
  • 网络FTA;FTAs;free trade agreement
  1. 东盟国家的双边自由贸易协定及其效应

    ASEAN 's Bilateral Free Trade Agreement in and its Effect

  2. 双边自由贸易协定的理论重构与实证研究

    Bilateral Free Trade Agreement : Theoretical Reconstruction and Empirical Research

  3. 新一代双边自由贸易协定的比较与借鉴&以日新FTA、欧墨FTA为例

    Comparing and Drawing upon the New Generation of Bilateral Free Trade Agreements

  4. 建立和完善自由贸易区的法律基础,是自由贸易区相关的各项协议,尤其是双边自由贸易协定(FTA)。

    The base of free trade area is the agreements concerned , especially FTA .

  5. 双边自由贸易协定(FTA)的签署可以为成员国带来巨大的经济利益与政治利益。

    The establishment of FTA brings huge economic interests and great political benefits to member countries .

  6. 通过商签双边自由贸易协定(双边FTA)推进一国或地区的经济贸易增长,已成为当今国际经贸发展的重要趋势。

    It has become an important trend in the current development of international economy and trade to advance economic and trade growth of a country or region by negotiating and signing bilateral free trade agreements ( bilateral FTAs ) .

  7. 加拿大和美国一直在商谈一项双边自由贸易协定。

    Canada and the United States have been negotiating a bilateral free-trade deal .

  8. 在这种情况下,简单易成、立竿见影的地区或双边自由贸易协定便迅速流行开来。

    Under this case , the bilateral free trade agreement which is simple and efficient is rapidly prevalent .

  9. 中国和柬埔寨签署了双边自由贸易协定,这是这个东南亚国家首次签署双边自由贸易协定。

    China and Cambodia have signed a bilateral free trade agreement , a first for the Southeast Asian country .

  10. 已有的地区或双边自由贸易协定(如北美自由贸易区)大多富有成效,产生了一定的示范效应,激发更多国家重视此道。

    The regional or bilateral free trade agreements which have existed ( such as NAFTA ) are all mostly effective and generate example effect .

  11. 在一些新型的区域或双边自由贸易协定签订过程中,都涉及到有关劳工标准的谈判。

    In the signed process of some new regional or bilateral trade agreements , where had involved matters related to the negotiation on the labor standards .

  12. 在世界贸易组织框架下的多边自由贸易谈判陷入僵局的时候,越来越多的国家积极开展双边自由贸易协定的谈判。

    More and more countries went after bilateral free trade negotiations when multilateral free trade framework under Doha Round of World Trade Organization went to deadlock .

  13. 既加入多边经济合作组织,又积极参与地区或双边自由贸易协定,已成为世界绝大多数国家参与经济合作的方针和实践。

    It has become a trend for many countries to participate in multi-lateral economic cooperation organizations and meanwhile actively take part in regional or bilateral Free Trade Agreements .

  14. 美国国会议员说,如果韩国不恢复进口美国牛肉,就会严重影响去年签署的双边自由贸易协定在美国国会获得通过。

    American lawmakers say failure to resume U.S. beef imports here in South Korea could seriously threaten the passage of the two-way free trade agreement signed last year .

  15. 自由贸易区谈判在即,我需妥善处理东盟内部的差异问题,与东亚域内外国家的关系,以及双边自由贸易协定与区域自由贸易区的关系等问题。

    Given the coming talks on the free trade area , China has to properly deal with differences among ASEAN states and issues of inter and intra-relationships of East Asian states .

  16. 她说,美国政府将继续跟韩国合作,建立消费者对美国牛肉的信心。并通过一个更加广泛的双边自由贸易协定。

    She says Washington will continue to cooperate with South Korea to build consumer confidence in the safety of U.S. beef , and to ratify a much broader two-way trade liberalization deal .

  17. 尤其是在多边自由贸易协定多次受挫和依然受到不公平贸易待遇的情况下,中国转而重视双边自由贸易协定的作用。

    Particularly , under the circumstance of negative feedback from the multilateral free trade agreements and unfair trade environment , China began to pay more attention to the bilateral free trade agreements .

  18. 这主要是由于新加坡积极发展对外经济的缘故,新加坡是目前世界上签订双边自由贸易协定最多的国家之一。

    To a large extent , this success attributed to its active foreign economic policy . Till now , Singapore is one of the countries who signed most bilateral free trade agreements in the world .

  19. 加入世贸组织后,中国逐渐重视双边自由贸易协定的积极作用,继中国-东盟(10+1)自由贸易区之后,中国和澳大利亚的自由贸易协定正在协商之中。

    China gradually pays attentions to the positive effects of Free Trade Areas ( FTA ) . After the construction of ASEAN-China (" 10 + 1 ") FTA , China is negotiating the free trade agreement with Australia .

  20. 2009年12月08日韩国通商部常务副部长李惠民7号表示,韩国与欧盟可能在明年第一季度正式签署双边自由贸易协定。

    2009-12-08 The South Korea-European Union ( EU ) free trade agreement is likely to be sealed in the first quarter of next year , Lee Hye-min , Seoul 's Deputy Minister for Trade , said on Monday ( Dec.7 ) .

  21. 迫于国内企业的压力,辛格不愿降低针对中国制造企业的关税壁垒。面对中国方面提出的签署双边自由贸易协定的要求,他转而呼吁在明年10月之前完成有关区域贸易协定的可行性研究。

    Under pressure from Indian businesses , reluctant to lower tariff barriers for Chinese manufacturers , Mr Singh parried Beijing 's request for a free-trade agreement , calling for a feasibility study for a regional agreement to be prepared by October next year .

  22. 2006年10月4日,欧盟委员会建议把欧盟的对外贸易政策从依赖多边贸易谈判转移到新的双边或地区自由贸易协定的谈判上来。

    On October 4 , 2006 . European Commission suggested that the European external trade policy should transfer from the multilateral trade negotiations to new bilateral or regional free trade agreements negotiations .

  23. 另一方面,加大与贸易伙伴国进行双边与区域性自由贸易协定谈判的力度,推动以美国为中心的双边与区域贸易自由化。

    On the other hand , the US has also strengthened free trade negotiations with its trading partners and has achieved bilateral and regional trade liberalization .