
  • 网络Software Testing Engineer;Software Test Engineer;QA Engineer
  1. 如何成为一个好的软件测试工程师?

    What makes a good Software Test engineer ?

  2. 在其他情况下,根据对相似类型的项目的经验,一个软件测试工程师可能会准确知道在哪里找“致命缺陷”。

    In other cases , a software test engineer may know exactly where to find " killer bugs ," based on experience with similiar types of projects .

  3. 首先也是最重要的是:要记住,作为软件测试工程师,你创建的工具是通往一个终点的路。

    First and foremost , remember that as software test engineers , the tools you build are means to an end .

  4. 目的是帮助软件测试工程师和管理者了解这些特征,以及如何在他们自己的团队中培养这些特征。

    The objective is to help software test engineers and managers understand these characteristics and how to cultivate them in their own teams .

  5. 我认为一个模型在所有,或至少是许多创建和维护测试工具的软件测试工程师那儿,会工作得更好。

    I think that a model where all , or at least many , of the software test engineers also build and maintain the test tools works much better .

  6. 在本文中,我将考虑孙子的书孙子兵法中的古老战略,并且将它们应用于高水平软件测试工程师的领域中。

    In this article , I will consider ancient strategies from Sun Tzu 's book The Art of War and apply them to the realm of the high-performing software test engineer .

  7. 论文对广大的硬件和软件开发工程师及测试工程师具有较高的参考价值。

    This paper is valuable for hardware and software design engineer .

  8. 主修软件技术的专职毕业生可以在这些外包公司里做软件开发员,软件测试工程师,数据管理员,技术支持及维修专员,软件销售人员。

    The vocational graduates majoring in Software Technology could be the software developers , software testing engineers , database administrators , technical support and maintenance staff , software sales and promotion staff of these companies .

  9. 软件研发是一个以知识型员工为主体的行业,大多数从业人员为软件工程师、测试工程师、系统分析师等。

    Knowledge workers are the most important part of the Software industry . Most employees are the software engineers , test engineers , systems analysts and so on .