
jiā tínɡ yǐnɡ yuàn
  • home theater;home cinema
  1. 好:声音棒家庭影院系统,没有AV接收器所需的,没有足够的低音炮低音输出;

    The good : Sound bar home theater system ; no AV receiver required ; adequate bass output without subwoofer ;

  2. 这个隐蔽门是CBR定制的创造品,我们推荐你进行订购,搭配自己家庭影院的装饰。

    As this hidden door is a custom creation from CBR , we 'd recommend ordering yours to match your own home theater decor .

  3. DVD录像机逐渐成为数字家庭影院的中心。

    DVD Recorder becomes to be the center of digital home theatre gradually .

  4. 即使时代华纳集团(TimeWarner)旗下的家庭影院频道(HBO)等倾向于个性导演的市场,实际上也充当着艺术家和观众之间的过滤器。

    Even auteur-friendly outlets like Time Warner 's ( TWX ) HBO act as filters between artist and audience .

  5. 一个是AppleTV机顶盒,价格229美元,放在我的客厅里,通过一个标准的家庭影院系统播放数字音频和视频。

    One is an Apple TV , a $ 229 set-top box in my living room that plays digital audio and video through a standard home-theater system .

  6. 广泛用于家庭影院、AV系统、电脑、日光灯、电风扇等电器设备。

    It is widely used in the home theatres , AV systems , computers , daylight stamps , electric fans and other electric equipments .

  7. 我想同您商讨一下能否与贵公司合资建立一家企业,共同生产最新款式的逐行扫描DVD家庭影院系统。

    I would like to discuss with you the possibilities of establishing a joint venture with your company to manufacture progressive-scan DVD home cinema systems of the latest model .

  8. 事实上,一些粉丝实在太不满意了,他们似乎想要说服HBO(美国家庭影院)更换主创戴维·贝尼奥夫和D·B·威斯,重聘编剧执笔,并重拍整个第八季。

    Some are so unhappy , in fact , it seems they want to convince HBO to remake the entire season 8 by replacing Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss with new writers at the helm .

  9. 单机家庭影院系统,就是以DVD播放机为基础,将功放系统、收音系统有效整合为一体的多功能消费电子产品。

    Home Theater in a Box ( HTiB ) is a kind of consumer electronics that is based on DVD player , and integrate the amplifier system , radio system into one product .

  10. 对卢卡斯电影来说,进行各方面的努力是一件好事情,比如说他们已经有了多样化的出版版本,修订版的视频版本和家庭影院及DVD版。

    It 's perhaps a good thing Lucasfilm are going to all this effort , as there have already been multiple special editions , revised versions and box sets on both DVD and VHS .

  11. EaglesNest,BayofIslands,NewZealand新西兰岛屿湾五个远离喧嚣的别墅,隐藏在北新西兰岛屿湾的半岛中,混合了海景和最简约的当代家具、抽象艺术和迷人的配件、包括平板电视和家庭影院系统。

    Five secluded villas , hidden away on a peninsula in northern New Zealand 's Bay of Islands , blend ocean vistas with minimal contemporary furniture , abstract art and glam gadgets , including flatscreen TVs and home cinema systems .

  12. 如果你是独特隐蔽门和时尚家庭影院的超级粉丝,那么,创造性建筑资源(CBR)设计的家庭影院售票处的门将两者完美地结合在一起。

    If you are big fan of unique hidden doors and cool home theaters , the Home Theater Ticket Booth Door from Creative Building Resources ( CBR ) combines the best of both worlds .

  13. Kaleidescape系统,高端的家庭影院和音响系统。

    Kaleidescape , Kaleidescape System , high-end home cinema and music system .

  14. 底线:三星的硬件-C450是一个非常薄的家庭影院音响系统,酒吧的声音出奇的好电影,但缺少HDMI连接。

    The bottom line : The Samsung HW-C450 is an exceedingly thin sound bar home theater system that sounds surprisingly good with movies , but lacks HDMI connectivity .

  15. 数字音频压缩标准AC-3算法已在广泛领域得到应用,如DVD,HDTV等,是发展家庭影院的主要技术之一。

    Digital audio compression standard AC-3 algorithm has been widely utilized in various fields , such as DVD and HDTV , and is regarded as one or the key techniques for home theatre .

  16. 就游戏机、流媒体播放器或家庭影院电脑而论&索尼、任天堂、苹果和Roku,恕我直言,XboxOne没有任何水平接近的对手。

    When it comes to game consoles , media streamers , or home theater PCs with apologies to Sony ( SNE ) , Nintendo ( ntdoy ) , apple ( AAPL ) , and roku nothing else comes close .

  17. 背光遥控-当前的BDP-93配备了一个完全背光控制家庭影院遥控器在黑暗的易用性。

    Back-lit Remote Control-The BDP-93 comes with a fully back-lit remote control for ease of use in dark home theaters .

  18. 它在获得最佳纪录片提名的影片中是个异数——它来自A24公司,颇受欢迎,票房不俗,在家庭影院市场也销量颇高。

    It was a rarity among documentaries - a popular film that drew a substantial audience at the box-office for A24 , and sold well in home markets .

  19. 松下(Panasonic)在CES2009一口气推出了许多家庭影院,值得一提的是:SC-TZ1。

    Panasonic announced a range of home theater systems at the CES2009 but the one which deserves mention is the SC-TZ1 .

  20. 2016年8月,贝嫂一家搬入新家,此前他们特地邀请知名设计师RoseUniacke担任总监,设计了家庭影院、室内泳池和带有空调系统的花园。

    They employed celebrity designer Rose Uniacke to oversee the whole project , which also includes a home cinema , indoor pool and even an air-conditioned garden before making the move in August 2016 .

  21. 在2012谷歌开发者年会上,NexusQ初次亮相,并被分发给参会者。NexusQ是一种球形机顶盒,能从谷歌在线商店(只能从谷歌商店)传输音乐或电影到你的家庭影院。

    First shown and given to attendees at Google I / O 2012 , the Nexus Q is a set-top box in the shape of an orb that streams either music or movies to your home theater from Google Play and Google Play only 。

  22. 在2012谷歌开发者年会上,NexusQ初次亮相,并被分发给参会者。NexusQ是一种球形机顶盒,能从谷歌在线商店(只能从谷歌商店)传输音乐或电影到你的家庭影院。

    First shown and given to attendees at Google I / O 2012 , the Nexus Q is a set-top box in the shape of an orb that streams either music or movies to your home theater from Google Play and Google Play only .

  23. MPEG编解码标准自从诞生以来就一直发展迅速,并随着多媒体娱乐系统、家庭影院等数字化产品的到来而对整个影音市场产生了深远的影响。

    Since the birth day of MPEG encode standard , it has been rapidly advanced and will be of great influence upon the whole AV market with the popularity of multi-media entertainment system , home cinema system , and so on similar digital products .

  24. 我们得为家庭影院设计一个新的广告。

    We 've to make a new ad for home theatre .

  25. 使用你的电脑,建立了一个令人难以置信的家庭影院系统。

    User Your PC To Build An Incredible Home Theater System .

  26. 他买新家庭影院花了很多钱。

    He blew a lot of money on his new home theater .

  27. 完全傻瓜指南家庭影院系统。

    The Complete Idiots Guide to home theater systems .

  28. 家庭影院市场技术的现状与展望

    Status and Forecast of Family Theatre Market and Technology

  29. 家庭影院环绕立体声系统设计

    Surround Stereo Technology and Family Cinema AV System Design

  30. 莱克斯?他送我家庭影院干吗?

    You mean lex ? Why would he send me a home-theater system ?