
  • 网络Household budget;Family Budget
  1. 管理家庭预算肯定是一项非常艰巨的任务,但她让它看起来毫不费力。

    Managing the family budget must have been a very hard task , but she made it look effortless .

  2. 例如,一个能成功地控制家庭预算的人具有组织和理财技能。

    For example , a person who successfully keeps a family budget has organizational and financial skills .

  3. AlokSharma说,这占据了家庭预算的很大一部分。

    Alok Sharma says that is taking a big bite out of his family 's budget .

  4. Rainsberger在最近的文章中介绍了他在生产率和敏捷团队度量上的案例,并以家庭预算为例做了说明。

    In a recent article Rainsberger presents his case on velocity and effective agile team measurement , illustrating it in terms of home budgeting .

  5. 通过制定家庭预算,你的钱从哪里来,花到什么地方都一目了然。所以,在VideoJug的帮助下学习怎样制定家庭预算。

    By creating a household budget you can see where your money is coming from , and where it is going , so learn how to make a household budget with VideoJug 's help .

  6. 普华永道的约翰•霍克斯沃斯(JohnHawksworth)表示,由于通胀主要集中在食品、燃料以及能源方面,此项研究结果不存在任何疑问,因为能源和食品账单在最贫困家庭预算中所占的比重要高得多。

    John Hawksworth of PwC said that , with inflation concentrated in food , fuel and energy , there was no doubt of the findings because of the much higher weight of domestic energy and food bills in the budgets of the poorest households .

  7. 12月的强劲数据部分反映出美国经济的整体强势,但汽车信息网站autotrader.com分析师米歇尔•克雷布斯(MichelleKrebs)表示,燃料价格下跌是“锦上添花”,“如果天然气支出下降,家庭预算就会增加,可以用来购置新车。”

    December 's strong figures partly reflected the US economy 's general strength , but the fuel price fall was the " icing on the cake , " she said : " If you 're spending less on gas , you have more money in your household budget and you can put that towards a new vehicle . "

  8. 在制定家庭预算时学会精打细算。

    Learned to practice economy in making out the household budget .

  9. 感谢收看“怎样进行家庭预算”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Create A Household Budget .

  10. 按家庭预算建立需求函数的数学模型

    Building a Mathematical Model of Demand Function According to a Family 's Budgets

  11. 这段视频将向你展示怎样制定家庭预算。

    This VideoJug film will show you how to create a household budget .

  12. 作每个月的家庭预算

    Make a monthly budget for a family

  13. 在东欧国家,住宅成本一般占家庭预算的40%。

    Housing costs typically absorb 40 per cent of family budgets in Eastern European countries .

  14. 除此之外,不断上涨的燃油价格正更多地挤压家庭预算。

    On top of all that , rising fuel prices are squeezing home budgets even more .

  15. 能源花费占据了家庭预算的相当一部分,尤其对低收入家庭而言。

    Energy costs are taking a bite out of household budgets , especially for lower-income families .

  16. 消费支出已经动摇在面对压力和家庭预算紧缩信贷。

    Consumer spending has faltered in the face of a squeeze on household budgets and tighter credit .

  17. 所以为什么有些夫妻可以经受经济上的起伏变化而有些夫妻却因为家庭预算而决裂?

    So why can some couples weather financial ups and downs while others split over a household budget ?

  18. 我想第一步就是创建一个家庭预算。金吉:我没问题。

    I think the first step is to create a household budget . Ginger : Okay by me .

  19. 如果你有三个小孩,单单他们的课余培训活动就将吞噬掉家庭预算的四分之一。

    If you have three children , their after-school activities alone could swallow up a quarter of the household budget .

  20. 然而,购买平板电脑的钱必须从家庭预算中支出,而家庭预算已经在为电视、手机和其它消遣买单。

    But the cash must come from household budgets , already paying for TV , mobile phones and other entertainment .

  21. 范文荣在斟酌家庭预算时,将不得不像他驱车在河内的车流中穿行时一样小心翼翼。

    Mr Pham will have to be as careful with the family budget as he is in the Hanoi traffic .

  22. 带午餐:走出去吃饭也可以是一个庞大的家庭预算,每月的费用。

    Bring Your Lunch : Going out to lunch can end up being a huge monthly expense for a family budget .

  23. 政府预算应像家庭预算那样保持平衡这真的是一种常识吗?

    So you think it only common sense that a government budget , like that of a family , should balance ?

  24. 三星在发布会上没有公开说明的一点是:很显然,该公司在家庭预算方面玩了一个把戏。

    What they don 't say in the press release : Clearly , Samsung is going for a budget play here .

  25. 在经济萎缩时期,许多人开始寻找减少家庭预算和节省额外开支的方法。

    In times of economic downturn , many people start to look for ways to reduce their household budget and save extra cash .

  26. 燃油价格的上涨会导致家庭预算紧张,打击推动三分之二以上美国经济活动的消费者支出。

    Rising fuel prices are straining household budgets , damping the spending that drives more than two-thirds of the nation 's economic activity .

  27. 达席尔瓦女士指出,大米的价格已经“下跌许多”,这是另一项对家庭预算的改善。

    Mrs da Silva notes that the price of rice has " fallen a lot " , another boost to the family budget .

  28. 不存在那句傻傻的“你的就是我的,我的就是你的”。也不用搞什么家庭预算。

    There 's none of that " what 's yours is mine , what 's mine is yours " foolishness . No household budget .

  29. 运用家庭预算资料中的居民医疗支出数据,分析了我国农村居民医疗支出差异及影响因素。

    The paper analyzed the disparity of medical expense of rural residence in China and the influence factor based on the data of household budget .

  30. 他注意到家庭预算的事实那就是“没有具有代表性的月份”与敏捷开发以及我们使用的生产率非常相似

    He observes this home budgeting truth that " there is no typical month " to be a lot like agile development and our use of velocity