
  • 网络Capability Maturity Model;CMM;cmmi;sw-cmm;SEI CMM
  1. 软件能力成熟度模型以软件工程过程为目标,而人员能力成熟度模型以生产力管理过程为目标。

    The CMM for Software targeted software engineering processes , while the People CMM targets workforce management processes .

  2. 人员能力成熟度模型基于在其他组织已被证明有效的生产力实践以及过程改进技术。

    The People CMM is constructed from workforce practices and process improvement techniques that have proven effective through application in many organizations .

  3. 追溯性是能力成熟度模型(CapabilityMaturityModel)中的基本概念。

    Traceability is an essential concept in the Capability Maturity Model .

  4. Software(SW-CMM)v2.0draftC的能力成熟度模型

    The Capability Maturity Model for Software ( SW-CMM ) v2.0 draft C

  5. 能力成熟度模型(CMM,Capabilitymaturitymodel)和敏捷软件方法已经成为软件过程管理方面的主流方法。

    Capability Maturity Model and Agile Software Process have been the main measures of software process and quality improvement .

  6. 系统架构主要借鉴了统一建模语言UML、软件能力成熟度模型CMM。

    System structures use the techniques of UML and CMM for reference .

  7. 这并不意味着需要有其他前提,例如,并不需要高能力成熟度模型(CapabilityMaturityModel,CMM)级别的工作经验。

    This does not necessarily mean , for example , working at a high Capability Maturity Model ( CMM ) level .

  8. 软件能力成熟度模型CMM(Capabilitymaturitymodel)已经作为衡量软件企业开发能力的标准之一在全球范围内使用。

    CMM ( Capability Maturity Model ) has been used worldwide as the criteria of the development abi-lity of the software company .

  9. 软件能力成熟度模型CMM的框架与内容

    Frame and contents of sei ′ s Capability Maturity Model

  10. 能力成熟度模型CMM在小型软件企业中的应用研究

    The Study of CMM Applied in Small Type Software Enterprises

  11. 此外,著名的定义是由软件工程协会(SoftwareEngineeringInstitute,SEI)为其能力成熟度模型所提供的

    An additional , and well-known definition , is provided by the Software Engineering Institute ( SEI ) for its Capability Maturity Model

  12. 本文试图通过研究能力成熟度模型CMM(Capabilitymaturitymodel)在小型软件企业中的应用,为小型软件企业找到一个解决问题的方法。

    This paper try to find a way the solution these problems by studying the application of CMM , Software Capability Maturity Model .

  13. 软件工程与能力成熟度模型CMM探讨

    Exploration on Software Engineering and Capability Maturity Model CMM

  14. E-learning过程能力成熟度模型研究

    A Study on E-learning Process Capability Maturity Model

  15. 论软件能力成熟度模型CMM

    Discussion about capability maturity model for software CMM

  16. 能力成熟度模型(Capabilitymaturitymodel,CMM)是一种基于过程改进的管理模型,强调分阶段地持续改进过程能力的思想。

    Capability Maturity Model provides is a management model based on process improvement , emphasizing the idea of improving process capability continuously according to some phases .

  17. 软件能力成熟度模型CMM及其评估框架CAF初探

    Probing into the Capability Maturity Model for Software and CAF - CMM Appraisal Framework

  18. SOA项目和获取SOA得技术需求与能力成熟度模型(CMM)非常相似。

    Approach your SOA project and the capturing of SOA technical requirements much like the Capability Maturity Model ( CMM ) .

  19. 软件能力成熟度模型(CMM)的信号传递机制分析

    Analysis of CMM Signal Transmission Mechanism

  20. 本文利用信息经济学的理论,对软件质量控制的方法即软件能力成熟度模型(CMM)的信号传递机制,进行了分析。

    Employing the information economics , this thesis researched the signal transmission mechanism in CMM operation .

  21. 软件能力成熟度模型CMM及其在我国的发展

    CMM and its Development in China

  22. 文章首先对Rational统一过程以及敏捷方法中的Scrum和极限编程作了简要概述,基于能力成熟度模型集成进行了评估和比较;

    An overview of the Rational Unified Process ( RUP ) and agile methods including Scrum and XP is given first .

  23. 解决上述问题最好的方法就是&软件能力成熟度模型(CMM)。

    The best way to deal with such problems is Software Capability Maturity Model ( CMM ) .

  24. ISO9000和CMM(软件能力成熟度模型)是两种国际通用的质量管理体系。

    ISO 9000 and Capacity Maturity Model ( CMM ) are two international prevailing quality control systems .

  25. SSA努力遵守一个新的过程处理标准,能力成熟度模型(CapabilityMaturityModel,CMM),并且将它的软件评估能力集中起来。

    SSA was striving to comply with a new process standard , the Capability Maturity Model ( CMM ), and to centralize its software estimation capabilities .

  26. 其中,软件能力成熟度模型CMM是目前被广泛采用的软件过程能力评估和改进的指导框架。

    Software Capability Maturity Model ( SW-CMM ) is a widely used approach to process capability assessment and improvement .

  27. 能力成熟度模型集成(CapabilityMaturityModelIntegration,CMMI)是在能力成熟度模型(Capabilitymaturitymodel,CMM)基础上的发展和完善,是当今软件过程改进领域的重要成果。

    Capability Maturity Model Integration ( CMMI ), which developed on the basis of Capability Maturity Model ( CMM ), is the important production in current software process improvements field .

  28. 如软件工程学会(SoftwareEngineeringInstitute,SEI)的能力成熟度模型集成(CapabilityMaturityModelIntegration(CMMI))所定义的那样,过程可追溯性确保开发过程满足组织的过程目标。

    Process traceability ensures the development process satisfies organizational process goals , as defined by the Software Engineering Institute 's ( SEI ) Capability Maturity Model Integration ( CMMI ) .

  29. 1991年,在软件生产和消费方面都一直走在世界前列的美国,推出了一个指导软件组织改善软件过程的软件能力成熟度模型,这就是CMM(capabilitymaturitymodelforsoftware)。

    In 1991 , capability maturity model for software-so-called SEI CMM is developed in American where production and consumption of software lead the field , which can direct software organization to improve software process .

  30. 在这之后,将范围缩小到SEI的软件过程能力成熟度模型(CMM)上面,并介绍作者在CMM方面的研究工作,构架出CMM的体系架构。

    After this , we focus on the Capability Maturity Model for Software . Research work on CMM in introduced .