
  • 网络Energy efficiency labeling;energy efficiency label;CHINA ENERGY LABEL;Energy Rating label
  1. 建筑能效标识管理研究

    Study on Administration of Energy Efficiency Labeling of Building

  2. 我国能效标识制度

    China Energy Efficiency Labeling System

  3. 企业在实施能效标识制度中值得注意的几个问题

    Some Crucial Points in Energy Labeling System ` s Implementation

  4. 中国进入能效标识时代

    China enter energy efficiency label ages

  5. 扩大能效标识范围和节能节水产品政府采购范围。

    We will expand the scope of energy efficiency labeling and the list of energy-and water-saving products for government procurement .

  6. 文章从制度实施框架、管理体系及基本内容等方面介绍了我国能效标识制度。

    This paper introduces the energy efficiency label system in China , including its implementation framework , management system and basic ideas .

  7. 一级指标包括建筑能耗指标、室内环境质量指标、可再生能源利用指标,是居住建筑竣工验收节能效果评价的结论性指标,可作为建筑能效标识指标。

    Senior indexes which are energy efficiency label indexes include building energy consumption index , indoor environment index and renewable energy sources index .

  8. 建立了建筑节能市场中的信息不对称导致逆向选择的经济学模型和建筑能效标识的信号传递模型。

    The economic model of adverse selection result from information asymmetry in the market and the signaling model of energy efficiency in buildings were made .

  9. 建筑能效标识是近年来在建筑节能领域中发展起来的一种创新性的管理方式。

    Energy efficiency labeling of Building is a kind of innovative administration mode developed in the domain of energy efficiency in buildings in the last years .

  10. 第二部分介绍了能效标识的基本理论,阐释了能效标识的概念、分类、作用以及国内外能效标识的应用现状。

    The second part introduces the basic theory 、 explain the concept of energy efficiency 、 classification 、 and the role of energy efficiency at home and abroad .

  11. 能效标识制度作为我国一项重要强制性节能管理措施,目前实施的产品包括房间空调器、家用电冰箱、电动洗衣机和单元式空调。

    Now , energy efficiency label is one of the most important mandatory energy saving management methods in China and applies to air conditions , refrigerators , washing machines and unitary air conditions .

  12. 它包括节能住宅需求体系、新建住宅节能技术开发与能效标识服务体系、节能住宅设计与建造服务体系、住宅节能运行管理服务体系等。

    It includes residential energy demand system , service system of energy-saving technologies and energy efficiency labeling for new residential . design and construction services for energy efficient residential , operation and management system of residential .

  13. 本文介绍了我国能效标识的管理框架和实施步骤,对比分析了国际能效标识的发展历程和经验教训,并提出了建议。

    This article introduces the energy labeling regulation and implementation procedure , compares and analyzes the developing process of international labeling , and its experiences and lessons , and then proposes some suggestions for China energy label implementation .

  14. 如法规、经济激励政策不完善,设计标准未体现区域差异性,标准覆盖的范围不全,节能能效标识制度未推广,宣传教育力度不足等。

    Such as regulations and economic incentive policy is imperfect , and design standards does not reflect regional differences , the standard covers incompletely , energy-saving energy efficiency labeling system is not promoted , publicity and education go far enough .

  15. 分析了传统节能管理方式过于强调行政手段的弊端,提出建筑能效标识是一种基于市场的建筑节能管理手段。

    The limitation of traditional administration mode of energy saving , which had an emphasis on executive measure , was analyzed and summarized , and it was concluded that energy efficiency labeling of building was a means of energy efficiency in buildings administration .

  16. 建筑能效测评标识制度方案选择分析

    Selection and analysis of building energy efficiency evaluation and labeling system

  17. 《民用建筑能效测评标识技术导则(试行)》的若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on some problems of " The civil energy efficiency labeling technology evaluation guidelines ( trial )"

  18. 建立我国能效信息标识制度的有关问题4.为网络子系统之间的通信提供了安全信息标识机制,从而更有效地支持网络强制访问控制;

    Discussion on Promoting Energy Efficiency Information Labeling in China 4 . We also provide network security information labeling mechanism , so that two hosts can exchange and use their security information conveniently ;

  19. 能效标准、标识认证与高效照明产品

    Energy Efficiency Standard , Labeling , Certification and Efficient Lighting Products

  20. 我国能效标准和标识制度的现状、问题与对策

    The Present Situation , Questions and Countermeasures of China 's Standard and Marking System of Energy Effect

  21. 能效标准、标识制度是确定能源节约与浪费的尺度,是政府对节能实行管理和调控的有力措施,也是衡量用能单位是否达到节能的准则。

    The technical improvement is beneficial to energy - conservation . Energy conservation should be led by the government . The standard and marking system of energy effect are the powerful measures and criteria of energy conservation .