amendment is party orthodoxy and Mr Santorum is a ( very ) long-shot presidential candidate .

  29. 我们平衡预算,提供5亿美元的应急资金,并且减少税收。

    We balanced our budget , we 're running $ 0.5 billion in the rainy-day fund , we 've reduced taxes .

  30. 领导新政府的必须是一位承诺平衡预算和贯彻促增长战略、且说话有人相信的总理。

    It must be led by a figure who can credibly promise to balance the budget and implement a growth strategy .