
  • 网络software evolution
  1. 软件演化技术在MIS中的应用研究

    Research and Application of Software Evolution Technology in MIS

  2. 论文针对SEOL语言,在Eclipse平台下以插件的形式设计并实现了一个针对软件演化的执行引擎工具。

    This thesis designs and realizes an execution engine for software evolution based on SEOL under the Eclipse platform as a plug-in .

  3. 软件演化过程元模型描述了一个完整的软件演化过程,而CSP基于严密的语义特性表达能力和演算推理分析能力可以对软件演化过程进行良好的语义描述分析和检测。

    The meta-model of software evolution process is described the evolution of a complete software process and CSP semantic features based on strict reasonable skills and analytical calculations the software evolution process can be a good semantic analysis and testing .

  4. 利用通信顺序进程(CSP)的基本性质对软件演化过程元模型进行了描述,通过CSP的基本成分事件和进程,结合CSP相应的操作符号,将软件演化过程元模型的四个层次进行了描述。

    Using the basic nature of communicating sequential processes describe the meta-model of software evolution process . By the basic components CSP events and processes , combining with the operation of CSP corresponding symbol , the software element model of the evolution of the four levels described .

  5. 软件演化由一系列复杂的变化活动组成,所以对软件变化甚至演化进行管理显得比较复杂而又困难。

    Software evolution consists of a series of complex change activities .

  6. 基于并行设计模式的软件演化方法研究

    The Method Research for Software Evolution Based on Parallel Design Pattern

  7. 此时,软件演化逐渐显现出来,成为了领域中的研究热点。

    Software evolution appears and becomes a researching hot spot .

  8. 如何实现软件演化是软件工程领域的一个研究热点。

    It is a hot topic of software engineering to implement software evolution .

  9. 一种基于模糊概念格和代码分析的软件演化分析方法

    An Evolution Analysis Method Based on Fuzzy Concept Lattice and Source Code Analysis

  10. 软件演化已经成为了软件生命周期中最重要的形态之一。

    Software evolution has become an important characteristic in the software life cycle .

  11. 基于构件运算的软件演化研究

    Study on Software Evolution Based on Component Operations

  12. 从实践上证明了基于逻辑的软件演化方法的可行性和正确性。

    It practically proves the feasibility and validity of software evolution based on logic .

  13. 除此,还介绍了基于此方法的支持软件演化所实现的一个工具,并通过实例对该方法加以了验证和说明。

    A tool in AOP for supporting the system evolution was developed and illustrated in instances .

  14. 软件演化管理的复杂性决定了对软件演化管理的研究首先应从宏观层面入手。

    Software complexity decides that the research of managing software evolution should start with the macroscopical level firstly .

  15. 软件演化是指在软件系统的生命周期中软件维护和软件更新的动态行为。

    Software Evolution is a dynamic activity of software maintenance and update in the life cycle of software system .

  16. 这样就把软件演化归结为构件运算表达式的变动,运用代数理论对基于构件的软件演化理论与方法进行研究,为软件演化提供可靠的理论支持。

    In research of component operation and software evolution method , this paper studies software evolution based on component operation .

  17. 软件演化就是指对遗传软件系统在其生命周期中不断维护,不断完善的系统动力学行为。

    Software evolution is the dynamic behavior of programming systems as they are maintained and enhanced over their life times .

  18. 这一切为构件的可演化分析、软件演化的管理奠定基础。

    All of these lay the foundation for the component evolving capability analysis , the software evolution management . 3 .

  19. 提出了一种支持形式化的软件演化过程模型的效率度量方法和改进策略。

    The paper addresses an efficiency measurement and an improvement strategy for the Formal Software Evolution Process Model ( FSEPM ) .

  20. 近年来,软件演化已成为了软件生存周期中最重要的形态之一,成为了今天软件工程研究的热点领域。

    Recently , software evolution has become the most important form in the software life cycle and a hot area of software engineering research .

  21. 认为随着软件演化,度分布系数和入度分布系数呈下降趋势,最大节点入度值则呈增大的趋势;而出度分布系数和最大节点出度值则变化有限。

    With the evolving software , both the degree distribution coefficient and in-degree distribution coefficient tend to decrease but the in-degree of maximum node tends to increase .

  22. 论文首先对基于构件的软件演化进行了研究,指出构件演化是软件演化的主要形式;然后对构件演化的概念和技术进行了讨论。

    Firstly , the article studies the component-based software evolution . As a component is a separate coherent software module and component evolution in the highest flight .

  23. 在研究国内外现有方法的基础之上,文章提出基于模型切片的软件演化度量框架,在这个框架中,模型切片成为演化的核心。

    In this paper , the author proposed a software evolution metric framework based on model slice after study a mount of researches in abroad or at home .

  24. 软件演化过程作为软件演化中的工作流程,其目的在于建立软件演化的整体任务框架并提高软件演化的效率。

    The software evolution process as the work flow in the software evolution , the purpose is to establish the whole task framework of software evolution and improving the efficiency of software evolution .

  25. 对比以往软件演化方面的工作,本文提出的方法不仅能够对单个构件进行演化,而且能够从软件体系结构这一高度对软件演化进行把握。

    Compare with the previous work of software evolution , the means of this paper not only can process single component evolution but also can process software evolution from the level of software architecture .

  26. 软件演化是指软件进行变化并达到人们所希望的形态的过程,分为静态演化和动态演化两种类型,本文重点关注软件动态演化。

    The changing process of software systems to meet the requirements of users is software evolution , which can be divided into static evolution and dynamic evolution , and this thesis focus on dynamic evolution .

  27. 动态更新是一种新型的软件演化技术,旨在不停机的条件下实现对软件模块的更新,以减少在系统维护期间的不可用时间和系统性能的降级。

    Dynamic updating is a kind of software evolution technology that updates software modules without interrupting the running system . So it can help to decrease the downtime and avoid the performance downgrade of a system during the period of maintenance .

  28. 但是,目前软件演化的研究都局限在构件的失效和软件本身出现的问题上,并且多为静态演化,而在涉及软件可信性的时候并没有考虑到动态环境对其产生的影响。

    However , current study of the software evolution , often of static evolution , is limited to component failures or software malfunction . The impact of the dynamic environment is not taken into account when the study bears on software trustworthiness .

  29. 一种基于XML的软件动态演化方法

    An Approach Based on XML to Software Dynamic Evolution

  30. GIS软件设计演化与求精实现的双向工程模型探讨

    Two-Direction Engineering Model for GIS Software Architecture Evolvement and Refinement