
ruǎn jiàn wéi hù
  • software maintenance
  1. 用于软件维护的Oracle数据库移植工具

    An Oracle migration tool used for software maintenance

  2. 基于CMM的软件维护过程管理及其工具研究

    Software Maintenance Process Management Based on CMM and Tools Study

  3. 用Ghost软件维护校园网络机房

    The Maintenance of Campus ' Network Computer-room with Ghost Software

  4. 利用Ghost软件维护多媒体阅览室计算机

    Computer maintenance in multi-media reading room by ghost

  5. 现在企业普遍采用的管理信息系统(MIS)共同存在的特点就是:需要网络支持,需要较多硬件投入,软件维护工作量大。

    Corporations apply Management Information System ( MIS ) whose requirements are network , hardware and software maintenance .

  6. 这可能会进一步混淆业务逻辑和GUI描述代码之间的界限,从而使软件维护更加困难。

    This can further blur the line between business logic and the code describing the GUI which can make maintenance of the software more difficult .

  7. 普拉特纳表示,去年在经济危机之中,sap犯下了错误,试图提高软件维护费。

    Mr Plattner said SAP had made a mistake with its attempt to increase maintenance fees last year in the middle of the economic crisis .

  8. COCOMO模型在软件维护成本及进度估算中的应用

    Application of COCOMO in software maintenance cost and schedule estimation

  9. 我们将要追踪的活动流程从业务分析开始,在SiteA进行工作,输入将要得到的应用软件维护版本至IBMRationalRequisitePro中。

    The flow of activity we will track begins as a business analyst , working at Site A , enters a new requirement for the upcoming maintenance release of the application into IBM Rational RequisitePro .

  10. 软件维护复杂度是基于Halstead度量法来进行计算的。

    Maintenance complexity is a calculation based on Halstead metrics .

  11. Walker、IEEEstd982.1-1988及ISO/IEC9126-2000标准等提出的软件维护性度量方法,指出了今后研究的发展方向,对进行软件维护性的分析与设计工作具有指导意义。

    Walker , IEEE std 982.1-1988 and ISO / IEC 9126-2000 etc , and points out the direction of sequent research . It is significant for software maintainability analyse and design .

  12. 单一的C/S模式系统开发成本较高、软件维护复杂、系统移植困难,使管理系统在整个企业甚至更广泛范围内得不到充分利用;

    The C / S mode system has the disadvantages of high developing cost , complex software maintenance and difficult system migration , which make the fully utilizing of the manage system in the whole enterprise impossible , to say nothing of the usage in a broader scope .

  13. 随着Internet的发展,传统的WEB数据库访问技术(CGI、ISAPI、ADO、JDBC组件等)在效率和软件维护的方便性方面已经日益显露出越来越大的弊端。

    With the development of the Internet , the conventional WEB database technologies ( including CGI , ISAPI , ADO , JDBC , etc ) are becoming more and more restricted in efficiency and software maintenance .

  14. 针对软件维护组织维护能力成熟度展开研究,引入CMM分级改进的思想,围绕软件维护过程改进的5个方面展开描述,循序渐进地提出软件维护过程改进模型。

    In this paper , the capability of maintenance in software maintenance organizations has been studied , the ideology of grading in CMM has been imported , five aspects about the process improvement has been described , a model of software maintenance process improvement has been presented step by step .

  15. 软件维护一般包括修正缺陷和对应用程序做出改善。

    Software maintenance typically involves bug fixing and enhancing the applications .

  16. 高层架构恢复对软件维护和软件进化至关重要。

    Architecture recovery is crucial to supporting software maintenance and evolution .

  17. 应用程序需要升级,必须应用软件维护。

    Applications are upgraded , software maintenance must be applied .

  18. 基于硬盘保护的机房电脑软件维护研究

    Research on Computer Lab Computerized Software Maintenance Based on Hard Disk Protection

  19. 医学信息系统软件维护问题及其对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Software Maintenance of Medical Information System

  20. 这无疑增加了开发进程和软件维护的复杂度。

    This adds complexity to the development process , and software maintenance .

  21. 系统的软件维护工作主要集中于服务器上。

    System software maintenance focused primarily on the server .

  22. 利用这一方法能有效地提高软件维护业务的效率,降低维护成本。

    This tool can improve the efficiency and lower the cost in software maintenance .

  23. 并且强调了软件维护阶段是一个微型的开发周期,它开始于产品的某个维护请求,终于软件产品的退役;

    Then that the maintenance phase is truly a miniature development cycle is emphasized .

  24. 简而言之,我们把大部分的时间都耗费在了软件维护上面。

    Simply put , we put most of our time in maintenance of software .

  25. 运用远程控制软件维护铁路信息系统

    Maintaining Railway Information System used remote control software

  26. 用于软件维护阶段的实现方案

    The Realizable Projects of the Software Maintenance Stage

  27. 软件维护性与软件维护质量的度量

    Software maintainability and software maintainance quality metrics

  28. 用于软件维护的程序更新工具

    A program updating tool for software maintenance

  29. 从软件维护看软件开发

    Discussion on software development from software maintenance

  30. 围绕软件维护过程的计划、度量和层次方面展开描述,循序渐进地提出软件维护过程改进模型。

    The aspects of plan , measurement and level of software maintenance process have been described .