
  • 网络backdoor
  1. 虽然反恐法仍是草案,但在过去的几个月里,中国已经给诸如银行和金融等特定行业制定了新规则,要求信息技术供应商交出源代码,接受侵入式的审计,并建立进入硬件和软件的所谓后门。

    Although the antiterrorism law is still in draft form , over the last few months China has passed new regulations for specific industries , like banking and finance , requiring information technology suppliers to turn over source code , to submit to invasive audits and to build so-called back doors into hardware and software .

  2. 戴尔在一份声明中称,公司没有与任何(美国或其他国家或地区)政府合作对公司产品做手脚,为监听制造机会。这当中包括植入软件或所谓的后门。

    Dell , in a statement , said it ' does not work with any government - United States or otherwise - to compromise our products to make them potentially vulnerable for exploit . ' That includes software implants or so-called backdoors .