
  1. QWD公司家电物流经营模式研究

    The Study on QWD Company 's Electrical Home Appliances Logistics Management Model

  2. 本文研究的背景是在目前家电物流领域,如何减少中间环节,缩短家电旅行时间;如何避免重复运输,减少家电旅行成本;

    This text background of research in the field of logistics of electrical home appliances at present , how reduce intermediate link , shorten the traveling time of electrical home appliances ;

  3. 结合实际的应用背景,分别建立了城市生活垃圾(MunicipalSolidWaste,MSW)回收物流系统、扩建的MSW回收物流系统和废旧家电回收物流系统LRIP问题的数学模型。

    With the actual application background , there were also established the mathematical models of municipal solid waste ( MSW ) recycle logistics system , expanded MSW recycle logistics system and waste appliances recycle logistics system LRIP , respectively .

  4. 提出电子商务环境下,对家电连锁物流配送模式选择决策的一些建议,为B2C电子商务环境下家电连锁企业物流配送模式选择决策提供一定的理论指导。

    The electronic commerce environment , some suggestions for the home appliance chain logistics distribution mode selection decision , provide some theoretical guidance for the B2C e-commerce environment of home appliance chain enterprises logistics mode decision .

  5. 中国家电企业物流模式选择的关键因素分析

    The Critical Factors Analysis That Chinese Home-electricity Manufactories Choose Logistics Pattern

  6. 废旧家电逆向物流网络构建及仿真优化

    Building of reverse logistics network and simulated optimization of discarded appliances

  7. 废旧家电逆向物流的激励机制研究

    Motivation Mechanism of Reverse Logistics of Discarded and Used Family Appliance

  8. 家电产品物流配送载体选择的多目标决策研究

    Research on the Multi-objective Decision-making for Carrier Selection in Household Appliance Distribution

  9. 我国家电销售物流渠道研究

    Study on the Home-Appliance Distribution Logistics Channel in China

  10. 中国出口家电反向物流网络及其优化研究

    The Study of Reverse Logistics Network and its Optimization for Export Electrical Home Appliances of China

  11. 最后,还对废旧家电逆向物流系统规划进行了论述。

    At last , we also discuss the system planning of reverse logistics of disused household appliance .

  12. 论述了废旧家电逆向物流系统激励机制的原因,激励机制的构成以及逆向物流的委托代理机制。

    The paper discusses the cause and form of motivation mechanism of reverse logistics and principal-agent theory of reverse logistics .

  13. 循环经济视角下废旧家电逆向物流模式研究

    The Research on the Model for Reverse Logistics of the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment from the Perspective of Circular Economy

  14. 根据我国农村的发展现状,未来农村家电产品物流配送的运作模式主要有自营物流、外包物流、自营+外包物流三种模式。

    Fourth , here are three models about future household appliances distribution : self-logistics , outsourcing logistics , self + outsourcing logistics under current development in countryside .

  15. 目前,家电行业物流配送模式主要有五种,各种物流配送模式均有其产生的背景与运作的特点。

    At present , it has five kinds of logistics models in the home appliance industry , each of the logistics model has its own background and advantage .

  16. 可持续发展也已确定为我国的发展战略,但我国至今尚未建立一个完善的废旧家电逆向物流系统。

    Sustainable development has also been the development strategy of our country , but we haven 't built a reverse logistics system of disused household appliance so far .

  17. 当前我国家电企业物流运作主要有三种模式:自建物流系统、将物流外包给第三方以及这两种模式的结合。

    There are three main modes to operate the logistics : self-support logistics system , outsourcing logistics to a 3rd party and the combination of these two modes .

  18. 首先介绍了逆向物流的定义及其内容;接着探讨了我国开展家电逆向物流的紧迫性及必要性;

    The paper introduces the definition of reverse logistics at the very first , then it explores the importance and necessity of reverse logistics operation of waste appliances industry in China .

  19. 其中外包物流模式虽然短期内不会成为农村家电产品物流配送的主要运作模式,但是随着农村消费市场的逐渐繁荣,最终会成为未来农村家电产品物流配送的主要方式。

    The outsourcing logistics model which is not a major logistics operation in short-term , but as the prosperity of the countryside market , it will become the main logistics distribution model eventually .

  20. 最后对如何规范和畅通废旧家电逆向物流渠道、实施网络回收等也提出了参考意见。

    Finally , it puts forward suggestions for how to regulate and flow callback channel of reverse logistics of discarded and used household appliances , and for how to actualizing recycling by networks .

  21. 此外,废旧家电逆向物流的顺利进行还需要一个适合的治理结构,本文从交易成本经济学的角度对废旧家电逆向物流系统的治理结构进行了分析。

    Because we need a suitable governing structure to carry out reverse logistics of disused household appliance , we also discuss governing structure of reverse logistics of disused household appliance from transaction cost economics point .

  22. 本文针对这种体系进行了研究,分析了我国目前废旧家电逆向物流运作的现状和存在不足,尝试构建符合我国国情的废旧家电逆向物流体系,并给出了对策和建议。

    This article studies on this kind of system , analyzes the current situation and insufficiency of reverse logistics of discarded and used household appliances in China , then attempts to construct reverse logistics systems conforming to national condition and brings forward the countermeasure and suggestion .

  23. 文章首先介绍了国内外逆向物流和废旧家电逆向物流的实施与发展现状,回顾了作为文章理论基础的物流理论、产品生命周期理论以及多属性决策理论的文献。

    The article first introduced the implementation and the development situation of Reverse logistics and end-of-life appliances Reverse logistics at home and abroad , review the basic theory of logistics 、 economical circulation and sustainable development , as well as the literature of the life cycle of production .

  24. 本文的主要贡献在于,对目前我国废旧家电逆向物流中存在的几种体系进行了总结,归纳出三种体系:民间回收体系、电子垃圾处理中心体系、供销社/物资回收中心体系。

    This article has summarized several kinds of reverse logistics systems of discarded and used household appliances in China and summed up three kinds of systems , including Folk recycling system , Electron garbage disposal center system , Supply and marketing cooperative / The commodity recycling center system .

  25. 废旧家电逆向物流,也即我们俗称的废旧家电回收,是指以废旧家电产品的资源化利用和无害化处理为目的,对消费者使用后的废旧家电产品组织进行的收集、运输和储存活动。

    Reverse logistics of discarded and used household appliances , also named as the recycling of waste electric appliances , refers to the activity of collecting , transporting and storing discarded and used household appliances so as to achieve the goal of recycle using of regional resources and reduce treatment .

  26. 基于Voronoi图的家电回收逆向物流系统的研究

    Research on Reverse Logistics System of Family Appliance recycling Based on Voronoi Diagrams

  27. 循环经济下我国家电生产企业物流体系的重构

    Reverse Logistics System Planning for Electrical Appliance Manufacturing Corporations in China

  28. 中国家电制造企业物流模式的选择问题研究

    Research on Problems about the Selection of Household Appliance Manufacturers in China

  29. 家电行业逆向物流分析及模型研究

    Research on Reverse Logistics Model in Family Appliance Industry

  30. 我国大型家电连锁企业物流创新策略研究

    The Research on Innovation Strategy of Logistics in Large-sized Chain Enterprise of Houshold Appliance