
  • 网络family trust
  1. 这份遗嘱订立已有7年。据知情人士透露,迈克尔•杰克逊(MichaelJackson)的遗嘱将财产留给一个家族信托基金,该基金将把巨额财产分给他的三个孩子、他母亲以及慈善团体。

    Michael Jackson 's seven-year-old will bequeaths his estate to a family trust , which in turn is to distribute his sizable assets among his three children , his mother and charities , according to people with knowledge of the trust 's terms .

  2. 他声称,他和他的家族信托曾向州立的巴伐利亚银行(BayernLB)前高管格哈德•格里布科夫斯基(GerhardGribkowsky)支付4400万美元,以阻止他向税收当局透露埃克尔斯通的财务信息。

    He claimed he and his family trust paid $ 44m to Gerhard Gribkowsky , a former executive of the state-backed bank BayernLB to stop him giving information about Mr Ecclestone 's financial affairs to tax authorities .

  3. 杰克逊家族信托基金的委托条款没有公布。

    But the terms of the Michael Jackson Family Trust haven 't been made public .

  4. 保罗的祖父倒是立下了一笔家族信托基金,但管理得一塌湖涂。

    Paul 's grandfather did set up a family trust fund , but it 's been horribly mismanaged .

  5. 20年前,对冲基金直接从个人和家族信托获得多数资金。

    Two decades ago , hedge funds obtained most of their funds directly from individuals and family trusts .

  6. 2012年,李嘉诚把李泽楷在家族信托中的份额转移至李泽钜名下,并指定李泽钜为他的继承人。

    In 2012 he transferred Richard 's stake in the family trust to Victor and named the latter as his successor .

  7. 一名洛杉矶法官已作出决定,在不丧失与家族信托基金分享的前提下,迈克·杰克逊的母亲能够挑战其子的遗产管理人。

    Michael Jackson 's mother can challenge the administrators of his estate without losing her share in a family trust , a Los Angeles judge has ruled .

  8. 凯瑟琳·杰克逊的律师表示,尽管杰克逊的遗愿里包含一条不与家族信托基金“不争夺”的条款,她还是希望拥有更多遗产的决定权。

    Katherine Jackson 's lawyers had said she wanted more say in the estate even though Jackson 's will contained a " no contest " clause to the family trust .

  9. 自那以来,李氏家族信托一直通过长江实业持有和记黄埔的少数股权。长江实业是李嘉诚于1950年创立的一家塑料花生产企业。

    Since then his family trusts have held a minority stake in Hutchison through Cheung Kong , the company he founded in Hong Kong in 1950 to make plastic flowers .

  10. 根据该公司披露的消息称,通过不同的公司及家族信托,纪凯婷持有龙光地产大多数股权。2013年12月,龙光地产上市第一天股价即涨了2.4%,使得纪凯婷成了亿万富豪。

    Company documents indicate that she is the majority shareholder , the settler of the trust and acts " in accordance with Mr. Ji 's directions . " The company went public in December 2013 and its stock rose 2.4 % on the first day of trading , making Kei a billionaire .

  11. 默多克家族的信托基金控制了21世纪福克斯公司和新闻集团(NewsCorporation)将近40%拥有表决权的股份,而鲁伯特·默多克在该基金中比他的子女拥有更多的权利。

    The Murdoch family trust controls almost 40 percent of the voting shares of both 21st Century Fox and News Corporation , and Rupert Murdoch has more rights in the trust than his children .

  12. 例如,coutts银行就参与了建立家族慈善信托等架构,然后帮助管理其中的资金。

    Coutts , for example , is involved with setting up structures such as family charitable trusts , and then managing the money in them .

  13. 刘特佐在声明中表示,这所公寓归其家族的信托公司所有,他和家人“来纽约时,有时会到住在这里”。

    Mr. Low 's statement said that the condo was owned by his family 's trust and that he and other family members " stay there from time to time when they are in New York . "

  14. 洛克菲勒家族在鲁西斯信托基金会和联合国扮演了重要角色。

    The Rockefellers have played a role in Lucis Trust and the United Nations .

  15. 我们所说的家族企业包括家族信托、投资控股、基金会&任何家族成员共同做的事。

    And under family enterprises , we include family trusts , investment holdings , foundations – so anything that the family does together .

  16. 刘特佐最近告诉《纽约时报》说,那套顶层公寓不是为投资者买的,而是由他的家族的一个信托基金拥有。

    Mr. Low recently told The New York Times that he had not purchased the penthouse for investors , and that it was owned by his family 's trust .

  17. 然而,默多克年长的子女以及家族律师向沃尔夫表示,并没有重新商议默多克家族信托基金分配方式这样的计划。该基金管理着新闻集团38%的股权。

    However , his older children and the family 's lawyer told Mr Wolff that there was no such plan to renegotiate the trust that manages the 38 per cent stake .