
  • 网络Software Configuration Management System
  1. UCM模型描述了团队是如何影响软件配置管理系统的,如开发人员何时、如何引入变更的策略。

    UCM models describe how the team interacts with the software configuration management system , such as the team 's policy on when and how a developer can check in changes .

  2. 支持分布式协同开发的软件配置管理系统研究

    The Study of Software Configuration Management System Supporting Distributed Collaborative Development

  3. 软件配置管理系统XML数据模型及原型研究

    The XML Data Model of Software Configuration Management and Research on its Prototype

  4. 柔性软件配置管理系统的研究

    Research on Flexible Software Configuration Management System

  5. 然后,配置文件从软件配置管理系统中得到。

    Then the configuration file is retrieved , for example , from a software configuration management system .

  6. 软件配置管理系统&CIMS实验工程软件配置管理的计算机辅助工具

    A software configuration management system - The computer-aided tool for the software configuration management system of CIMS experimental engineering

  7. 本文重点研究并实现了该系统的重要组成部分&软件配置管理系统。

    Especially , this thesis researches and realizes the important component of this system & the software configuration system .

  8. 基于B/S模式软件构件配置管理系统的研究

    Study on Software Component Configuration Management System Based on B / S Mode

  9. 支持变更影响分析的软件测试配置管理系统

    Software Test Configuration Management System Supporting Change Impact Analysis

  10. 通过一个产品生命周期管理(PLM)软件的配置管理子系统的开发介绍,总结和分析了动态属性配置技术应用的工作要领及其各阶段模型体系的具体表现形式。

    Conclude and analyze the main mechanism of Dynamic Attribute Configuration Technique and the modeling system in each phase via the design of a Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) configuration management subsystem .

  11. Perforce是一种软件配置管理(SCM)系统。

    Perforce is a software configuration management ( SCM ) system .

  12. 许多的项目多年使用其他不同的软件配置管理(SCM)系统。

    Many projects haves been running for years that use various other software configuration management ( SCM ) systems .

  13. 软件配置管理(SCM)系统跟踪构成最终产品的软件模块的不同版本。

    Software Configuration Management ( SCM ) systems track the versions of software modules that make up a software end item .

  14. 一个好的软件配置管理(SCM)系统可以帮助你减少局部性的混乱,因为它提供了一个稳定的环境允许你控制你做了什么样的变更和什么时候做的变更。

    A good Software Configuration Management ( SCM ) system can help reduce that endemic confusion because it provides a stable environment that lets you control what changes you make and when .

  15. 这很成问题,因为没有哪种简单方法可以从软件配置管理(SCM)系统中搜索模型信息,也无法保证团队有权访问SCM系统中的模型。

    That was problematic , because there was no easy way to search the software configuration management ( SCM ) system for model information and no guarantee that the team had access to the models in the SCM system .

  16. 这种方法已由北京大学软件工程国家工程中心应用于青鸟软件配置管理系统(JBCM)。

    This method has been put into use in Jade-bird Software Configuration Management System ( JBCM ) developed by National Engineering Research Center for Software Engineering of Peking University .

  17. 在并行软件开发过程中,版本管理和团队支持是软件配置管理系统的两大基本任务。

    In parallel development , version management and team supporting are two basic tasks of configuration management .

  18. 为了保证军队指挥系统的软件质量,结合军用指挥自动化软件的开发特点,研究与开发了一套软件配置管理系统。

    In order to guarantee the software quality of military command systems , a set of software configuration management systems was developed in terms of the development features of military command automation .

  19. 本文通过对软件生存周期和软件过程模型的分析,论述了从需求基线出发来进行软件配置管理的必要性,提出了基于需求基线的软件配置管理系统(BSCM)要实现的目标。

    After analyzing the software lifecycle and process model , this thesis discusses the necessity of requirement baseline in SCM , and then advances the objective of SCM system based on requirement baseline ( BSCM ) .