
  1. 去年,美国家庭人寿保险公司(Aflac)的高管们为一些高薪职务寻找员工时,他们摒弃了传统的简历和面试流程。

    When insurance executives at Aflac sought employees for plum assignments last year , they abandoned the traditional resumes and job interview routine .

  2. 随着全面建设小康社会发展战略的实施,中国必将有更多的家庭购买人寿保险。

    Carry out as what build comparatively well-off society to develop the strategy in the round , China is sure to more families are bought life-insurance .

  3. 在应用的最后一个页面,用户可以联系利宝互助,获得更多关于该公司产品的信息,包括家庭保险、人寿保险和意外保险。

    On the final screen of the app , users could contact Liberty Mutual for more information on the products they offer including home , life and accident insurance .

  4. 迈尔斯的出现带来的不仅仅是情感上的轩然大波,他以前的家庭也被自由人寿保险公司请进了法庭,要求偿还高达八十万美元的死亡赔偿金外加多年的利息。

    Besides the emotional complications , Myers 's homecoming also was contentious legally . After his return , the family became embroiled in a court battle with Liberty Life Insurance , which claims the Myers family owes $ 800000 plus interest in death benefits .