
  • 网络software architect;Senior Software Architect
  1. 我是一名软件架构师兼开发人员,但绝不是一名Web设计人员。

    I am a software architect and developer but by no means a web designer .

  2. 软件架构师打算开发一组提供Web订购系统的核心功能的服务。

    The Software Architect proposes to develop a set of services that provide the core capabilities of the Web ordering system .

  3. 其中一个版本“软件架构师之道(TheTaooftheSoftwareArchitect)”提供了有关敏捷性概念的启蒙思想。

    One version ," The Tao of the Software Architect ," offers enlightening thoughts about the concept of agility .

  4. 本文的目标读者是对XML和Web服务有基本了解且具有高级技能和经验的软件架构师和业务分析人员。

    It 's written for software architects and business analysts who have a basic understanding of XML and Web services and who have advanced skills and experience .

  5. 注册获得免费赠送的IBM软件架构师工具包:展示Rational产品的podcasts和演示。

    Register for the complimentary IBM software architect kit : Featuring podcasts and demos for Rational products .

  6. RationalSoftwareArchitect是一个应用在Java或C++平台上的为软件架构师和高级开发人员服务的设计工具和架构工具。

    Rational Software Architect is a design and construction tool for software architects and senior developers creating applications in either the Java platform or C + + .

  7. 本文有助于解决方案架构师和软件架构师使用通过SSL加密的IP连接在企业环境中构建安全性。

    This article should help solution architects and software architects set up security over IP connectivity with SSL in an enterprise environment .

  8. Tanya是一名Rational软件架构师和绿色线程系统验证测试团队的开发人员。

    Tanya is a developer on the Rational Software Architect and Green Threads System Verification Test teams .

  9. JosephBohn是IBM的一名高级软件架构师。

    Joseph Bohn is a senior software architect at IBM .

  10. 软件架构师与程序员项目(SoftwareArchitectandProgrammerprojects)走的更远,这样只要你有足够的兴趣和动力就可以参与进来。

    The Software Architect and Programmer projects have gone further with a more public call for contributions , so that anyone with sufficient interest and motivation can contribute .

  11. 软件架构师、设计人员和实现人员应该考虑在确定体系结构、设计或实现SOA解决方案时探索服务注册中心的使用(开发时)。

    Software architects , designers , and implementers should consider exploring service registries when architecting , designing , or implementing an SOA solution ( at development time ) .

  12. 当我们通盘使用Spring框架,或者软件架构师确信系统不需要十分细致的安全集成方案时,使用Spring安全就可以了。

    Using Spring Security is the way to go when we are using Spring frameworks as a whole or when the software architect knows that they will not need intensive security integration scenarios .

  13. 还可以在IBMRationalSoftwareArchitect重用这些业务模型,从而支持软件架构师基于业务分析人员捕获的信息创建UML模型。

    You can also reuse the business model in IBM Rational Software Architect , enabling the software architects to create UML models based on the information captured by the business analysts .

  14. StephenWatt在德克萨斯州奥斯汀实验室工作,是GlobalTIMCompetencyforIBMIntegratedOperations内的中间件集成解决方案方面的一名软件架构师。

    Stephen Watt is a Software Architect working on middleware integration solutions within the Global TIM Competency for IBM Integrated Operations at the lab in Austin , Texas .

  15. RayOzzie,微软的软件架构师,在PDC开场演讲中特别强调了服务和“云”。

    Ray Ozzie , Software Architect , opened the PDC with an emphasis on services and the " cloud " .

  16. RUPPlug-InforSOMA为软件架构师和设计人员提供了有关面向服务的体系结构的分析、体系结构和设计的具体指导信息。

    The RUP Plug-In for SOMA includes specific guidance for software architects and designers on the analysis , architecture , and design of service-oriented solutions .

  17. NateKohari(以下缩写为NK):我来自于俄亥俄州亚克朗市,今年25岁,是一名软件架构师。

    Nate Kohari ( NK ): I 'm a25-year old software architect from Akron , Ohio .

  18. 软件架构师Archie接收到了新需求已经被提交的通知。

    Archie , the software architect , receives the notification that the new requirement has been submitted .

  19. 什么工作角色进行BPEL流管理;是业务专家(分析人员),还是开发角色(软件架构师)?

    Which job role performs the BPEL flow engineering ; is it a business expert ( analyst ) or a development role ( software architect )?

  20. 例如,让我们假设您是软件架构师,总是按照软件需求规范(SoftwareRequirementSpecification,SRS)来将项目功能需求描述成一列不相干的“应该有”的条目。

    For example , let 's say you are a software architect who has always described project functional requirements as a list of unrelated " shall have " items in a Software Requirement Specification ( SRS ) .

  21. 软件架构师还与业务分析人员一起理解当前系统的数据需求及它们到IAA数据模型的关系。

    The Software Architect also works with the Business Analyst in understanding the data requirements of the current systems and their relationship to the IAA data model .

  22. 我们将讨论各种最佳实践(哪些内容设计为在哪种情况下使用)。本文的目标读者是对XML和Web服务有基本了解且具有高级技能和经验的软件架构师和业务分析人员。

    We will cover best practices ( what designs to use in which situations . ) It 's written for software architects and business analysts who have a basic understanding of XML and Web services and who have advanced skills and experience .

  23. ScottHanselman与AslamKhan有一次录音采访,Khan是一名南非的软件架构师和教练。

    Scott Hanselman has an audio interview with Aslam Khan a software architect and coach from South Africa .

  24. Paulo:软件架构师们通常关注在架构文档中的模块视图(也叫代码视图)。

    Paulo : It 's common for software architects to focus on the module view ( aka code view ) in their architecture documentation .

  25. 其他类型的建模不在本文的讨论范围内,例如软件架构师作为代码开发周期的一部分进行的UML建模,或影响分析中使用的企业建模。

    Other types of modeling are out of the scope of this article , for example UML modeling performed by a software architect as part of the code development cycle , or enterprise modeling used in impact analysis .

  26. Felix在讨论的最后总结道,软件架构师应该仔细查看架构评估的结果,以不断提高评估过程。

    Felix concluded the discussion by saying that the software architects should carefully watch the results of the architecture evaluation to continuously improve the evaluation process .

  27. 该向导专门给软件架构师和软件开发人员所用,被用来构建由多个团队开发的松散耦合组件组成的企业WPF客户端应用程序。

    This guidance is intended for software architects and software developers who are building enterprise WPF client applications from loosely coupled components developed across multiple teams .

  28. 在SOAD中,产出件代表软件架构师现在(或过去)在项目中获取的设计研讨纪要。

    In SOAD , outcomes represent a form of design workshop minutes that software architects capture in the present or past tense .

  29. SOAD框架使得知识工程师以及软件架构师能够管理决策依赖,这样他们可以检查模型一致性并删除不相干的决策。

    The SOAD framework lets knowledge engineers and software architects manage decision dependencies , so they can check model consistency and prune irrelevant decisions .

  30. BillWonch,本文作者之一,是Nebraska州劳工部的兼职讲师和软件架构师。

    Bill Wonch , one of the writer 's of this article , is an adjunct instructor and software architect for the Nebraska Workforce Development , Department of Labor .