
  • 网络household debt
  1. 英国的占收入部分家庭负债达世界最高水平。

    Britain 's household debt is among the world 's highest as a share of income ;

  2. 而家庭负债仍接近历史高点,约为可支配收入的130%。

    But household debt is still close to record highs at about 130 per cent of disposable income .

  3. 例如,1994年至2005年期间,英国家庭负债占GDP的比例从108%升至159%。

    Between 1994 and 2005 , for example , the liabilities of UK households jumped from 108 per cent of GDP to 159 per cent .

  4. 然而,家庭负债现在是国民产出的1.28倍。

    Yet household indebtedness now stands at 128 per cent of national output .

  5. 这是唯一一个使美国从家庭负债中更快解脱出来的办法。

    It is the only way to speed up relief for indebted American households .

  6. 不断飙升的房价和不断加剧的家庭负债是政策得以发挥作用的两种工具。

    Soaring house prices and rising household indebtedness were the vehicles through which policy worked .

  7. 几乎以所有标准衡量,英国的房地产估值与家庭负债程度都更高。

    On almost any measure , housing valuations and household indebtedness are still more extreme .

  8. 但在当前的环境中,增加家庭负债将导致个人财务问题增加。

    But in the current climate , increasing the family debt would cause added personal financial problems .

  9. 美国家庭负债记录单越来越长,储蓄率上升似乎势在必然。

    Household balance sheets in America are so stretched that a rise in the saving rate seems inevitable .

  10. 中国家庭负债水平较低,而且,即使房价大跌,资本雄厚的银行也承受得住。

    Chinese households have low debt levels and even a dramatic fall could be borne by well-capitalised banks .

  11. 俄罗斯家庭负债水平低,所得税税率固定为13%。

    Levels of household debt are low and Russia has a flat income tax rate of 13 per cent .

  12. 家庭负债水平仍保持高位,并可能会在一段时间内限制零售和房地产市场增长。

    Household debt remains very high and is expected to constrain retail spending and the housing market for some time .

  13. 在1990年之前的所有衰退中,家庭负债水平不到目前水平的一半,即使是2001年,也比这一水平低五分之一。

    In every recession prior to 1990 it was less than half that level , and even in 2001 it was a fifth lower .

  14. 在美国,在那些经历了房产价格兴衰、出现大笔家庭负债的社区,需求最为疲软。

    In the US , demand is weakest in communities where a boom and bust in house prices has left an overhang of household debt .

  15. 只要家庭负债还是可支配收入的两倍左右,只要爱尔兰人和爱尔兰公司继续努力减债,内需就不会增长。

    Nor will it , as long as household debt is about 200 per cent of disposable income and Irish people and companies continue to deleverage .

  16. 彼得斯说:家庭负债处于可控范围内,企业债务亦不是问题。因此,在再度开始消费前,两者都不需要重新融资。

    Household leverage is manageable and corporate debt is not a problem either , so neither group will have to rebuild its finances before starting to spend again , says Ms Peters .

  17. 从上世纪90年代中期起,德国的失业率就以令人担心的速度上升。与此同时,德国的家庭负债额也在增长,2000年达到顶峰,占可支配收入的112%,与美国当时的状况类似。

    Together with unemployment , which began rising alarmingly in the mid-1990s , household indebtedness also grew , peaking at112 per cent of disposable income in2000 , similar to that in the US .

  18. 而年轻一些的劳动家庭负债较多,受益就会小一些;尤其是他们的工资未涨,甚至在下降,而且由于公共债务水平高企,未来他们的税负铁定会上涨。

    Younger working families which have larger debts , benefit less ; particularly since their wages are flat or falling and their tax bill looks set to rise in the future , due to the high levels of public debt .

  19. 一位花旗集团的经济学者南森•史特斯估计到目前家庭负债已经达到了可支配收入的120%,其中100%-110%应该是由当前利率、失业率和资产价值的结构所造成的。

    Nathan Sheets , an economist at Citigroup , reckons that household debt , now running at 120 % of disposable income , should be 100 % to 110 % given the current configuration of interest rates , unemployment and asset values .

  20. 寻求更高回报率的廉价美国资金无疑在东南亚(尤其是泰国)找到了安乐窝;美元提供的信贷资金促进了泰国的经济增长,并激起了一轮消费热潮,当然同时也使泰国家庭负债达到了令人担忧的水平。

    Cheap US funds in search of higher returns certainly found an easy home in southeast Asia , notably Thailand , where the credit the dollars provided lifted growth and helped fuel a consumer boom ( and worrying levels of household debt ) .

  21. 政府、公司和家庭的负债总额与国内生产总值(GDP)之比大幅增加至240%,相当于金融危机时的两倍。

    Total debts owed by the government , companies and households have ballooned to 240 per cent of gross domestic product , virtually double the level at the time of the global financial crisis .

  22. 家庭过度负债的后果是什么?

    What are the consequences of too much household debt ?

  23. 但家庭资产负债表不会很快得到修复。

    But household balance sheets will not be rebuilt soon .

  24. 化解家庭高负债率风险

    Diffuse the High Risk of Family Debt

  25. 其中一项因素可能是美国家庭的负债水平。

    One of these may be the level of indebtedness of households in the us .

  26. 工作时间下降和工资增长缓慢,意味着美国的消费将进一步受到抑制负债累累的家庭资产负债表和信贷收紧已经抑制了该国的消费。

    And falling hours plus sluggish wages mean a further drag on US consumption already constrained by debt-laden household balance sheets and tight credit .

  27. 在家庭资产负债状况因房价下跌而恶化、消费信心低落时,消费者可能会不计成本的借款偿付债务。

    When household balance sheets are damaged by falling house prices and confidence is low , consumers may start repaying their debts regardless of the cost of borrowing .

  28. 为老人举办的葬礼必须遵循既定的形式,必须要表现出相当的仪式,必须要举行符合死者的地位、年龄的仪式,哪怕这样做会让死者的家庭因此负债。

    Funeral rites for an elderly person must follow the prescribed form and convey relevant respell : rites befitting the person 's status , age etc. must be performed even if this means the family of the deceased must go into debt to pay for them .

  29. 摆脱过度负债的必要性已引发了去杠杆周期——家庭总负债与总收入之比已从2007年的泡沫峰值134%下降至近九年低点114%,在五年中前所未有地跌去了20个百分点。

    The necessity of crawling out of excess indebtedness has led to the mother of all deleveraging cycles : the aggregate household debt / income ratio has contracted from the bubble-high 134 per cent in 2007 to a nine-year low of 114 per cent . That is an unprecedented 20 percentage point decline in five years .

  30. 我们的使命是教育和帮助家庭成为无负债和真正金融独立!

    Our mission : to educate and help families become debt free and financially independent !