
  • 网络software reuse;software reused;software reusability;reuse software
  1. 持久层与软件重用在Web系统中的实现

    Persistence and software reuse achieving in the Web system

  2. 应用WebServices技术实现的软件重用

    Software Reuse Based on Web Services Technology

  3. 基于Agent面向软件重用的敏捷供应链模型

    A software-reuse-oriented agile supply chain model based on software agent

  4. 在MIS(ManagementInformationSystem)的开发中,软件重用是提高开发效率的一条重要途径。

    Software reuse is an important way to raise the efficiency of MIS ( Management Information System ) development .

  5. 充分证明了Web服务的最佳应用场合是软件重用和企业应用集成。

    This fully proves that the best applications of Web Services are software reuse and EAI .

  6. 软件重用技术与GIS软件开发研究

    Research on Software Reuse Technologies and the Development Methods of GIS

  7. 基于XML的软件重用技术探讨

    Study on Software Reuse Technology Based on XML

  8. 基于Java的软件重用技术及其应用

    Software Reuse Technology and Application Based on Java

  9. 浅谈软件重用技术及其在GIS软件开发中的应用

    Analysis of Software Reuse Technology and Its Use in The Development of Geographic Information Systems

  10. 该系统采用了基于Java的组件对象技术,提高了开发效率,实现了软件重用。

    In this system , Java-based component improves the developing efficiency and the reuse of software .

  11. Generic程序设计是实现软件重用的重要方法之一。

    Generic programming is a successful approach for reuse of software .

  12. 软件重用的MIS应用系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of MIS Application System Based on Reuse of Software

  13. MIS系统中查询模块的软件重用技术研究

    Research on Software Reuse Technology of Query Module in MIS

  14. 利用COM包容和聚合实现软件重用

    Implementation of software reuse by com containment and aggregation

  15. 框架技术是很重要的软件重用技术,传统的开发模式已经不能满足大型Web应用系统的开发需求。

    The framework is very important software reuse technology , and the traditional development model cannot meet the development needs of the large-scale Web application .

  16. 随着Web技术的不断发展,基于XML的WEBService技术在软件重用性和跨平台应用中起着日益重要的作用。

    With the development of technology based on WEB , Web Service based on XML plays an important role in software reuse and flexible cross-platform support .

  17. 基于构件化软件重用的ERP系统研究

    The Research of Component-based ERP

  18. 基于软件重用和AI技术的工程量计算软件框架

    The software frame of quantity calculating based on the software reuse and AI techniques

  19. 此外,通过对领域知识的UML建模,提高了领域内系统的软件重用层次,以便在面向对象的软件开发过程中获得最佳的软件重用时机。

    Moreover , the system 's software reuse level is improved in domain by modeling the domain knowledge .

  20. 接着利用Agent技术从分布处理、软件重用、主动性、智能性、自然建模等方面来分析和设计我们的网上实验系统。

    Next it analyzes and designs the web-based laboratory by using Agent Technology from some aspects such as distributed-deal , software reuse , initiative , intelligence , nature-modeling .

  21. DSSRE:基于WWW的分布式软件重用支撑环境

    Dssre : distributed software reuse supporting environment on WWW

  22. 软件重用在基于TMN的网络管理系统中的应用

    The Application of Software Reuse in TMN-Based Network Management System

  23. Ada语言与软件重用

    Programming language Ada and software reuse

  24. 使用扩展的UML进行建模,开发了一系列适用于软件重用的采购管理系统模型。

    Using expended UML to carry on modeling , and having developed a series of models suitable for Software Reuse on Purchase Management System . 5 .

  25. 利用研究的结论和其它软件重用技术,设计和实现了一种通用的计算机电话集成(CTI&ComputerTelephonyIntegration)应用系统开发平台。

    With the result of my research and other software reuse technologies , I designed and implemented a development platform of Computer Telephony Integration application system .

  26. 它适用于跨越防火墙通信、企业应用集成、B2B集成和软件重用等。

    It 's suitable in communications across firewall boundaries , enterprise application integration , B2B integration and software reuse .

  27. 阐述了COM可重用机制的基本概念,并着重论述其在软件重用方面的技术:COM包含和聚合。

    This paper expatiates on the base concept of COM reusability , and this topic focuses on the COM containment and aggregation technologies of software reusage .

  28. 本文研究了SpeechSDK的技术基础:软件重用技术,软件体系结构理论,面向构架/构件的软件开发方法。

    In this paper , technology basis of Microsoft Speech SDK , such as software reuse technology , software architecture , Architecture / Component based development , are researched .

  29. 介绍了运用面向对象中的统一建模语言UML设计应用系统的一般过程,以此为基础,对软件重用及其方法作了深入探讨。

    The process , to model a practical application system using object-oriented technology based on UML , is introduced in this paper . And , the software reuse techniques are discussed .

  30. 但多层的J2EE体系结构在提高软件重用性和降低问题复杂性的同时,也使得代码庞大,层与层之间的控制关系繁杂。

    However , the multi-layer J2EE architecture improves the reusability of a software and decomposes the complexity of a problem , which meanwhile makes codes large and control relationships among layers more complicated .