
  • 【计】software test
  1. Rough集在软件测试用例选择中的应用

    The Application of Rough Set on Selection of Software Test Case

  2. XML技术在软件测试自动化中的应用

    Application of XML Technology in Software Test Automation

  3. 作为保证Web质量和可靠性的重要手段,Web应用软件测试越来越受到人们的重视。

    People attach more attention to Web testing which is an important means of guaranteeing Web quality and reliability .

  4. C软件测试环境

    C Software Testing Environment

  5. 它们在软件测试期间执行完整性测试时也会有用,就像用Company例子所展示的。

    They can also be useful for carrying out integrity checks during software testing , as we showed with the Company example .

  6. Linux系统下应用软件测试解决方案

    Testing Solution Scheme of the Application Software based on the Linux System

  7. Web应用程序开发的复杂性使得Web应用程序测试技术的研究成为软件测试领域的研究热点。

    As web applications become complex , researches on testing technologies for web applications become a new area of software test .

  8. 阐述了一种用VISUALBASIC编程,基于GPIB(通用接口总线)的软件测试系统。

    A software measurement system based on GPIB and programmed in Visual Basic is demonstrated .

  9. 基于UML模型的面向对象软件测试是当前研究的热点。

    Current researches mainly focus on the UML-based object oriented software testing .

  10. 基于UML的软件测试自动化研究

    Research on Automated Software Testing Based on UML

  11. 软件测试方法在MIS中的应用研究

    Research and Application of Software Testing Methods in MIS

  12. 基于CMM的项目级软件测试

    The Project-level Software Test Based on CMM

  13. SA层的测试是软件测试领域的热点和难点。

    The testing at SA level is a hotspot and difficulty in the field of software testing .

  14. 统计数据软件测试数据的统计分析数据采用SPSS统计软件处理。

    The data were analyzed for frequency and tested for significance using the statistical software SPSS computer package .

  15. 论文阐述了自动化软件测试的发展状况,通过研究web开发技术的发展,比较不同的开发框架,分析了Django作为敏捷web开发的优势。

    Through the study of the web development technology and comparison between the different frameworks the paper analyzes the advantage of Django as agile development framework .

  16. Ada软件测试用例生成工具

    Ada Software Test Case Generation Tool

  17. 纵观现有的资料,关于B/S系统的软件测试技术的研究较少,所取得的成果主要是集中在通信协议测试和OO测试等方面。

    Unfortunately , the work and the articles about the B / S system are not very much . The achievements are concentrated on OO testing .

  18. 本文研究的进一步工作是要形成基于RUP过程的整个软件测试过程框架。

    The further work of this paper is to set up the whole frame of software test proeess based on RUP process .

  19. 软件测试的一种数学优化方法&由FokkerPlanck方程得到的Markov链算法

    A Mathematical Optimization Approach to Software Testing ── Via the Markov Chains Obtained from Fokker-Planck Equation

  20. 对于安装测试、构建验证测试、全球化验证测试和GUI软件测试,您可以使用操作系统虚拟实例。

    For installation test , build verification test , globalization verification test , and GUI software test , you can use the operating system virtual instances .

  21. 集成测试是面向对象软件测试的一个重要阶段,在基于UML协作图生成面向对象软件的集成测试用例的过程中,一个重要内容是测试序列的生成。

    Integration testing is an important step of object-oriented software testing ; generating test sequence is an important work of generating integration test case based on UML collaboration diagrams .

  22. 然而由于Web服务采用了新的体系结构和核心协议,其测试方法有别于以往的传统软件测试或网络协议测试,所以有必要对其测试方法和技术进行研究。

    However because the WS adopted new system structure and the core protocol , WS testing is different from in the former traditional software testing or the network protocol testing , so it is necessary to study its method and technology .

  23. 在autoTest的整个开发中,本人所做的主要工作如下:第一,研究了软件测试的基本技术,GUI的自动测试工具的基本原理&记录/重放。

    The author studies on the basic technology of software testing , the primary theory & record / playback .

  24. 基于LDRATestBed的汇编语言软件测试方法研究

    Assembly Language Software Test Method Based on LDRA TESTBED

  25. 因此,LTS状态树生成算法是导出软件测试计划和测试用例研究工作中的关键问题。

    Thus , LTS state tree generation algorithm is the key to deriving testing plans and testing cases from architecture descriptions .

  26. GUI录制回放技术在软件测试自动化领域有着广泛的应用,而这里主要讨论了将该技术运用在分布并行计算中。

    GUI Record and Playback technology is widely applied in the field of automatic testing for software , the application of this technology in distribute and parallel computing is mainly discussed .

  27. 本测试支撑系统能更加充分地发挥ImJUnit测试框架的作用,提高软件测试的质量,最终提高软件产品的质量。

    The test support system can fully display the function of Im_JUnit test frame , and improve software test quality . Finally enhance the software product the quality .

  28. TMM是软件测试成熟度模型,对软件测试过程有详尽的说明和指导。

    TMM meanings Testing Maturity Model , it has detailed specification and guidance to software testing process .

  29. 安装STAF(用于实现工具独立服务的软件测试自动化框架,比如写日志)

    Install STAF ( Software Testing Automation Framework for enabling tool-independent services , such as logging )

  30. 软件测试团队在基线b11(主要分组)的基础上开始工作。

    The software test team starts working based on baseline bl1 ( main branch ) .