
jiā ju
  • furniture;gear;house furnishings
家具 [jiā jù]
  • [furniture] 家庭器具,指木器,也包括炊事用具等

  • 桃花心木家具

家具[jiā ju]
  1. 松木家具我们备货不多。

    We don 't carry a large stock of pine furniture .

  2. 他喜欢把家具擦得亮亮的,一切都安排得井井有条。

    He liked polishing the furniture and making everything just so .

  3. 浅色的墙壁完全衬托出家具的特色。

    The pale walls provide a perfect foil for the furniture .

  4. 现代家具有点过于简朴,我不大喜欢。

    Modern furniture is a little too severe for my taste .

  5. 她安排将家具海运到英国。

    She arranged for the shipping of her furniture to England .

  6. 我们的家具完全是用监管林中的木材做的。

    Only wood from managed forests is used in our furniture .

  7. 这件家具备有组装工具和说明书。

    The furniture comes complete with tools and instructions for assembly .

  8. 我们怎么腾得出地方放这些家具呢?

    How can we make room for all the furniture ?

  9. 我们的新办公室需要添些家具。

    We 'll want more furniture for the new office .

  10. 他们的家具许多都是从别人扔掉的东西中捡来的。

    Much of their furniture was scavenged from other people 's garbage .

  11. 用型板给墙壁和家具增添些个人风格。

    Use stencils to add a few personal touches to walls and furniture .

  12. 屋子里摆满了五花八门的家具和绘画。

    The room was filled with a motley collection of furniture and paintings .

  13. 我扛了一整天的家具。

    I 've been humping furniture around all day .

  14. 屋里所有的家具都搬走了。

    The room had been emptied of all furniture .

  15. 我们扔掉了所有的旧家具。

    We got rid of all the old furniture .

  16. 我们重新摆放了卧室里的家具。

    We 've rearranged the furniture in the bedroom .

  17. 所有的家具均采用天然材料精心制作而成。

    All the furniture is crafted from natural materials .

  18. 我们需要买一些新家具。

    We need to buy some new furniture .

  19. 你改变了所有家具的位置。

    You 've changed all the furniture around .

  20. 你能帮我挪几件家具吗?

    Could you help me shift some furniture ?

  21. 我在挪动家具时崴了脚。

    I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process .

  22. 我们花了一上午量来量去,决定家具怎么摆。

    We spent the morning measuring up and deciding where the furniture would go .

  23. 小心别刮坏家具。

    Be careful not to scratch the furniture .

  24. 他们的家具美观多于实用。

    Their furniture was more aesthetic than functional .

  25. 这里所有的家具都是用木料制作的。

    All the furniture was made of wood .

  26. 所有这些家具都是英国货。

    All the furniture is of English provenance .

  27. 购买新家具可能会花钱太多。

    Buying new furniture may prove too costly .

  28. 房间里什么家具都没有。

    The room was empty of furniture .

  29. 所有的房间都配置了舒适的家具。

    All the rooms were comfortably furnished .

  30. 地下室有地方存放旧家具之类的东西。

    There 's room in the cellar to store old furniture and what have you .