
  • 网络software productivity
  1. 第4代的语言(4GL)具有易掌握,使用方便、灵活,非过程化程度高,面向问题,并可成数量级地提高软件生产率等特点,成为了目前应用开发的主流工具。

    The fourth generation language ( 4GL ) is easy to grasp and easy to use , flexible , high-level process and issue-oriented . It may become magnitude to improve software productivity .

  2. 关于软件生产率度量

    On Software Productivity Measurement

  3. 该核心环境支撑Modula-2的增殖编译和分别调试设施,并将编辑与调试集成起来,有利于提高软件生产率。

    The kernel environment supports incremental compiling and separate debugging of Modula-2 programs . It also supports the integration of the editor and the debugger , which may improve the productivity of software .

  4. 其目的在于提高软件生产率和软件产品质量。

    The goal of automatic programming is to improve the productivity and quality of software .

  5. 静态分析对于保证程序质量,提高软件生产率有重要的意义。

    Static analysis is of significant importance to guarantee software quality and improve software productivity .

  6. 在该环境下,应用开发仅包括应用定义、应用生成和应用执行三个阶段,从而显著地缩短了应用开发周期,可成倍甚至成数量级地提高软件生产率。

    The application development cycle comprises only three phases , i. e. application definition , generation and execution .

  7. 它容易掌握,使用方便,用它表达结构化程序比流程图更优越,有利于提高软件生产率。

    Easy to learn and convenient to use , it has advantage over flowcharts in expressing structured programs , and improves the productivity of software development .

  8. 通过使用这些技术,可以为VLIW处理器的特殊功能部件生成高质量的代码,并且可以提高软件的生产率。

    Using these tech-niques , it is able to generate high quality code for a VLIW processor 's special purpose function units , and obtains an exciting acceleration in software productivity .

  9. 这样做的好处在于提高软件的生产率,改善软件质量。

    The benefits are increasing the software productivity and improving the software quality .

  10. 如何使得抽象模型能够显现地、仿真模拟实际应用系统,早期发现系统设计的缺陷,是提高软件系统生产率和质量的关键。

    Enabling abstract models to simulate practical application system in a manifesting way and detecting drawbacks in system design at early stage can significantly enhance productivity and quality of software system .

  11. 这将极大地提高您软件开发的生产率。

    This will enhance your software development productivity a lot .

  12. 它的结果是提高了公司在开发系统和软件方面的生产率,质量以及效率。

    The result is improved productivity , quality , and efficiency in the way teams develop systems and software .

  13. 研究新的开发方法、技术和工具以提高软件项目的生产率和质量一直是软件工程研究的热点。

    Studying new development approach , technology and tool is focuses that software engineering is being studied all the time in order to improve the productivity ratio and quality of the software project .

  14. 面向对象技术对提高软件质量及软件生产率的影响

    About Effect on Object-Oriented Techniques Improving Software Quality and Production Rate

  15. 作为资本和人才高度密集的软件产业,劳动生产率的高低直接决定着企业是否具备核心竞争力和持续地发展能力。

    As a capital and talent intensive industry , labor productivity directly decides the enterprise whether have the core competitiveness and sustainable development ability .

  16. 软件重用是提高软件生产率、保证软件质量的重要方法之一,而程序设计语言中的继承机制是软件重用的有效途径。

    The inheriting mechanism in object-oriented language is an effective approach to software reuse .

  17. 基于构件的软件开发是提高软件生产率和质量的一条现实可行的途径。

    Component reuse is considered as a practical and feasible approach to improve efficiency and quality in the software development .

  18. 软件复用是提高软件开发生产率和软件产品质量的一条行之有效的途径。

    Reusing software is a feasible way to improve software productivity and software quality .

  19. 软件重用技术是提高软件生产率的重要途径之一。

    Software reusing technique is an important way to increase the productivity of software .

  20. 软件复用技术是提高软件生产率和软件质量的一种技术,是大工业生产技术在软件产业的延伸。

    Software reusable technology can improve the production rate and quality of software , which is the extension of large industry in the field of software industry .

  21. 实践已经证明,软件复用技术不仅可以提高软件生产率和软件质量,而且也是降低开发成本、缩短开发周期的重要途径。

    It has been proved that software reuse is practical and feasible approach to realizing software standardization , raising software productivity , improving software quality , reducing development cost and shorting development cycle .

  22. 软件复用被视为提高软件生产率和质量的有效途径,而如何在可复用的软件构件库中找到需要的构件是一个需要解决的难题。

    Software reuse is regarded as an efficient way to promote efficiency and quality of software production . How to find out the needed component in the useable component warehouse is a difficult problem which need to solve .

  23. 软件定量化以提高软件质量和生产率为目标,推动软件产业向正规化、可管理化迈进。

    The aim of measurement is to improve software quality and productivity .

  24. 探索新的软件开发方法和技术以提高软件生产率和质量一直是软件工程学研究的焦点。

    It is always a focus of Software Engineering 's researches that we explore new software developing methods and techniques , to improve the productivity and quality .

  25. 实现软件生产的自动化还可以大大提高软件生产率。

    The productivity of the softwares can be greatly increased .

  26. 软件行业走向工业化的主要障碍是软件生产率和质量的提高问题。

    The improvement in productivity and quality of software has become a main obstacle for software business to be industrialized .

  27. 在软件开发过程中,如何提高软件的生产率、如何改善软件的可维护性,是人们亟待解决的问题。

    In the process of software development , the urgent problem is how to improve the software productivity , and how to improve the software maintainability .

  28. 随着软件生产的规模不断加大,对软件生产率的要求不断提高,迫切需要解决更高抽象层次级别的复用问题。

    With the software produce scale enlarging continually and the software productivity demand enhancing gradually , the reuse question of higher abstract level need to be resolved urgently .

  29. 软件构件技术被认为是有效提高软件生产率,缩短产品交付时间和提高软件质量的新希望。

    Software component ( SC ) technology is regarded as the new hope to upgrade productivity of SC , shorten date of delivery , and raise quality of the software .

  30. 软件工程的目标是提高软件的质量与生产率,最终实现软件的工业化生产。

    To improve the quality and efficiency is the goal and ends up with the industrialization of software .